in Cyrodiil we get a daily quest to kill 40 enemy players. This is one of the gladiator quests with special rewards, so it's kinda important! This quest is now bugged for quite some time. It doesn't follow the same rules as those Kill 20 nightblades, kill 20 dragonknights etc. quests. This is true especially when you play in a group.
If you joined a group, you will get only a small amount of your kills and killing blows counted toward this quest. This might vary a bit depending on your class/build and the group.
When I play "solo", so not in a group, but still together with other players (AKA zerg surfing) I often get players counted toward this quest just for hitting them once. Sometimes I think even just for healing. I can finish that quest usually in 20 minutes to 1 hour, mostly depending on the kind of fights happening (the more is happening, the bigger the fights, the faster it works, especially those zerg fights outside of keeps, when one side is pushed, let's say between bleakers and ales farm or between bleakers and chalman mile gate, or between nikel and roe etc.; while sitting on a keep wall light attacking the enemies who don't die because they get healed up won't give you much kills naturally). The kill counter will go up very fast playing like that.
Now when I joined a group and I fight in the same or similar battles - well, the kill counter for this quest just stays the same. In 3 hours of raiding with my party I often get only about 5 players counted toward this quest progress. It's ridiculous. And that's happening as one of the top Damage Dealers in that group (Stamden in full medium 2 offense sets with Eye of the storm, Shalks, Whirlwind, you know the drill).
Some classes are supposed to finish that quest way faster, I don't know why. But that can't be the issue. It's definitely not the killing blows, because I know how many killing blows I do and numbers don't match. I'd say I get maybe one kill for that quest vs 50 kills or 10 killing blows.
Our theory is, that in group only ONE player can get the kill counted toward this quest. So when I've 12 ungrouped players hitting the same player, everyone will get that kill for the quest. If the same 12 players now group up, only one of them will get it. If 6 players stay solo and 6 players group up, those 6 solo players will get the kill and one player of the 6 grouped players. This is just a theory, but it would explain those numbers and quest progress we see depending on being grouped or ungrouped.
This issue is not new. It has been reported to the forums several times:
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/437194/kill-40-playershttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/417903/bug-kill-40-players-questhttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/437957/kill-40-players-quest-almost-undoable-for-healershttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/568870/kill-40-players-questhttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/448860/kill-40-enemy-playershttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/560373/kill-40-players-cyrodiil-quest-is-buggedhttps://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/414385/kill-40-players-cyrodiil-quest-buggedWill we ever see a fix for this quest?
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