I have had couple of time ESO crashing when I open Inventory and try to view, sell, drop items. Yesterday at least following criterias was filled
- Character inventory was full. Hence tried to sell items or move to bank using the Merchant Fezez or Banker Baron Jangleplume.
- Bank inventory was full
- Open Inventory. Crashes either straight away or after opening sub menu (Supplies, etc).
- I also tried to sell stuff using the NPC merchants. Still crash. So not an issue with Fezez or Baron Jangleplume.
With other characters with free inventory there was no problems. I was able to fix this issue as follows
- Buy more bank inventory.
- Move most character inventory items to bank using The Bank NPC.
- After I moved 60-70% to bank I was able to Level Up to 42 where you are required to choose one of the potions or can not level up. Since I had all full I wasn't able to choose neither of these potions and wasn't able to level up.
Also why does it need to hard crash in the first place? Why can it just log me off to main log in dialog and let me log in again? Why I needed to start ESO all over? Luckily starting ESO is fast with PS5. So not big difference. In other news ESO still hard crashes from time to time when internet connection dies. Which seems to happen daily anyways. This however does not affect gameplay that much since starting ESO is fast. Only that with PlayStation 4 Pro it didn't hard crash but kicked me out to login dialog. So ESO worked better with PS4Pro than PS5. In my particular case, that is.
Anyways I am in the process of leveling up my third character to LVL50. Only 8 levels and some crashes away. My forth and fifth characters are so low in the process I hope ZOS fix the crashes by the time they are nearing LVL50.
--> Question: Has anyone else experienced the same situation with ESO crashing if trying to view, sell, bank items from the Inventory? I mean constantly, every time unless done the workaround above.
Anyways, thanks for reading thus far. I chose to post this on General since not sure yet if this is bug or just feature. (Bug is something that prevents playing. Feature is something Like how a game is designed to work and thus not bug even so player might think so).
Edited by ZOS_Bill on September 2, 2021 10:48PM