propertyOfUndefined wrote: »I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion, but most of the changes made for the sake of “balance” make the game less fun, imho. If I wanted something perfectly balanced (and bland) there are plenty of other games for that. None of them interest me.
The fun of a good roleplaying game was always finding creative ways to use general mechanics to have fun. In a game of pen & paper D&D, my character once hid inside his “bag of holding” as the ceiling crumbled above him. In Fallout 2, I once used my pickpocket skill to place live explosives in the inventory of a ghoul merchant, then skipped town and came back later to loot his corpse without being mobbed. These were memorable experiences!
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »How is Diamond's Victory more DPS than Siroria? Honest question. Assuming perfected (only requires vCR+1, so not that hard), Siroria gives you 5% from Minor Slayer and 520 spell damage. DV gives no Minor Slayer and 437 spell damage. Is idea that you lose Siroria stacks too often in real combat so that Minor Slayer + varying spell damage is worse than the mostly constant 437 spell damage from DV? Or is there more going on here that I am overlooking?
No matter how much you like something, it's not a nerf if a set, skill, or item is performing in unintended ways and those ways are fixed. The simple truth is the devs didn't want DV to function in the way it was, so they fixed it. That's not a nerf, that's fixing something that's behaving in a way that wasn't intended. Also, you're forgetting that since PvP and PvE aren't balanced separately, anything that applies to one can 100% be applied to and have something to do with the other. If a set can be cheesed/abused in PvE, it can be used the same way in PvP, and vice-versa.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »No matter how much you like something, it's not a nerf if a set, skill, or item is performing in unintended ways and those ways are fixed. The simple truth is the devs didn't want DV to function in the way it was, so they fixed it. That's not a nerf, that's fixing something that's behaving in a way that wasn't intended. Also, you're forgetting that since PvP and PvE aren't balanced separately, anything that applies to one can 100% be applied to and have something to do with the other. If a set can be cheesed/abused in PvE, it can be used the same way in PvP, and vice-versa.
A nerf is literally any action that reduces the power of something. Intention does not have anything to do with it.
This change reduces the power of Diamond's Victory, ergo it is a nerf. This is not debatable.
People being so fixated on the word "nerf" rather than what the thread stands for I have changed the word nerf lmao. No offense, but who gives a *** about the pedantic discussion on the word. It's like discussing if it's a chicken sandwich or a chicken burger. Americans call it Sandwich, in a lot of places it's called a burger. Who gives a ***? Like seriously...
What yandere said is right, it's literally in the dictionary what he said, but honestly who cares, if you don't agree, that's fine. Just move on, there's better things to do than arguing literally if it's a nerf or a fix. Don't have to make always make everyone on the internet agree with you.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »How is Diamond's Victory more DPS than Siroria? Honest question. Assuming perfected (only requires vCR+1, so not that hard), Siroria gives you 5% from Minor Slayer and 520 spell damage. DV gives no Minor Slayer and 437 spell damage. Is idea that you lose Siroria stacks too often in real combat so that Minor Slayer + varying spell damage is worse than the mostly constant 437 spell damage from DV? Or is there more going on here that I am overlooking?
It's more stats damage wise. Also minor slayer doesn't stack, so bahsei + (129*2+437+657 crit) = almost 700 damage + all that crit. Siroria only gives you like a little extra spell damage (due to magicka to spell dmg ratio) but none of that nice crit. Crit in this game is op especially with kilt. If you want to do math on it normalize the amount of crit to crit dmg, and add that to spell damage, it's a little higher, not by a lot, but a little higher.
So your damage ends up being higher. Yes without minor slayer it's bad, but with bahsei you already get the minor slayer and since both the minor slayers don't stack to 10% spell damage, dv being better.
Everest_Lionheart wrote: »Dagoth_Rac wrote: »How is Diamond's Victory more DPS than Siroria? Honest question. Assuming perfected (only requires vCR+1, so not that hard), Siroria gives you 5% from Minor Slayer and 520 spell damage. DV gives no Minor Slayer and 437 spell damage. Is idea that you lose Siroria stacks too often in real combat so that Minor Slayer + varying spell damage is worse than the mostly constant 437 spell damage from DV? Or is there more going on here that I am overlooking?
It's more stats damage wise. Also minor slayer doesn't stack, so bahsei + (129*2+437+657 crit) = almost 700 damage + all that crit. Siroria only gives you like a little extra spell damage (due to magicka to spell dmg ratio) but none of that nice crit. Crit in this game is op especially with kilt. If you want to do math on it normalize the amount of crit to crit dmg, and add that to spell damage, it's a little higher, not by a lot, but a little higher.
So your damage ends up being higher. Yes without minor slayer it's bad, but with bahsei you already get the minor slayer and since both the minor slayers don't stack to 10% spell damage, dv being better.
Having tested both setups side by side with perf Bahsei I have found the difference in overall power to be negligible at best. 101.3K on my Magcro dot parse with DV, 101.7K with Siroria. My skull parses came out at 96.5 in DV and 96.7 in Siroria.
Despite the wasted minor slayer bonus all things are equal on my end. DV is slightly easier on the mag dump to start a fight, it’s also way easier to get than Siroria because you can craft it how you like. Siroria gives me more consistent numbers between 99-101 where DV has a slightly higher variance between 98-101.
What’s more interesting is that we are in a time where you don’t have to run Sorrow or Medusa anymore. It’s nice to see damage sets get a chance to shine.
TheEndBringer wrote: »I get that LA was a convenient way to proc it but everyone has access to range and melee skills, and they're going to be in your rotation anyway. That's the way it's intended to work.
It is cheese balls that Necro can proc both conditions with one skill.
I'd get the outrage is it was written to include LAs and now they're removing them. I'm are there are plenty of people who didn't even know they could have been using LAs this entire time.
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion, but most of the changes made for the sake of “balance” make the game less fun, imho. If I wanted something perfectly balanced (and bland) there are plenty of other games for that. None of them interest me.
The fun of a good roleplaying game was always finding creative ways to use general mechanics to have fun. In a game of pen & paper D&D, my character once hid inside his “bag of holding” as the ceiling crumbled above him. In Fallout 2, I once used my pickpocket skill to place live explosives in the inventory of a ghoul merchant, then skipped town and came back later to loot his corpse without being mobbed. These were memorable experiences!
TheEndBringer wrote: »I get that LA was a convenient way to proc it but everyone has access to range and melee skills, and they're going to be in your rotation anyway. That's the way it's intended to work.
It is cheese balls that Necro can proc both conditions with one skill.
I'd get the outrage is it was written to include LAs and now they're removing them. I'm are there are plenty of people who didn't even know they could have been using LAs this entire time.
You lose way too much damage unless you body it and you need to body bahsei which complements the set, so not really that great of an option. The uptimes at execute are sad. You could move wall up, but then you lose a couple of your execute skills + recast wall. At that point why even bother?
It went from like 103k on plar to like 94k. At that point, it's better to use medusa anyway (world first rockgrove groups have used it for everything even trash, plus you can stack fighters guild next patch up for massive spell damage boosts making it even better and kilt + Elemental Catalyst makes it a really really hot set in actual content). Meanwhile siroria/bahsei hits for like 106k. It'll be way worse on a plar player at the 80k dps range who can't do dynamic rotation for the pl burst.
Similar problem for other classes.
I mean sure it was intended to be like something, but if it's not super strong, no harm in keeping it anyway and saying we changed it to proc from these abilities which is what I'm asking for. Just keep it proccing.
Sure one can still use the set, and keep having fun, but it's also about being a team player. My team is great and will be fine with me having fun, but there's also the guilt of holding your team back to have fun while pushing scores. It's not hard to have both fun and good performance with the current status of the set.
As for necro players, lots of poor necro players can't even use it with state of endgame just putting support after support set on them (EC, mk kekw)...