LurgidBean wrote: »Since the last XB update right before the event started, my hireling mails have had the same text/story snippet every day. Except enchanting which is progressing the story.
Blackfoot the cat has given me cookies multiple days in a row, I don't want your cat treats.
Orbinor is falling over himself thanking me for his worldly experiences and Ubrek is smashing out words on his own. (Proud of him!)
I'm probably the only person still reading them these days. But something broke. @ZOS_Kevin
Rishikesa108 wrote: »My suggestions:
3) receive by ingame mail hireling items with one character, also if they are from other characters hirelings (right now I have to change all my characters to receive hireling items by ingame mail)
Please consider Number 3, it is very important for the in-game quality of life. It is very very uncomfortable to change all chars twice a day to get hireling items from mail. I have spent a total of 15 skill points for each of my character to receive these items by mail, but it's very difficult to get them.
Rishikesa108 wrote: »I would like all the hirelings-items to arrive automatically in the mail, without having to log in each character every 12 hours in order to receive them. Having spent 15 skill points for each character to be able to receive these items, it is not fair that I should be enslaved to having to log in all the characters at certain times, not to mention that sometimes it is not possible due to maintenance or commitments, so the items are not withdrawn. I also point out that logging in and out of characters takes a very long time and a lot of patience
Rishikesa108 wrote: »
This problem is underestimated. Little is said about it, maybe too few are interested in Hireling? However, I feel the problem very much, I understand very well what you have said.
It is imperative that ZOS seeks to improve the quality of life in the game, and changing Hireling's system is just that. Unnecessarily switching all the characters one after the other to receive the Hireling emails clogs the system, especially if this is done every 12 hours.
katanagirl1 wrote: »Having the mail sent out automatically might be a problem if the player went several days without logging in and had hirelings on many characters. That could be a lot of mail sent out at once.
I don’t mind having to switch characters to eventually get the hireling mail, but like you said there is ample opportunity to miss deliveries. Maybe another option would be that the missed mail could be held until you log on with a particular character, and the game previously gave you credit for receiving the mail if you were logged in on another character.
Okay that kinda sounds confusing but hopefully you know what I’m trying to say.