Hallo people of Tamriel,
with the ongoing discussions about the state of the Vampires and a lot of free time on my side, i researched the old goals of the Vampire 2.0 and Vampires in Skyrim and Oblivion.
Vampire 2.0
The main goal was to make being a vampire a real choise, because of the passives everybody was a stage 2 vampire to use mistform and get the stamina and magicka regain boni with little cost. The design put the “Blood Magic” theme in the forground to design the new Abilities and put in the Blood Lord aka Blood Scion transformation. The Blood Magic was interpreted with Eviscerate and Blood Frenzy. The draw backs of being a Vampire were Reduction in Health Recovery, Increase in damage from Flame attacks and Increase cost for non-Vampire abilities.
On the plus side we can say it is now a choise. With the increase of cost most player droped Vampire out. The Meta Community seaked for new damage records with Eviscerate and Blood Frenzy. The Blood Magic Fantasy was hitting good, but had to be nerfed. Eviscerate and Blood Frenzy denied healing from other players and the nail in the cofin is the new mistform pve nerf that leaves the Vampire player with drain that isnt populare to use because of its low damage and no escape option. The Blood Scion has a to litttle uptime to compensate the missing heal/mitigation options. On top a lot of player reported that they got kicked as vampire dps players from groups because they can not be healed. Without the healing a healer couldnt applie buffs to a player.
All this changes leads to situtaion were only pvp, player or role or overland questing player choose vampirisim. At this point i am not sure if this was the goal of the Designer, since the design philosophie is play what you want, we can conclude that this isnt anymore the case for Vampire. There are a bunch of other little things players comlained like the passive weopon and spell damage after being stealthed, invisible or in mistform, Eviscarate being a melee ability without stamina morph or scaling and Mesmerize as a hard to hit spell because of calculating issues.
Skyrim and Oblivion
In Skyrim and oblivion wasnt the Blood Magic the main point of being a normal Vampire. Only the Blood Lords could use all those cool spells and had a Special skill tree in the Dawnguard DLC from Skyrim. So i rather focus on the base skills for a vampire line and the Blood Magic on the Ultimate Ability. The main part in both games is that sunlight kills your or your health/stamina/magicka regain. This is quite hard to translate to a mmorpg, because a player couldnt wait until night like in the elder scrolls games. On top you take overall a huge bunch of increased fire damage, but in trade of you get some posion, disease resistance, in skyrim frost and in oblivion physical resistance.
Skills from
- Stage One: Hunter's Sight – Night-Eye for 30 seconds on Self. Detect Life 100 ft. for 30 seconds on Self.
- Stage Two: Vampire's Seduction – Charm 50 points for 20 seconds on Touch.
- Stage Three: Reign of Terror – Silence 20ft. for 60 seconds. Demoralize up to level 6 for 60 seconds on touch.
- Stage Four: Embrace of Shadows – Night-Eye for 90 seconds on Self. Invisibility for 180 seconds on Self.
Skills from
- Stage One: Vampiric Drain - Drain health, magicka, and stamina from the target.
- Stage One: Vampire's Servant - Reanimate a dead body to fight for you for one minute.
- Stage One: Vampire's Sight - Giving you Night Eye for 60 seconds.
- Stage Two and Three: Vampire's Seduction - A hostile creature or person to stop fighting for 30 seconds
- Stage Four: Embrace of Shadows - Become completely invisible for the duration of the spell and get Night Vision for 180 seconds.
With this we have the two most iconic Vampire abilities Vampire's Seduction and Embrace of Shadows. With Skyrim the Vampire Servant and Vampire Drain was a nice addition.
Vampire 3.0
From the first iteration of the Vampire in eso did the Bat Swarm ultimate become a iconic and loved spell for vampire players. Embrace of Shadows maybe would break game balance if every class could have easy access to invisibility which was a short time on the bat swarm ultimate and got removed. So i would focus on a third iteration on Drain, Servants, Seduction, Mistform and Bat Swarm. The ultimate to embrace the Blood Magic theme from the Skyrim Dawnguard DLC and Greymore should be the Blood Scion with some cool specials. To wrap it up, here is my take:
Actives (every ability is a criminal act):
- Drain
Drain steal life as beam(only cast animation no channel, interrupeted on out of range) on medium range from target and scale on highest stat(health, magica, stamina) with increasing heal based on current life of player for a few seconds.
Morph 1 - Generates ultimate
Morph 2 - More beams but weaker per beam and beams only work on short range.
Note - Only one beam per target.
- Vampire's servant
Raise a corpse to fight for player and scales on highest offensive stat. Costs little live per second.
Morph 1 - Stronger rotten Servants with disease aoe and apply minor breach
Morph 2 - Gargoyle which cast Drain with Morph 2
Note - Toggle Ability with little not increasing live cost to maintain. Mainly to adaped the Blood Magic Theme and to include the Role Play element not to run with a Zombie in a City.
- Bat swarm
As the old Ultimate Bat Swarm, but cost magicka, with aoe magic damage or physical damage around the player depending(3) on highest offensive stat without healing.
Morph 1 - Increased radius.
Morph 2 - Swarm is now a placeable ability and applies a little slow.
Note - I know this is not elderscrolls but this scene was sick Drakula Untold - Bat Smash and maybe this would give a player a little feeling of mighty bats like the old Vampire Ultimate.
- Mistform
Disables player to attack or cast abilities. Direct damage is reduced by 75 % and Aoe damage is reduced by 25 %(3). The player lose aggro of enemies. No sprinting while in mistform, but the player get increased movement speed.
Morph 1 - When player disables mistform the player teleport a short range in view direction.
Morph 2 - Mist form range gets bigger and enemies inside breath poison.
Note - Toggle with magicka cost.
- Vampire's Seduction
A target in medium range walk into player direction and stops attacking or casting spells (New Status: Charmed).
Morph 1 - Enemies take increased damage.
Morph 2 - Short area of effect on all targets, but they get furious after the effect ends(enemies get taunted by the player).
- Blood Scion - Ultimate
Player gets empowered to become a Blood Scion with greater stat pools and the ability to find all enemies around the Player. Enter Stage 5.
Morph 1 - Reactivate to rip out the blood of enemies around the player. Strong aoe burst with heal(Short Cooldown to Reactivate multiple times).
Morph 2 - Reactivate to summon blood orb that cast drain with Morph 2 on all enemies that enter area of effect(Medium Cooldown to Reactivate two times).
Note - I dropped the heal for damage, because i think this way the healing is better timed and something cool is happening if the player press r again. The Morphs should perfectly fit the Blood Magic theme to burst out the blood of all enemies.
Passives:- Vampire stages
The Stages are in the range from 1 to 5. Stage 5 can only be reached by the Ultimate Ability. Bloodthirst increase by using Vampire skills, which means Stage goes up(2). The Bloodthirst increase faster if vampire abilities get used in frequently in a short time. Normal playing even with 6 vampire skills using, should increase the stage after ~ 1 hour(4). Feeding decrease Stage.
Per stage 3% less damage from physical, poison, disease and frost attacks and 3% more damage from fire(3). Decrease healing from non vampire sources (other players and non vampire skills) and a little less more per stage(5). Decrease health Regen per Stage. Stage 5 removes the fire damage debuff and reduces cost of vampire abilities.
Note - Heals should be reduced like 10 up to 30% (1). At Stage 4 the npcs wont talk with the player, except the player has Vampire's Seduction equipped.
- Dark Stalker
Adds faster stealth mode and no movement penalty in stealth.
Note - Like currently on live servers, no reason to change this.
- Supernatural
Requires stage 2, increase stamina and magica regain for each slotted vampire ability.
- Undead
Requires stage 3, Adds weapon and magic damage per vampire ability sloted.
- Emrace the Shadows
Requires stage 4. After 3 seconds sprinting or sneaking get invisible. Reduced sprinting costs.
- Blood Ritual
Bite a player skill.
Note - Like current live one.
This is my interpretation of a Vampire in the Elder Scrolls Online. I tried to take everything that the players liked into the Design and still to hold on drawnbacks and commitment to a vampire play style. With the scaling based on the vampire abilities each player can choose how much benefit he wants to get from beeing a vampire and offering abilities that can fit into every role should give the players the play what you want play style. Lore wise it is not a perfect fit, but i focused on icon abilities and what could be fun to play with.
I am a Computer Games Technologies Student and trying to improve my skills to convert Feedback and Ideas into Game Design, so please let me know what you think in the comments.
(1) Edit: Passives -> Vampire Stages - Removed shielding reduction.
(2) Edit: Passives -> Vampire Stages - Bloodthirst increase by using Vampire skills, which means Stage goes up. Feeding decrease Stage.
(3) Edit: Passives -> Vampire Stages - Add values and frost damage reduction.
Bat Swarm -> Changes damage Typ depending on highest offensive stat.
Mist Form -> Untargable gets replaced by direct damage reduction(Not from aoe).
(4) Edit: Passives -> Vampire Stages - Spaming Vampire Abilities let you enter the next Stage faster, while normal playing ~ 1 hour to get to next stage with high use of the skills.
(5) Edit: Passives -> Vampire Stages - Healing penalty is now for all non vampire healing.