What healing class needs a buff the most

And why

What healing class needs a buff the most 58 votes

12% 7 votes
13% 8 votes
8% 5 votes
6% 4 votes
Dragon Knight
56% 33 votes
1% 1 vote
  • Kesstryl
    Dragon Knight, Dragon Knight, Dragon Knight
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Vevvev
    I think Sorcs need a little help.

    DKs can levey more healing power for cheaper as well as have a built in healing ability that gives a higher critical chance. Only issue they face is the fact they have no healer specific buffs meaning if there's another DK in the group they're going to suffer some overlap in buffs/effects.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • SkaraMinoc
    PvP healing with Twilight Matriarch is not good.
    • Matriarch takes up 2 slots
    • Matriarch only heals 2 players per global cooldown
    • Line of sight breaks cause Matriarch heal to miss. This means tiny poles, corners, etc. will make your teammates not get healed. The LUA API does not support line of sight so there's no way to know.
    • Pet dies way too fast in PvP. 2-3 global cooldowns from 1 player and your pet is dead. Interrupt the Matriarch summon and you have no heals for 4 seconds. Dead pet = dead team
    • No "Always Follow" command. When you resto heavy attack, the Matriarch runs off and attacks your target. In any given battleground, I'll use Pet Follow 20-30 times or more. It's bad.
    • Power Surge is one of the weakest heals
    • Not enough HoTs available to Mag Sorc to keep teammate health bars topped off. Look at any game with a Mag Sorc healer and group health bars swing wildly all over the place 100% -> 40% -> 75% -> 100%. It's very dangerous healing.
    Two good things:
    1. Ball Lightning is a strong escape
    2. Off healing with Matriarch is very strong when another teammate is primary healer
    Edited by SkaraMinoc on January 25, 2022 12:34AM
    PC NA
  • exeeter702
    Even with the recent malevolent offering nerf, magblade healers are still not as gimped as dragon knight healers.

    I'm speaking purely from a pvp perspective.
  • maxjapank
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Even with the recent malevolent offering nerf, magblade healers are still not as gimped as dragon knight healers.

    I'm speaking purely from a pvp perspective.

    I've been playing a Nightblade healer over my Magplar, and have been very satisfied with it in pvp. In one sense, it uses skills widely available to all classes. But refreshing path is very nifty for speed. Having fear is very helpful. Being able to aoe dmg and heal is nice. But the best is the healing ulti. It's up quick and extremely powerful.
  • Reverb
    Dragonknight is the only acceptable answer. Anyone who says differently is because they’ve never tried to heal on a DK, or even looked at the available options compared to other classes.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • exeeter702
    maxjapank wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Even with the recent malevolent offering nerf, magblade healers are still not as gimped as dragon knight healers.

    I'm speaking purely from a pvp perspective.

    I've been playing a Nightblade healer over my Magplar, and have been very satisfied with it in pvp. In one sense, it uses skills widely available to all classes. But refreshing path is very nifty for speed. Having fear is very helpful. Being able to aoe dmg and heal is nice. But the best is the healing ulti. It's up quick and extremely powerful.

    Oh for sure man, you are preaching to the choir, ive been on magblade healer in pvp for nearly 10k hours now. Im well aware of the strengths and weaknesses. Been at it since day 1 launch. I have defended the spec over the years on here more times than I care to admit. Losing zero magicka cost, healing through LOS and ignoring elevation on offering was a substantial nerf to small scale magblade healing.
    Edited by exeeter702 on January 25, 2022 3:14AM
  • ESO_Nightingale
    if we're talking about a pure healer then i'd say dragonknight. if we're talking about a class in pvp that needs to be able to heal itself but currently can't without crippling it's other stats i'd say specifically magicka warden.
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!: https://discord.gg/5PT3rQX
  • Greek_Hellspawn
    if we're talking about a pure healer then i'd say dragonknight. if we're talking about a class in pvp that needs to be able to heal itself but currently can't without crippling it's other stats i'd say specifically magicka warden.

  • Hotdog_23
    Solo - PVP Stamplar
    Group - PVE - MagDK

    Stay safe :)
  • FakeFox
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's a close one between DK and NB for me. DK has the worst healing power and mechanics, but actually pretty good support. It's primarily held back by the fact that trial groups only need one support DK and tank is simply the better choice and for dungeons groups Warden, Necro and Templar just provide more overall power with more streamlined healing and support and more damage potential. NB also has some suboptimal healing mechanics, but the main issue is that NB is the only class that really can not provide relevant class exclusive support. By building a group composition around a NB healer you are basically giving up a support class for no benefit, as there is nothing NB can do that other healing classes can't do better, while also providing class exclusive support on top of it. This makes NB the worst PvE healing class in my opinion.
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • mmtaniac
    Stamplar 0 reliable class healing compared to magplar. Magplar have tons of heal :by damage, burst class heal, ritual and rune + whole healing weapon. Stamplar have only vigor wchich is useless thanks to dots and rally burst heal after f.... 20 second ritual and rune don't work without reliable defense and good burst heal.
    Edited by mmtaniac on January 25, 2022 11:22AM
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Probably going to get a ton of hate for this, but TBH, while the Templar brings a lot of strong heals to a group, he doesn't really bring any unique group buffs in the way the Warden or Necro healer does, and so, from that angle, the Templar could use a buff in terms of what group utility he brings to the group. The only group buff he really provides is minor sorcery, which could also be easily provided by having a magplar DPS in the group (and in my experience, there is always at least one). Other than that, everything in the Templar's kit seems geared towards giving him marginally stronger heals compared to Wardens and Necros, which is great, but at the upper echelon of healing, it is far less about how strong your heals are and more about what buffs you bring to the table.

    I understand a lot of classes (DK, Nighblade in particular) need a lot of help just to be brought to the middle of the pack in terms of healing capabilities, but the DK offers good utility in terms of group buffs. I don't really play nightblades much, so I'm not sure what they offer the group, but I have seen NB healers be effective, but more so in PVP than PVE.
  • Wolfpaw
    I only consider Warden, Necro, and Templar as healing class, class with a healing skill tree.

    So Warden.
  • Drdeath20
    Dragon knights have the worst heals.

    Every class has inferior skill/ultimate morphs that make them less desirable to slot for numerous reason. Dragon knights and Templars are the 2 classes with the most. I understand that these classes also have strong skills to choose from that end up carrying them. My point is that they may not be a weak class overall but they are loaded with skill/ultimate morphs that are lesser.

    3 things that ,I understand, are impossible request but I’d really like to see.

    1. Better servers /less lag/ better playability etc…
    2. A change to many lesser class skill/ultimate morphs to make them equal to the alternatives. Basically a more thoughtful approach to classes in general.
    3. More of the fun content even if it comes at the cost of less story. I don’t think developers need to create a new zone, with OP armor, big stories (tons of voice acting that most of us just skip) to sell content. They could make a 3rd tier of difficulty for all dungeons and trials (that offer CP 160 potions as rewards) and that would be enough to get me to buy it. Instead of another new zone/story that is soon empty. Just saying more of the fun stuff and less of the chores.
  • redspecter23
    I'd say DK by a huge margin. You could make an argument for sorc, but they at least bring the flappy thing that can output some good burst healing. Neither of them bring a whole lot of unique utility to the group though.
  • paulsimonps
    DK healers have always been a big joke
    FakeFox wrote: »
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's a close one between DK and NB for me. DK has the worst healing power and mechanics, but actually pretty good support. It's primarily held back by the fact that trial groups only need one support DK and tank is simply the better choice and for dungeons groups Warden, Necro and Templar just provide more overall power with more streamlined healing and support and more damage potential. NB also has some suboptimal healing mechanics, but the main issue is that NB is the only class that really can not provide relevant class exclusive support. By building a group composition around a NB healer you are basically giving up a support class for no benefit, as there is nothing NB can do that other healing classes can't do better, while also providing class exclusive support on top of it. This makes NB the worst PvE healing class in my opinion.

    It's a big issue with nb in general. The class bring nothing to the table save minor hemorrhage and that only helps stam.
  • Drdeath20
    OWLTHEMAD wrote: »
    FakeFox wrote: »
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's a close one between DK and NB for me. DK has the worst healing power and mechanics, but actually pretty good support. It's primarily held back by the fact that trial groups only need one support DK and tank is simply the better choice and for dungeons groups Warden, Necro and Templar just provide more overall power with more streamlined healing and support and more damage potential. NB also has some suboptimal healing mechanics, but the main issue is that NB is the only class that really can not provide relevant class exclusive support. By building a group composition around a NB healer you are basically giving up a support class for no benefit, as there is nothing NB can do that other healing classes can't do better, while also providing class exclusive support on top of it. This makes NB the worst PvE healing class in my opinion.

    It's a big issue with nb in general. The class bring nothing to the table save minor hemorrhage and that only helps stam.

    Nightblades might not buff others but they are the most buffable class loaded with unique individual buffs. What they bring to a group is raw damage. Remember you can’t have it all.
    Edited by Drdeath20 on January 27, 2022 5:39PM
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    OWLTHEMAD wrote: »
    FakeFox wrote: »
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's a close one between DK and NB for me. DK has the worst healing power and mechanics, but actually pretty good support. It's primarily held back by the fact that trial groups only need one support DK and tank is simply the better choice and for dungeons groups Warden, Necro and Templar just provide more overall power with more streamlined healing and support and more damage potential. NB also has some suboptimal healing mechanics, but the main issue is that NB is the only class that really can not provide relevant class exclusive support. By building a group composition around a NB healer you are basically giving up a support class for no benefit, as there is nothing NB can do that other healing classes can't do better, while also providing class exclusive support on top of it. This makes NB the worst PvE healing class in my opinion.

    It's a big issue with nb in general. The class bring nothing to the table save minor hemorrhage and that only helps stam.

    Nightblades might not buff others but they are the most buffable class loaded with unique individual buffs. You can’t have it all.

    And yet lag behind in dps in a pve setting.

    I'm not going to get into a pvp debate because I think they are wonderful there.

    But the class needs some ability to diversify and help the group. They shouldn't just be the defacto selfish class. Especially if they are not even going to be the top performers in that category.

    They don't have it "all" by the way. One dead ult a at least three completely useless skils and several morphs that almost never get used.

    By most buffable class your basically saying class most reliant on group support.

    They are definitely a good class, but that doesn't mean they don't need some love and some tweaking. Some of their abilities just need to be completely relooked.

    Group support should be the biggest target of that.
  • Sparxlost
    i think nightblades are great healers actually...

    But i would say Dragonknight and what i would suggest is to increase the radius of ash cloud and its morphs to make it the same size as templars cleansing ritual.

    this would make it a great defensive tool for healers as the skill has a nice snare to slow any enemies who enter
  • Drdeath20
    OWLTHEMAD wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    OWLTHEMAD wrote: »
    FakeFox wrote: »
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's a close one between DK and NB for me. DK has the worst healing power and mechanics, but actually pretty good support. It's primarily held back by the fact that trial groups only need one support DK and tank is simply the better choice and for dungeons groups Warden, Necro and Templar just provide more overall power with more streamlined healing and support and more damage potential. NB also has some suboptimal healing mechanics, but the main issue is that NB is the only class that really can not provide relevant class exclusive support. By building a group composition around a NB healer you are basically giving up a support class for no benefit, as there is nothing NB can do that other healing classes can't do better, while also providing class exclusive support on top of it. This makes NB the worst PvE healing class in my opinion.

    It's a big issue with nb in general. The class bring nothing to the table save minor hemorrhage and that only helps stam.

    Nightblades might not buff others but they are the most buffable class loaded with unique individual buffs. You can’t have it all.

    And yet lag behind in dps in a pve setting.

    I'm not going to get into a pvp debate because I think they are wonderful there.

    But the class needs some ability to diversify and help the group. They shouldn't just be the defacto selfish class. Especially if they are not even going to be the top performers in that category.

    They don't have it "all" by the way. One dead ult a at least three completely useless skils and several morphs that almost never get used.

    By most buffable class your basically saying class most reliant on group support.

    They are definitely a good class, but that doesn't mean they don't need some love and some tweaking. Some of their abilities just need to be completely relooked.

    Group support should be the biggest target of that.

    All dps are hitting within same ballpark on a test dummy but a test dummy only tells 1 tale. Nightblades stand above the rest because they have it all.

    Self healing
    Great sustain
    1 bar pet in shade
    Strongest class AoE in twisted path
    A well thought out design with a dynamic rotation

    Being able break away from a rotation to prioritize a target and then fire off a incap ult to buff a spectral bow for over 90k can be very useful.

    Anyways this is a dk healer thead so….

    Edited by Drdeath20 on January 28, 2022 2:43PM
  • FeedbackOnly
    Vevvev wrote: »
    I think Sorcs need a little help.

    DKs can levey more healing power for cheaper as well as have a built in healing ability that gives a higher critical chance. Only issue they face is the fact they have no healer specific buffs meaning if there's another DK in the group they're going to suffer some overlap in buffs/effects.

    What do sorcs need help with?
  • Vaoh
    DKs are really the only one you never see as a healer.
  • BronzeCaiman
    For PvE they definitely need some work. A unique healer buff is something every class should have, but endgame PvE raiders optimize so hard they take the fun and creativity out of the game. Stonefist DK tanks still makes me laugh out loud.

    Warden and Necromancer stand out as healers because they have some serious buffs.

    Warden Healers have Minor Intellect, Minor Endurance, and Major Resolve.

    Necromancer Healers have Empower and an AoE purge.
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