kringled_1 wrote: »That ship has long since sailed. Regardless of whether or not you think weaving was a bug at the outset of the game, it is by now accepted and endorsed by the developers, and numerous sets and skills are balanced around it.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »As we approach update 33 and an acknowledgment has been made about the state of the servers/code, I have to ask the question, Why are we still propping up scaffolding around and duct taping a Zimmer frame to old man Light weaving?
why are we torturing ourselves to make a Beta Test Bug feel comfortable in 2022 despite the roulette wheel of "Will my skill actually fire at my target this fight" with the answer generally being "No" if you are playing with any amount of ping on your alt server account (EU/NA) or you are playing in prime time or during a high population event where even "the Imperfect" boss breaks for 2 days and your 100fps inexplicably feels like 20 (on multiple machines at multiple locations during the event)?
For my fellow players that are no doubt furiously typing that "It is more skilful to have weaving" or "But our DPS will suffer if you remove Light weaving" I would have to ask in their personal experience is it really more skilful to be absent mindedly slapping a button repeatedly while concentrating on pressing the buttons you actually want?
Is it desirable or optimal to be playing the game you love while deliberately triggering a unfixed bug multiple times in a fight while the combat is chugging and then complaining that you missed a no death run because X happened?
And we all know that any reduction in DPS due to removing light weaving would be compensated in additional damage added to skills.
So I pose the question, Would you sooner have a game that works better with no reduction in damage done or would you sooner put a drinking bird on your additional skilful bug triggering button?
I vote for a fixed game and Light attacks to be on the GCD with all the other player triggered skills...
>>>>> For now. <<<<
No thanks.
It would firstly make combat feel sluggish. I've tried it out before, just to see what it was like and it just makes it feel so boring.
Secondly, there has to be some skill gap. When you master weaving it feels like the game comes alive that bit more, and that you've improved
I don't just mean in pve either. Someone with good weaving will have an advantage in PvP, which they should. They're doing that bit extra.
Also, ult gain would be a lot slower, and too many sets are "when you light attack". It would feel bad to just stop doing skills, just to light attack to proc a set.
Bug or not, weaving is here to stay. And honestly, it only maker a difference in such a small part of the game, that it's not a big deal if someone doesn't master it. But on the flip to that, it gives people something to work on.
And maybe add Tap target so you also dont need to aim anything !!!
and then also implement chain skills so you dont even need to think about what skills i need to cast next.
sounds great lets make the game more cassual !!!
Lapin_Logic wrote: »No thanks.
It would firstly make combat feel sluggish. I've tried it out before, just to see what it was like and it just makes it feel so boring.
Secondly, there has to be some skill gap. When you master weaving it feels like the game comes alive that bit more, and that you've improved
I don't just mean in pve either. Someone with good weaving will have an advantage in PvP, which they should. They're doing that bit extra.
Also, ult gain would be a lot slower, and too many sets are "when you light attack". It would feel bad to just stop doing skills, just to light attack to proc a set.
Bug or not, weaving is here to stay. And honestly, it only maker a difference in such a small part of the game, that it's not a big deal if someone doesn't master it. But on the flip to that, it gives people something to work on.
Having played the game since launch, and before that WoW and Guild wars 1+2, I can't honestly say removing weaving makes the game feel anymore sluggish than a stamplar just spamming Jabbs the whole rotation and doing 40k in a dungeon.
It might keep your fingers busy and give a false sense of speed, but what does make the game feel sluggish currently is the games own timers and buff trackers not knowing I have a proc Frag or showing me I have one only for me to start hard casting instead, or when the game refuses to fire a skill so I am standing there doing 3 light attacks in a row at a beetle at the side of the boss.
I pray the server rework is swift and effective.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »As we approach update 33 and an acknowledgment has been made about the state of the servers/code, I have to ask the question, Why are we still propping up scaffolding around and duct taping a Zimmer frame to old man Light weaving?
why are we torturing ourselves to make a Beta Test Bug feel comfortable in 2022 despite the roulette wheel of "Will my skill actually fire at my target this fight" with the answer generally being "No" if you are playing with any amount of ping on your alt server account (EU/NA) or you are playing in prime time or during a high population event where even "the Imperfect" boss breaks for 2 days and your 100fps inexplicably feels like 20 (on multiple machines at multiple locations during the event)?
For my fellow players that are no doubt furiously typing that "It is more skilful to have weaving" or "But our DPS will suffer if you remove Light weaving" I would have to ask in their personal experience is it really more skilful to be absent mindedly slapping a button repeatedly while concentrating on pressing the buttons you actually want?
Is it desirable or optimal to be playing the game you love while deliberately triggering a unfixed bug multiple times in a fight while the combat is chugging and then complaining that you missed a no death run because X happened?
And we all know that any reduction in DPS due to removing light weaving would be compensated in additional damage added to skills.
So I pose the question, Would you sooner have a game that works better with no reduction in damage done or would you sooner put a drinking bird on your additional skilful bug triggering button?
I vote for a fixed game and Light attacks to be on the GCD with all the other player triggered skills...
>>>>> For now. <<<<
kringled_1 wrote: »That ship has long since sailed. Regardless of whether or not you think weaving was a bug at the outset of the game, it is by now accepted and endorsed by the developers, and numerous sets and skills are balanced around it.
I do not want to go back to the slow pace of WoW or FF14 and I pretty much expect Zenimax knows this game is successful it has evolved beyond what those games have to offer.
Just ask yourself, if light attack weaving was removed.... why would anyone ever use a light attack? You're goin to have to climb down a very deep rabbit hole before you come to an acceptable answer.
So light attacks have been relegated to effectively a universal 8-second long buff and they eat up a GCD. Why not just heavy attack instead? It would take just as long in most cases and would deal more damage and restore resources at the same time. There is a hole but you're stepping up to the precipice looking straight ahead and about to stumble into the abyss.You dont have to climb down anywhere. You gain ultimate from light attacks and thats one of the major reasons why its so effective using it.
Why do people still keep bringing this up? Someone who's really good at it will deal about 20% of their damage as light attacks. Someone who's not as good at it maybe 10-15%. If someone feels their damage is really low it's probably not as much related to light attack weaving. There's lots of other reasons for that.
maximusrex45 wrote: »My issue with weaving is it isn't intuitive or easy to discover, can be hard to tell if you are doing it right, and in a lot of content it's even hard to mix in because things die too fast.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »why are we torturing ourselves to make a Beta Test Bug feel comfortable in 2022 despite the roulette wheel of "Will my skill actually fire at my target this fight" with the answer generally being "No" if you are playing with any amount of ping on your alt server account (EU/NA)