I received my
Azeron Cyclops today, but I can't use the analog stick input (It uses an XBOX controller stick for Windows) in ESO without constant interface changes.
- With Gamepad Mode Off, the analog stick for the gamepad doesn't function
- With Gamepad Mode On the UI sticks to the Gamepad UI, but the icons for all inputs flip back and forth each time I touch a key or the analog stick
- With Gamepad Mode Automatic the whole UI is flipping back and forth between Gamepad UI and Default UI each time I touch a key or the analog stick

I tried using
Advanced Disable Controller UI, but the add-on isn't maintained and it gave me errors when I tried it. I'd love to see a fourth option under Gamepad Mode "
Input Enabled, UI Disabled", but I was wondering if anyone knew of a functional way to emulate that. I looked at the .Lua files from ADCUI, but it seemed wildly complex. Modding a solution unfortunately doesn't seem to be as simple as: if going to change to Gamepad UI, Don't. 😩
I know the Logitech G13 has been around much longer, has anyone come up with viable solutions?