Play The Way You Like
Battle, craft, fish, steal, siege, or explore.
The choice is yours to make in a persistent Elder Scrolls world.
As far as I know, this "play how you want" ended YEARS ago... it was a creative slogan at one point. Even then, it has and ALWAYS WILL BE, "Play how ZOS wants you to play".
Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »As far as I know, this "play how you want" ended YEARS ago... it was a creative slogan at one point. Even then, it has and ALWAYS WILL BE, "Play how ZOS wants you to play".
Nah they are actually doubling down on "play how you want" in the next patch on Nov 1... now all gear that has weapon damage, weapon crit, weapon pen... will also have the equal amounts of spell damage, spell crit, and spell pen.
Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »As far as I know, this "play how you want" ended YEARS ago... it was a creative slogan at one point. Even then, it has and ALWAYS WILL BE, "Play how ZOS wants you to play".
Nah they are actually doubling down on "play how you want" in the next patch on Nov 1... now all gear that has weapon damage, weapon crit, weapon pen... will also have the equal amounts of spell damage, spell crit, and spell pen.
Essentially another watering down of a "spec" in the sense now that mag specs and stam specs will be moot, and there will also be a power / heal creep to go with it, because now stam users (templars for example) will be able to have enough spell damage from a weapon damage set to use the magicka heals that a spell damage user has with only a minimal loss due to less magicka (unless they just hybrid their stat pools)
This thought process leads to the "meta" cookie cutter problems this game suffers from because theres little to no variety in builds because everyone is everything
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »As far as I know, this "play how you want" ended YEARS ago... it was a creative slogan at one point. Even then, it has and ALWAYS WILL BE, "Play how ZOS wants you to play".
Nah they are actually doubling down on "play how you want" in the next patch on Nov 1... now all gear that has weapon damage, weapon crit, weapon pen... will also have the equal amounts of spell damage, spell crit, and spell pen.
No, the point is that "play how you want" was never about spec in the first place.
Are they homogenizing things further, in some attempt at balance & "build diversity"? Sure.
But that's not what they meant by "play how you want".
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Are they homogenizing things further, in some attempt at balance & "build diversity"? Sure.
It's funny this topic comes up, 'cause I've actually been moderately depressed lately at how strict the holy trinity in this game is (Not really depressed, but it is kinda boring how generic end-game specs are).
I personally like that you don't NEED a healer, and realistically you shouldn't need a tank either. That to me is exactly what "play how you want" means. If you want to run with 4 self-sustaining DPS, cool, you can do that. If you want to run with 4 role-optimized players, cool, you can do that too. At the end of the day, you do have to eventually kill stuff to clear content, so naturally damage is a priority, but I think the ability to mix up how you do that damage is what makes building characters fun.
The game suffers mostly from a lack of meaningful mechanics, and that is what kills the whole "play how you want" vibe. You can put as many statistical divides as you want, but you won't notice any real difference when every character still plays exactly the same. So while I understand the agitation from the game's history of homogenization, I think it's important to remember exactly what homogenization has hurt the game. Frankly, I think the next patch is great for thematic builds. I just hope they do more under-the-hood stuff to make choices matter in more meaningful areas.
I do agree though that there's a bit of a lack in give-and-take with builds, but again, that's less to do with "play how you want" and more to do with the design of their skill system. You have a class that kind of defines your build, but not really because you can get everything your class lacks through other means. The ideas are good, just the execution needs some tweaking.
What's wrong with not needing a dedicated healer or tank? If you want to only play pure trinity roles, there are plenty of other MMOs.
I think its really fun to play a healer where I can dps in my downtime. Playing as more of a hybrid and contributing to group dps via buffs and personal dps is part of what makes a great healer great.
Every game in existence has a meta. That's just how games work. Play how you want is just a slogan. No matter what changes they make to the game, there will always be meta builds, and off meta builds.
I can list several excellent MMO type games, some much better than ESO with PvE that was "too hard" for the masses and you can't play them now because they are defunct. I'd rather play a game that is still running personally than dream about how good games were that went out of business.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »PvE solo is a very legitimate way to play ESO. If it wasn't I would move to another game. As a soloist, I need to tank, heal and damage.
VaranisArano wrote: »You know, you usually can run 4 DDs. It's a rotten thing to do in groupfinder to randoms who aren't expecting it. But in a pre-made group? Go for it!
Of course, the flip side is that you all have to be prepared. My experience was that the extra boss movement when no one runs a taunt decreased the group's DPS to the point that the difference with an extra DD was negligible. Worse, when the boss aggroed a DD who suddenly wasn't confident they could handle boss aggro and survive, they ran around, making the problem worse. My DD equipped a taunt, and "tanked" the rest of the dungeon.
There's a reason why the "ideal" roles for prepared players are 1 tank + 3DDs. It's not because the roles are super strict. It's because the boss needs to stay more or less still in order to maximize DPS, and thus you need someone who can taunt and survive.
There is plenty of more difficult content overland, so no idea why people keep posting that misinformation over and over. I'll wager that those who blithely post that repetitively do not do geysers, harrowstorms, world bosses, craglorn type world event bosses, arenas, solo group delves and dungeons, etc. Will also wager that many who post that claim have never set foot in any PvP. Anyone who claims many of those things are "too easy" solo is lying.
Yes, the basic questlines in the game need to be easy enough or the game would go out of business. I can list several excellent MMO type games, some much better than ESO with PvE that was "too hard" for the masses and you can't play them now because they are defunct. I'd rather play a game that is still running personally than dream about how good games were that went out of business.
As far as I know, this "play how you want" ended YEARS ago... it was a creative slogan at one point. Even then, it has and ALWAYS WILL BE, "Play how ZOS wants you to play".
Kryptonite_Kent wrote: »This gamestyle sounds good when you hear it... but in practice its not good for an MMO
1. Everyone can heal, so outside of a few cutting edge endgame trials and maybe some of the newer vet dungeons... no one needs a dedicated healer, cause everyone has healing
2. Everyone can stack damage mitigation, so outside of the above mentioned content again... no one has much need for an actual tank, cause everyone has excessive survival
3. Everyone can dps, so again outside of the above mentioned content... no one has to worry about pulling their weight for damage, cause everyone has a good deal of damage output
The end result of this is that content is boringly easy, and "specs" are a moot point because you barely need them and only in a few select scenarios... this not only affects pve content such as group dungeons (including some vet dungeons) that can be solod or 2 manned, but also pvp in the fact that everyone just stacks mitigation and runs around a tree for 15 minutes because they have as much healing as a healer and as much tankiness as a tank.
The solution to this is keep the "play how you want" but have direct counters to the 'spec' you're slotting... ie if youre slotting mitigation gear and sword and board you lose (x%) dps / hps, if youre slotting dps gear and dps weapons you lose (x%) mitigation / hps, and if you slot hps gear and hps weapons, you lose (x%) dps / mitigation... to a degree that actually somewhat clarifies the spec youre playing without completely taking away your ability to solo overland pve content
There is plenty of more difficult content overland, so no idea why people keep posting that misinformation over and over. I'll wager that those who blithely post that repetitively do not do geysers, harrowstorms, world bosses, craglorn type world event bosses, arenas, solo group delves and dungeons, etc. Will also wager that many who post that claim have never set foot in any PvP. Anyone who claims many of those things are "too easy" solo is lying.
Yes, the basic questlines in the game need to be easy enough or the game would go out of business. I can list several excellent MMO type games, some much better than ESO with PvE that was "too hard" for the masses and you can't play them now because they are defunct. I'd rather play a game that is still running personally than dream about how good games were that went out of business.
VaranisArano wrote: »There is plenty of more difficult content overland, so no idea why people keep posting that misinformation over and over. I'll wager that those who blithely post that repetitively do not do geysers, harrowstorms, world bosses, craglorn type world event bosses, arenas, solo group delves and dungeons, etc. Will also wager that many who post that claim have never set foot in any PvP. Anyone who claims many of those things are "too easy" solo is lying.
Yes, the basic questlines in the game need to be easy enough or the game would go out of business. I can list several excellent MMO type games, some much better than ESO with PvE that was "too hard" for the masses and you can't play them now because they are defunct. I'd rather play a game that is still running personally than dream about how good games were that went out of business.
I could do Geysers, Harrowstorms, world bosses, etc.
But that doesn't solve the problem of dissatisfaction when the ultra powerful daedric champion, doped-up-on-godhood dragon, or fought-a-god-to-a-standstill vampire lord who's been been hyped the whole year long goes down like a chump.
A lot of the criticism is that questing is too easy, and moreover, too easy for the narrative stakes we're supposed to care about.
As for "It's gotta be easy", I'd love an optional difficulty setting for the final boss fights, without even asking for extra rewards.
VaranisArano wrote: »There is plenty of more difficult content overland, so no idea why people keep posting that misinformation over and over. I'll wager that those who blithely post that repetitively do not do geysers, harrowstorms, world bosses, craglorn type world event bosses, arenas, solo group delves and dungeons, etc. Will also wager that many who post that claim have never set foot in any PvP. Anyone who claims many of those things are "too easy" solo is lying.
Yes, the basic questlines in the game need to be easy enough or the game would go out of business. I can list several excellent MMO type games, some much better than ESO with PvE that was "too hard" for the masses and you can't play them now because they are defunct. I'd rather play a game that is still running personally than dream about how good games were that went out of business.
I could do Geysers, Harrowstorms, world bosses, etc.
But that doesn't solve the problem of dissatisfaction when the ultra powerful daedric champion, doped-up-on-godhood dragon, or fought-a-god-to-a-standstill vampire lord who's been been hyped the whole year long goes down like a chump.
A lot of the criticism is that questing is too easy, and moreover, too easy for the narrative stakes we're supposed to care about.
As for "It's gotta be easy", I'd love an optional difficulty setting for the final boss fights, without even asking for extra rewards.