Let me preface this by saying I love this game. I genuinely do. It's my favourite MMO on the market to date and I adore it.
But I've always struggled to 'main' it.
Why? Well, in a word: Megaservers.
Megaservers are a blight on MMO design that ensures that communities can only exist either in guilds or outside of the game entirely. You'll rarely, if ever, see the same player twice in the open world and that player might not even speak the same language as you, or have vaguely the same interests.
In a traditional MMO we would select a server. A community that shared our gameplay goals. Be it for a casual PvE experience, a PvP one or, in my case, a roleplaying server.
Megaservers offer none of this.
You're randomly sent to a phase with random people. Want to RP? There's a good chance you'll be disrupted by some clown jumping and clipping through you. If you can even find it. I've seen RP occurring in the world naturally TWICE and it was in French and German.
And if you want PvP? If you want the faction conflict to take place outside of Cyrodiil? Maybe you wanted ZOS' original plan for the bounty system? (I'm personally so glad they didn't include the PvP aspect, but others obviously aren't). You're kinda screwed. All the overland zones are PvE, which made sense at launch when we were all permanently separated by faction but with One Tamriel this is no longer the case.
So what can be done? Keep the tech. It's probably fundamental to how the game is built. But back in... what must've been 2013, you promised a toggle that would let us select a phase. The example used being if you wanted to RP, you could just click a button and you'd be phased with others who had clicked that button. That was a great idea. We need that in-game. And PvPers should be able to have a phase of their own too, where they can hunt down criminals for bounties or fight the enemy faction as they adventure through their zones. And perhaps most importantly, I'd like to see an option to join a phase based on language. On EU the language barrier is pretty damn immense given the variety of countries with different linguistic roots accessing the game, and I've had a few communication barriers recently that made me realise we all need our own homes.
I'm -so- very, very close to just flat out uninstalling World of Warcraft and making Elder Scrolls Online my forever home. But I want a place where I can see and join roleplay as it happens organically. Where I can see familiar names as I quest through Glenumbra to Murkmire. I don't want to have to rely on out-of-game tools and group invites to get that fix. That's not how a healthy MMO should function.
Anyway thanks for reading this rant. Hopefully it was more bearable than the last two.
EDIT: Removed the PvP part since people seemed to be bogged down by that and I honestly don't really care for it personally anyway.
Edited by Vrienda on February 13, 2022 3:52PM Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.