Thanks for reducing the damage Bahsei dealt as it was a massive challenge learning to do this without mist on HM. Which we have now done successfully as a community. I'm saddened by the crit cap, I was hoping you'd be putting it at 175%-200% as that would leave room for a lot of creativity. However, with these changes, this has been a major nerf to stamina DPS and Khajiit in nature. I'm really disappointed as it was very creative and fun. This cap and then proceeding to nerf Velidreths damage while Zaan remains unchecked is absurd. The fact Maarselok can only get like 1.5k DPS on the trial dummy and doing calculations could only get to like 3k in trials means it's not even competitive still. The crit cap makes all of these introductions of Brittle, EC, etc less effective and enjoyable to bring along and master to improve our teams. I suppose another concern I have is in the mismanagement of Mist form. Instead of resolving Mist's bugs, it was just disabled for PvE. This was not the way to handle this, unfortunately. I guess it was just a tad heartbreaking in that manner to have been stamina, lose our crit chance in place of CRIT DAMAGE. And now we're dropping so much to even be able to use it. I love my Khajiit stamcro as Cro and NB feel made for crit especially to just be upended like this. I guess it's just disappointing. I'll be on PTS later to test. Maybe there's something I'm missing that can be really good from this. We'll find out. I appreciate the new support mythic I think that's awesome. I just hope that the things we lost massively will be worth it. Please also buff stamina monster sets they're so inferior to some mag ones especially Zaan, and Maarselok doesn't compare in raid either due to its clunky proc condition. Buff Kra'gh back to its original tick rate as well please it has felt like a 50% nerf that was ignored it seems.
The charged trait change is interesting though.
Edited by Styxius on September 20, 2021 6:04PM