Random Social Ban?

Soul Shriven
I recently took a month long break from the game, and logged in last Saturday, and was unable to communicate via whisper, zone, or party chat. No one can see my messages, except for in Guild chat. My mail has also been disabled and I am unable to visit guild traders. From reading a few other posts, this seems like a social ban? But I'm unsure of how or why this could even occur seeing as I hadn't even been playing the game. I submitted a ticket on 10/23 but it is still under review and I haven't heard anything regarding the issue. Essentially being unable to communicate has definitely not made the venture back into the game a pleasant experience, nor has the really long delay in the ticket being addressed. Can someone please assist, or at least let me know if a social ban is in fact what has happened here, and that the ticket is with the right team and is being addressed? (Ticket # 211024-000524)
Edited by Ishann on October 30, 2021 4:31AM
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Greetings @Ishann

    Please be aware that updating your ticket multiple times will put it at the end of the line and delay the response time. Because of this, we recommend only updating your ticket as necessary.

    We can confirm that your ticket is still open and in the right place. A member of our support staff will reach out as soon as they can. Thank you for your patience.
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  • Ishann
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_Adrikoth Thank you for your assistance. I received a reply stating a slight modification had been made, and I can confirm I am able to communicate, send mail and use guild traders again. Thanks!
  • ZOS_Bill
    With the social ban for the OP now resolved, we are going to close this thread from further discussion.
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This discussion has been closed.