Whatever ones weren't killed by Ysgramor were turned into falmor by the Dwemer, long before the 2nd era started. Very few would even be close to remaining, likely only the one from Skyrim, and I doubt we ever see that one in ESO.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »I mean in Skyrim we got to meet one, but that was fourth era. Surely in second era there were more around. Maybe a quest or dlc that explores this? At the very least a few motifs, a set or two and some furnishing styles would be nice.
Unlike Dwemer ruins, I do not recall seeing snow elf ruins in any game.
Wasn't that Snow Elf a Vampire as well? It's been so long since I played Dawnguard that I can't remember.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »I mean in Skyrim we got to meet one, but that was fourth era. Surely in second era there were more around. Maybe a quest or dlc that explores this? At the very least a few motifs, a set or two and some furnishing styles would be nice.
Wasn't that Snow Elf a Vampire as well? It's been so long since I played Dawnguard that I can't remember.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »
Actually there were 2. And they were brothers.
Vyrthur was a vampire who was forsaken by Auri-El.
His brother, Gelebor, was a Knight-Paladin of Auri-El and guardian of the Chantry of Auri-El.
It was said after the gynecide of the Snow Elves, not all went to stay with the Dwemer, but hid in the Forgotten Valley.
Yes, the 2 brothers are there, as we meet them in 900 years, but, in the ESO timeline, the destruction of the Snow Elves was over 5,000years ago during the Late Middle Merethic Era.
So no, Snow Elves would be TOO out of place.
My 2 drakes...