PTS Patch Notes v7.2.3

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online v7.2.3 contains additional fixes for several quests and content in the Deadlands, some adjustments to a few item sets and Nightblade abilities, and various other bug fixes. We’ve also activated the Whitestrake’s Mayhem event for testing this week.

We’ve done some additional updates to the database as it relates to sharding which led us to needing to do another character copy. Therefore, all PC EU characters have been re-copied and any existing templated characters from last week have been wiped. The size of this patch is approximately 277mb.

  • New Features / Updates / Big Changes
    • Event Testing – Whitestrake’s Mayhem
    • Multithreaded Rendering Update
  • Fixes & Improvements
    • Chapters & DLCs
      • Blackwood
      • Deadlands
      • Summerset
    • Combat & Gamplay
      • Combat & Abilities
      • Itemization & Item Sets
    • Base Game
      • Events & Celebration
      • Exploration & Itemization
      • Housing
      • UI
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on October 11, 2021 7:31PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Event Testing – Whitestrake’s Mayhem
    Whitestrake's Mayhem comes to Cyrodiil and the Imperial City! Complete your introduction with Predicant Maera (or continue where you left off last time) to receive your Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity. Then, dive into Cyrodiil for the glory of your alliance!
    • Pelinal’s Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing daily quests in Cyrodiil or the Imperial City, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you receive.
      • These boxes contain a variety of goodies ranging from Tel-Var Stones to Cyrodiil repair kits or Soul Gems, as well as a chance for Cyrodiil style pages, Daedric siege weapons, transmute geodes.
      • There is also a very rare chance to receive a bag containing Runeboxes for both of the new Black Drake face and body markings.
    • You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
      • The first 2 come from completing any daily quest that focuses on Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds.
      • You may earn an additional ticket by completing an Imperial City District daily quest. Visit both places if you want to maximize your ticket earnings!
    • In addition to the rewards from previous Mayhems, this year’s new outfit style is the Black Drake Clanwrap Armor.
      • Style pages for this armor have a chance to drop from bosses in the Imperial City but are also available from the Impresario for 5 tickets each.
      • Bosses in the Imperial City also have a small chance to drop an additional page for the old Legion Zero Vigiles armor style.
    • A helpful Reachman, Cullearn, has shown up at the Impresario's tent to model the Black Drake Clanwrap and the Black Drake face and body markings.
    • The Impresario will have bound style pages for the Black Drake Clanwrap for 5 tickets each, as well as the face and body markings (sold separately) for 5 tickets each. Also available will be all three fragments of the Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet as well as the first two fragments of the Scales of Akatosh skin.

    Multithreaded Rendering Update
    Multithreaded Rendering is now enabled by default. If desired, it can be disabled in the Video Settings panel.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • After protracted negotiation, we have convinced Lamzikha at the Kaladas Inn to sell the lead for the Antique Map of Blackwood antiquity to adventurers who have completed the Blackwood Pathfinder achievement.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Fixed an issue where attuning to a Crafting Station in the Deadlands for the new item sets was not possible.

    • You can now pickpocket and steal all the associated stealable items from Fargrave. I mean, it's a crime. But you can. If that's your thing. No judging.

    • The Antique Map of the Deadlands Antiquity is now available for purchase from Dydier Ascent in the Bearer’s Rest in Fargrave, provided you’ve completed the Deadlands Pathfinder achievement.
    • Fixed an issue that caused several of the new furnishings to rotate off-center when previewed.
    • Improved the lighting behavior of the “Deadlands Wall Spikes” furnishing.
    • Added a furnishing plan, “Deadlands Column, Slender”, to the pool of Deadlands structural furnishing plans.

    • Corrected a number of minor visual issues in Ossa Accentium and Agony’s Ascent.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented you from sitting on one of the chairs included in the pre-furnished version of Ossa Accentium.
    • Adjusted one of the paintings in the pre-furnished version of Ossa Accentium to rest more naturally on the wall, instead of hovering a few inches in front of it.
    • Adjusted several cages in the pre-furnished version of Agony’s Ascent to rest more naturally on the ground, instead of hovering a few inches above it.
    • Added collections and Crown Store images for Ossa Accentium.

    • Spiderkith Daedra and certain Xivilai NPCs will now have correct facial animations.
    • Barkeep Xvij of the Wishbone in the Shambles is now a Brewer.

    World Bosses
    • Havocrel Executioners
      • Havocrel Executioners will no longer lose their cool postures while being leashed.
    • The Unmaker (Infernium)
      • Updated the visual effects on the bosses.
      • Skeletons in the Den of the Unmaker will no longer display nameplates.

    • Fixed some guild traders in Fargrave that were not displaying tabards.
    • Added additional audio and sound effects to some quests.
    • Fixed a handful of broken quest pins.
    • Polished animations for several quest NPCs.
    • Fixed several quest scenes that were not behaving properly.
    • Fixed some typos that were found in various pieces of dialogue.
    • Allies in various quests will now properly return if your character dies and resurrects.
    • Updated various broken quest items.
    • You can now mount in the Shambles.
    • You can no longer discover the Forgotten Feretory when you are far away from it.
    • Lava pools now deal damage correctly. The floor is now actually lava!

    • False Martyr’s Folly
      • The boss located in this delve now has a proper name.

    • Ambition’s End: Your character will no longer float when using a specific door.
    • Born in Grief:
      • The Anchorite will now allow player allies to stealth undetected
      • Reviving in the Waking Flame base will no longer cause your character to get stuck behind a gate.
    • Deadlight: Updated some dialogue lines to be telepathic.
    • Hope Springs Eternal:
      • Group members can now enter the quest room in Leyawiin Castle.
      • Added visual effects for certain flashback scenes during this quest.
    • The Force of Change: Master Rrvenk now has proper facial animations.
    • Web of Lies: The suspicious package now appears correctly.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Fixed an issue that prevented Cloudrest weapon drops from being properly curated.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Updated the Armory Tutorial to mention the saving of Quickslots.
    • Fixed an issue where you were able to summon or interact with the Armory Assistant during a timed leaderboard activity.
    • Fixed an issue where you could summon and use the Armory Assistant in the Vampire and Werewolf quest areas.
    • Fixed an issue where builds with large amounts of saved skill points would encounter a "failed to load build" error.

    • Assassination
      • Grim Focus: This ability and its morphs now grant 60 Weapon and Spell Damage per stack, rather than 1% damage done per stack.
        Developer Comment:
        This change was done to ensure the class does not lose too much of its healing potency and self-sufficiency from the original conversion where it granted Critical Damage and Healing.
    • Siphoning
      • Malevolent Offering:
        • This ability and its morphs now have an upfront Magicka cost of 3510 and a residual Health cost of 1080 over 3 seconds, rather than a Health cost based on a mixture of your Spell Damage and Max Magicka over 8 seconds.
        • These abilities can now target yourself and allies, rather than only allies.
        • Reworded the tooltip for these skills, now with 100% more edge factor, to help you get the blood dripping when using the skill.
          • Shrewd Offering (morph): This ability now ranks up in cost reduction rather than 1.1% healing done, and its base cost has been reduced to 3240. The residual Health cost also lasts 1 second less causing it to drain less Health, to ensure its total cost is reduced to the expected level.
        Developer Comment:
        For a long time, these abilities have had relatively low engagement due to the fact that they costed purely Health and hurt the user more the higher their stats were, making it both deadly and un-advantageous to run in situations where you needed to stay alive. In addition, the health cost had low interplay with mechanics - such as cost reduction - and made it difficult to play around, leaving its core concept unsatisfying and untapped.

        We've decided to switch this ability over to a Dual Cost skill with the brunt of its cost being on the Magicka side of things, and the rest of it filled in with Health (it equals the base 4590 burst heal cost that skills such as Rushed Ceremony have when you add them up!). In addition, we've allowed the heal to be self-targetable so the healer can keep themselves up in a situation of need and giving the class a much-needed reactive self-heal. Overall, we hope this helps the skill stand out as something unique and thematic to the class, with less overall restrictions and punishment on the caster.

    • Fixed an issue where weapon swap could cause some item set bonuses to not apply correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where the visual effects from many of the new sets could be viewed by all targets, rather than only targets that needed to see the visuals.
    • The Eagle Eye and Wrath of the Imperium sets now drop in all ranged weapons to match their hybrid adjustments.

    • Fixed an issue where some poisons would not be consumed or respect their cooldown on use in some cases.

    Item Sets
    • Glorgoloch the Destroyer: Fixed an issue where the visual effects and sounds of the player losing stacks of Flesh Fortress would play, even if the player had no stacks.
    • Plaguebreak:
      • This set now has a 2 second delay before it starts dealing damage and ticks every 2 seconds rather than every second.
      • Increased the damage per tick by approximately 82%, resulting in an approximate 18% loss in damage over its total duration.
      • Reduced the damage of the explosion by approximately 52%, but increased the scaling per target to 50%, up from 10%.
      • This set now properly fires its explosion when the target dies while under the effect of the Damage over Time.
      Developer Comment:
      Currently, this set feels like it is a better version of most Damage over Time sets, such as Hunter's Venom or Viper's Sting, where it can output decent pressure but with the added bonus of an explosion if removed early. We've toned down both the Damage over Time and the damage of the explosion against low target counts, while increasing the damage against large target counts to ensure it continues smashing groups who are chain casting purges with reckless abandon. Overall, this should help reduce the need to purge the set and make it far less oppressive to fight against as a solo or low group count player.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Daedric War Celebration
    • Guidance for Guides: Corrected a typo in the Crown Store version of the quest starter that referred to this as the “Deadric” War. We’ll save that for a necromancy themed one.

    • The Gloambound Bow weapon outfit will no longer incorrectly hide your quiver after jumping to a new zone.

    • Fixed an issue where lights could sometimes fail to appear lit when previewing a home.

    • Fixed an issue where splitting a stack while a search term was present in the Inventory wouldn't display the newly split stack.
    • Keyboard: Fixed issue where the “Repair All” keybind would show the gold amount as blank if you didn't have enough gold to afford it.
    • All subcategories in a feedback submission are now selectable as intended

    Gamepad Mode
    • Fixed an issue where the “Repair All” prompt would show the same text twice.
    • Added the repair cost to the Accept keybind.

    Help & Tutorials
    • Updated tutorial text to better guide players who are using a keyboard with the Gamepad UI.

    • Mail no longer mistakenly goes into the negative.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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