There's really no way to ask this question without sounding like a whiner, which I accept, anyway, what's the actual point of companions?
They have 0 impact on the world in any way but snarky comments here and there.
They can't carry anything.
They don't allow you to do any content you can't already solo.
They don't interact with you or your abilities except for a menu ripped straight from decades old games.
The gear system is shallower than my own gene pool.
As far as I can tell, they really are just a pair of meaningless grinds with no reward after the tedious grind.
There's 0 news about this system, 0 indication of expansion, 0 anything.
Hopefully it just gets scrapped and resources are put elsewhere instead of wasting more man hours on this incredibly meager, boring, pointless system.
Edited by Ceejengine on September 30, 2021 6:04AM