Help with stamden healer

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Hello everyone.

I have trouble with home internet at moment, so I have been tinkering with theory-crafting a stamina-based healer until I can play again. Please give me your advice, feedback, criticisms, et alia., etc.

My focus, obviously, is on heals that cost stamina and would therefore scale off my max stam and weapon damage, as well as magicka skills that scale off highest stats. I cannot decide between bow/bow, or bow/dual wield.
I read y'ffre's guardian and rebreather builds on these forums. Mine differs slightly. and

Current build design is for my redguard and bow/DW. This is posted in combat and char mechanics sub forum because it is a build and not a player guide.

--> The main problem is my heals are mostly AoE heal over time centred on me. Green lotus heavy attack self-AoE HoT, echoing vigour self-AoE HoT.

Soothing spores is a targeted AoE heal, but increased near caster, so more efficient near me per cast. I can also use psijic rites of mowita to give me a ranged light attack heal on target. Nature's embrace single HoT, shifts me to target.

I also do not really hand out buffs. I don't even have ice fortress slotted, mostly because I expect people to have their own major resolve, but could replace rites mowita if it is needed.

Bow is used to position for AoE HoTs echoing vigour and Green lotus HA. I can also use rites of mowita to ping ranged single target heals. Some damage and debuff skills on hand. Green lotus is cast on other bar, but mainly used by this bar.

Front bar, bow powered trait
1. focused aim, minor breach debuff
2. venom arrow, poison DoT
3. acid spray, poison DoT
4. bull netch OR psijiic rites of Mowita (not sure if major brutality is worth it on stamina healer. Moot point if there is DK in group).
5. echoing vigour, self-AoE HoT

Dual swords for weapon and spell damage. I use cutting dive for ranged spammable that reduces positioning problems with melee weapons. Not easy to trigger heavy attack HoT, but 2 targeted heals and debuffs on this bar.

Back bar, 2x swords powered traits
1. cutting dive, ranged spammable, bleed DoT + off balance
2. growing swarm, bleed DoT, minor vulnerability
3. soothing spores AoE heal, but increased near caster
4. nature's embrace swing to target, big heal and/or reposition
5. green lotus. self-AoE HoT on heavy attack

I think winter's respite overland from west Skyrim can be useful, but would only trigger on soothing spores, although it would help to improve its healing and would mostly work with 10 sec cooldown. Also scales off max stam or mag.
A mag set, but I can use 2 pieces clothes and jewellery, or weapons, and keep 5, or 7, med pieces.

I think stacking stam can be useful, so draugr hulk med armour from direfrost can be good.

Otherwise, a crafted med armour set like coldharbour favourite summoning an honour for 6 sec to heal team can be good. Heartland conqueror med armour that doubles weapon traits can improve powered trait to give 8% x 2 = +16% healing done.

Last 2-piece bonus probably more stamina or weapon damage to improve max healing.

Feedback? Thoughts?
Nothing leads to more death than the need for certainty. - Xukas
In balance with this life, this death - W.B. Yeats
  • Thraben
    Where exactly do you need help?

    There are some points here to consider.
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • ArcaneScientius
    Hi. Thanks for replying.

    Some of the help I need is:
    Should I change my focus on debuffing to rather dish out buffs?
    I went debuff route to provide alternative utility to normal mag healers. Also, stam skills tend to have fewer buffs.

    Heals and positioning
    Green lotus heavy attack heal is 28m, which makes positioning easier but I cannot control who takes it. Although repeat HA should solve at least some of this problem.
    Echoing vigour is 15m, so not too bad with positioning.
    Soothing spores is edit: 20m cone but heal increase is only within 8m of me, so I have to be rather close to tank to trigger and may wind up dead, although I do not need to be in the aoe for this bonus to take effect. So off to one side of the big fight.

    Ditto for nature embrace swinging me to my target. Great heal/time, but if target is tank, I could die in boss bash. How do magden healers use it? Or do they ignore it for resto skills or budding seeds?

    Also, I was thinking edit: mend wounds is an odd skill but does allow me to fairly rapidly ping modest heals on single target.
    A heavy attack under this skill will trigger green lotus heal on me or another centred at me and at same time place a small heal/time on the target. But light attack heals from mend wounds won't trigger maturation, although I do get access to bracing damage shield from psijic passives, which can help my survivability but not my team's.
    Edit: does mend wounds scale off mag stats?

    Could this mix of skills be viable or do you have any alternatives for a stam heal?
    Edited by ArcaneScientius on August 30, 2021 5:23PM
    Nothing leads to more death than the need for certainty. - Xukas
    In balance with this life, this death - W.B. Yeats
  • Thraben
    1) Focus:

    Yeah, you should focus on Debuffs and Buffs. You do that by equipping a Frost Staff instead of a bow on your backbar, by using Caltrops, by using Wall of Frost, by using Orbs.

    Furthermore, your second set besides Coldharbor's should be Powerful Assault; your monster set probably Watcher of Rekumdanz (or however it is called).

    2) Heals and positioning. StamWardens are melee healers. Embrace it, and use a Nature's Embrace -> Spores -> Circle of Preservation -> Vigor - healing rotation. In my experience, a two handed weapon on the main bar is more fun , particularly when using Lotus.

    3) Mend wound scales off Magicka. That does not mean the skill is useless on Stamina, though - but it should not be needed here. If anything, you need something that prevents burst (since your main healing is HoTs) - like Guard, wich pairs excellently with Nature's Embrace as an Emergency measure.

    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • Stx
    For a stamina healer there are actually a lot of gear sets you might consider running. Remember a healers job isn't just to keep the group alive but increase their dps as well.

    You can run Kinras wrath set to give your group minor berserk since normally a magicka healer would give that with combat prayer. You can run powerful assault with echoing vigor to give your group 300 damage. The new monster set Magma incarnate is a fantastic stamina healer set, granting the group minor courage and minor resolve.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Hello everyone.

    I have trouble with home internet at moment, so I have been tinkering with theory-crafting a stamina-based healer until I can play again. Please give me your advice, feedback, criticisms, et alia., etc.

    My focus, obviously, is on heals that cost stamina and would therefore scale off my max stam and weapon damage, as well as magicka skills that scale off highest stats. I cannot decide between bow/bow, or bow/dual wield.
    I read y'ffre's guardian and rebreather builds on these forums. Mine differs slightly. and

    Current build design is for my redguard and bow/DW. This is posted in combat and char mechanics sub forum because it is a build and not a player guide.

    --> The main problem is my heals are mostly AoE heal over time centred on me. Green lotus heavy attack self-AoE HoT, echoing vigour self-AoE HoT.

    Soothing spores is a targeted AoE heal, but increased near caster, so more efficient near me per cast. I can also use psijic rites of mowita to give me a ranged light attack heal on target. Nature's embrace single HoT, shifts me to target.

    I also do not really hand out buffs. I don't even have ice fortress slotted, mostly because I expect people to have their own major resolve, but could replace rites mowita if it is needed.

    Bow is used to position for AoE HoTs echoing vigour and Green lotus HA. I can also use rites of mowita to ping ranged single target heals. Some damage and debuff skills on hand. Green lotus is cast on other bar, but mainly used by this bar.

    Front bar, bow powered trait
    1. focused aim, minor breach debuff
    2. venom arrow, poison DoT
    3. acid spray, poison DoT
    4. bull netch OR psijiic rites of Mowita (not sure if major brutality is worth it on stamina healer. Moot point if there is DK in group).
    5. echoing vigour, self-AoE HoT

    Dual swords for weapon and spell damage. I use cutting dive for ranged spammable that reduces positioning problems with melee weapons. Not easy to trigger heavy attack HoT, but 2 targeted heals and debuffs on this bar.

    Back bar, 2x swords powered traits
    1. cutting dive, ranged spammable, bleed DoT + off balance
    2. growing swarm, bleed DoT, minor vulnerability
    3. soothing spores AoE heal, but increased near caster
    4. nature's embrace swing to target, big heal and/or reposition
    5. green lotus. self-AoE HoT on heavy attack

    I think winter's respite overland from west Skyrim can be useful, but would only trigger on soothing spores, although it would help to improve its healing and would mostly work with 10 sec cooldown. Also scales off max stam or mag.
    A mag set, but I can use 2 pieces clothes and jewellery, or weapons, and keep 5, or 7, med pieces.

    I think stacking stam can be useful, so draugr hulk med armour from direfrost can be good.

    Otherwise, a crafted med armour set like coldharbour favourite summoning an honour for 6 sec to heal team can be good. Heartland conqueror med armour that doubles weapon traits can improve powered trait to give 8% x 2 = +16% healing done.

    Last 2-piece bonus probably more stamina or weapon damage to improve max healing.

    Feedback? Thoughts?

    As a character who mains a healer, I can tell you that where you are going to struggle as a "stam healer" is not healing power, but there simply isn't enough support sets that you can wear as a stam character to help buff your group's damage or support your group with extra sustain. The only sets I can think of that you can wear as a stam healer right now that would allow you to support the group is Powerful Assault (gives a buff similar to Olorime, but not named so it stacks), Hiricine's (supports stam only), and Alkosh (more often worn on a tank). You can maybe make some sets like Zen's work for you because you may have more dots to put on the priority target, but until the armor changes come out with the next patch, you are going to struggle to find true stamina "support" sets.

    If you are dead set on trying to make this work, though, I'd highly recommend that you use the Troll King monster helm, as it is definitely a good helm to use with stamina based heals.
  • rauyran
    There are several other sets that stamdens could use to give group buffs: War Machine, Mighty Glacier, Almalexia's Mercy, Drake's Rush or even Coldharbour's Favorite.

    Plus you can wear light sets on jewels and weapons. I do this with SPC but it could also be done with Winter's Respite or Worms Raiment. Worms is generally more useful for group content than Hircine.

    I suppose my stamden is more of a hybrid because I backbar a resto staff for regeneration and combat prayer. The passives give a boost no matter what kind of healer you are.
  • ArcaneScientius
    Thank you for the responses, guys. They are very helpful.

    Thank you, Thraben. I will definitely slot circle of protection, specifically ring of preservation.
    I do have to learn warden healing.

    I will look at these sets. Powerful assault looks good. Kinras wrath may work especially with a bow for uptime.

    For monster helms, chokethorn 33% chance on heal to trigger sapling and scales off max stam or magic. One rotation is likely to trigger it.

    Earthgore can give me a purge and hot but only on teammates less than 50% health and has 20 sec cool down. I could rather drop focused aim to slot purge from support if the team needs me to purge.

    But, engine guardian looks like the best healing returns, 25% trigger on any ability for 1900 per 0.5 sec over 6, which is about 20k healing over 6 seconds, but I cannot find an indication that it scales with stats.

    I don't know the magma incarnate set, Stx, but the group buffs seem great. I will look into it.

    I will check what I have on hand and then farm any missing parts. I will have to wait a bit on trial sets, rauyran, or more likely get them with my orcsorc. That is so high above my fireplace at the moment that it may as well be in the fireplace of the apartment on the next floor up.
    Nothing leads to more death than the need for certainty. - Xukas
    In balance with this life, this death - W.B. Yeats
  • rauyran
    Engine guardian only affects the wearer I believe, so not very useful for groups.
  • ArcaneScientius
    Oh. Sorry. Pebkac on that one. Not reading properly.

    Sentinel of rkugamz, chokethorn or troll king it is then. And maybe kinras and coldharb fave.

    I will look at frost staff, but dual wield passive are better except for damage shields.
    Nothing leads to more death than the need for certainty. - Xukas
    In balance with this life, this death - W.B. Yeats
  • Wandering_Immigrant
    I use s&b / bow on mine. Stam healer relies more on positioning and placement of abilities than a mag healer who can cast everything they need from afar. If you ever need to lay Ring of Preservation under a tank you'll appreciate the added defense. Side benefit; whenever I get a fake tank I just slot puncture and bombard, that's enough to control the room in a pinch.

    Gear is Powerful Assault, Winter's Respite and chokethorn.

    My bars look like

    S&b: healing orbs, Ring of Preservation, Spores, Frost fortress, Echoing vigor, aggressive Warhorn

    Bow: fetcher flies, arrow Barrage, healing grasp, lotus flower, bull netch, tree ultimate

    Respite is on the bow bar, pocced by arrow Barrage. I do this because barrage's duration lines up well with Respite's cool down, they're also the same size which helps with placement. You want to LA weave while going through your rotation and HA any time you're not casting, this is for lotus flower and also sustain.

    This build is all about HoT. Yeah you have a couple burst heals but one of them can be difficult to target the person you want and the other one you need to be right on top of someone for it to really burst. So you want your group to stack as much as they can, if they do, runs are usually a breeze and you can even swap healing grasp for shalks to contribute some damage if you want. If they don't, well it's a good thing you're on a stam build that can sprint and roll around the battlefield because you're gonna need to.

    Overall stam healer is a lot of fun, it's really one of my favorite builds to play. Unlike my Templar and Sorcerer healers I can't just power heal away any mistakes, so I have to actually think about everything I'm doing.
  • Syrpynt
    My stam healer focuses around weapon critical and critical healing, since the game's meta has (and always will) been about exploiting "RNG" of "chance". If you build for +60% chance, it's far less risk vs reward.

    Anyway, I definitely agree with the others that the set choices kinda suck as far as stamina healers for buffs or sustains go. I'd go Troll king like others have mentioned if you're adamant about the sets you already have.

    Otherwise two different monster pieces both with critical chance slots will be better overall, if you decide to switch to a critical chance build.
  • Stx
    Sentinel, symphony of blades are great monster sets for party resource restore, or Magma incarnate for boosting group damage and armor. The minor resolve from Magma is great for a stamina healer because you don't have combat prayer like a mag healer. The only issue with that set is if your tank is running a source of minor courage, it's redundant.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Stamina Healing is really fun - though, like a Magicka Healer, you're more concerned with stacking up buffs for your group than with your overall Heals Per Second.

    Stamina Healers can also very easily use the Monster + Mythic + Back-bar set + Front-bar set gear format since they can slot Powerful Assault as their back-bar set without any sort of issue.

    These days, I would use:

    Monster: Magma Incarnate or Symphony of Blades (if tank is using Yolna)

    Mythic: Pearls

    Front-bar set: War Machine

    Back-bar set: Powerful Assault
  • Ippokrates
    and what do you think about Grisly Gourmet? Are people know how or want do use it? ;)
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