PTS Patch Notes v7.1.2

Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online v7.1.2 includes many more fixes and adjustments for the Waking Flame dungeons, along with several additional adjustments to a few combat abilities, Battle Spirit, and some item sets. There are also a number of bug fixes for the Deadlands prologue quest, housing and furnishings, and more. The Witches Festival is being tested this week, in addition to there being a character copy of all PC EU characters. The size of this patch is approximately 141MB.

  • New Features / Updates / Big Changes
    • Witches Festival
  • Fixes & Improvements
    • Chapters & DLCs
      • Blackwood
      • Waking Flame
    • Combat & Gameplay
      • Combat & Abilities
      • Champion System
      • Itemization & Item Sets
    • Base Game
      • Dungeons & Group Content
      • Events & Celebrations
      • Housing
      • Miscellaneous
      • Quests & Zones
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on July 26, 2021 5:25PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Witches Festival
    The Witches Festival returns for testing! The Witchmothers emerge from their breweries in greater number this year to herald the approach of the terrifying Crowborne Horror, an entity that threatens to intrude upon Tamriel with its terrifying host of monsters.
    • Witchmother Taerma visits all Impresario tents as well as Olyve's Brewery to offer you a new daily quest to gather the means to entrap the Horror in a pocket realm where it can be destroyed.
    • Plunder Skulls now have a chance to drop some of the new rewards for this season, including fragments for the Witch-Tamed Bear-Dog pet, the Witch's Bonfire Dust memento, and the Marshmallow Toasty Treat memento.
      • Grave Dancer weapon style pages and Glenmoril treasure maps are still potential offerings from skulls this year.
      • Furnishings and furnishing schematics appropriate for the holiday are also available as both Plunder Skull contents and Impresario offerings.
    • As with previous years, your Event Tickets come from the first boss-type creature that would drop a Plunder Skull. You can get 2 Event Tickets per day this way, all in one parcel, as a drop from the boss. Don't forget to loot them!
    • Hollowjack style pages, previously relegated to the Witches Grab Bags, are now available as part of a folio of rewards for completing any Witches Festival crafting writ (which can drop from any Plunder Skull).
    • This event also introduces the first TWO of five total fragments for the final morph for the Unstable Morpholith, the Doomchar Plateau plot-style home. They are available from the Impresario for 10 Event Tickets each.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Bastian has ditched the clean-shaven look and returned to his previous stubbled self.
    • Fixed an issue which prevented Companion daggers from dropping off monsters as expected.
    • Fixed an issue where Companions using ranged weapons and abilities could fail to reposition as expected when out of line of sight.
    • The group display will now switch to a large group upon reaching more than 4 total members of both players and Companions.

    • Disabled the Kotu Gava Broodmother spawning near the Vunalk Wayshrine.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Red Petal Bastion
      • General
        • Other player characters will no longer flicker when using portals to traverse the dungeon.
        • Heavy Sacks and Treasure Chests no longer have a chance to appear under the world.
        • Monsters will no longer print their voice lines into chat when first engaged.
        • Goriseli Moraburo portals can no longer be used while in combat.
        • The Grievous Twilight will now correctly use its Meteor Strike ability.
        • Fixed an issue where you were not able to complete the quest “A Rose of Many Thorns”.
        • Weylin and Lyranth will no longer interrupt your glorious combat against Relic Fiends to talk about silly corruption.
        • Realmshapers will no longer hitch when blocking their Smite attack.
        • Ritual circles used to grant access to Goriseli Moraburo will now deactivate when you step off.
      • Rogerain the Sly
        • Monsters entering the encounter through the Gates of Annihilation will now always be removed when Rogerain is defeated.
        • The visual effects for Chaotic Orb will no longer persist the entire fight.
        • Fixed an issue with the monster difficulty indicators not reporting correctly after Rogerain the Sly becomes targetable.
      • Eliam Merick
        • You can no longer stand on top of the Challenge Banner fixture.
        • Eliam, Liramindrel and Ihudir will now react a bit less to taking damage.
        • Ihudir will now animate correctly when entering the arena.
        • Ihudir’s Leki’s Backslash ability will no longer display a generic icon when used.
      • Prior Tierric Sarazen
        • Realmshapers will now always be removed should the fight reset.
        • Player characters will no longer slide around on their back after being affected by the Rockslide Rush ability while CC immune.
        • Heinous Hichkick is no longer so impactful that it removes you from first person view.
        • The Shadow’s Ire ability will now only be used when the Challenge Banner is active, correctly indicates it is a negative effect, and will no longer persist after Prior Thierric has been defeated.
        • Added a more thematic and glorious death for our dear Prior.
        • Lyranth and Weylin will now wait for Prior Thierric to give his epic death rattle before chiming in.
    • The Dread Cellar
      • General
        • Adjusted the number of Defense Matrix Shards to match the number of Daedric Flames required to access their respective locations.
        • Updated the various Accession boons to have more descriptive tooltips.
        • Added multiple death recap hints to help explain how the synergies belonging to the ally versions of Purgator, Undertaker and Grim Warden operate.
        • Increased the duration of the Daedric Flame effect acquired from using the synergy provided by unique braziers.
        • The Bolster shield effect provided by summoning the guardians is now stronger.
        • Dread Surges will now correctly continue even after the Agonymium Stone is destroyed by Martus and Lucilla.
      • Scorion Broodlord
        • Implemented several optimizations to improve performance during the encounter.
        • The Agglomerate snare effect will now correctly appear as a negative effect.
        • After raising the Challenge Banner, the Agony Unleashed ability will no longer appear to abruptly stop channeling and will always complete.
        • The Scorion Broodlord has a new death animation.
          • Note this new animation applies to all Scorions seen throughout the dungeon.
      • Cyronin Artellian
        • It is no longer possible to jump over Dread Surges, and Dread Surges will now correctly hit enemies moving quickly.
      • Magma Incarnate
        • Increased the health of Scorion Collectors summoned after a Agonymium Stone is successfully siphoned.
        • Added a death recap hint for the Daedric Outburst ability. Learning by dying is a time-honored tradition.
        • Scorion Collectors will no longer have the portal visual effects stuck to them when entering.
        • Scorions channeling on Agonymium Stones will now correctly refresh their shield, preventing them from being killed.
        • Players utilizing the Wayshrine option after dying will no longer be immediately placed back in the Antecedant Catalyst.
        • Your character will no longer take damage from poisonous clouds immediately after being teleported to the Forgotten Graves.
        • The Challenge Banner now glows when it can be interacted with to increase the difficulty.
          • Note when in Normal Mode, you will receive an error message when attempting to interact with the Challenge Banner.
        • Reduced the duration of the Bleeding effect applied by the Slice ability.
        • The Blitz Burn effect will now be removed when you enter a portal created by Martus or Lucilla.
        • Flame Colossus will no longer cast Fiery Charge or Rain of Fire.
        • Martus’s portal out of the Flame Pit is no longer in the lava.
        • Scamps will no longer swap targets to whoever has used a Taunt ability on the Magma Incarnate.

    • The Waking Flame achievement category is now at its proper location in the Achievement list.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on July 26, 2021 2:52PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Fixed an issue where adjusting your camera options could cause your character to always rotate and face the same direction in some situations.
    • Battle Spirit:
      • Reduced the damage taken bonus to 50% on this effect, down from 55%.
      • Increased the healing received penalty to 55%, up from 50%.
      • We will no longer detail the “effective strength” of these changes to prevent potential confusion.
      Developer Comment:
      After sifting through much of the feedback and data provided with dueling and theoretical encounters, we’ve dialed back some of the added mitigation to Battle Spirit. Additionally, we’ve heard much of the discussion on fears that the changes to damage reduction in their current state will cause a heavy resurgence of stalemating encounters, so we’ve also reduced the healing received in these environments in effort to counteract this. By reducing healing taken and increasing base effective health by increasing damage reduction, we hope to see less situations of insane burst tearing players apart, but also similar or less situations where healing supplements your ability to sustain constant pressure.

    • Storm Calling
      • Bolt Escape
        • Ball of Lightning (morph): The ball of lightning summoned from this ability now only intercepts projectiles from the caster of the ability, rather than any ally in the ball’s vicinity. The ball now only absorbs up to 1 projectile per second, down from 100.
          Developer Comment:
          This ability is currently enabling far too much protection against ranged attackers, not only for the caster but their allies as well, meaning skilled sorcerers can deny any ranged threats when properly utilizing this skill for them and their group.

    • Two Handed
      • Cleave: Increased the radius of this ability and its morphs to 6 meters, up from 5 meters.
        Developer Comment:
        This change was done to give some breathing room to land while moving, as well as for better consistency when compared to our standard Area of Effect size.

    • Undaunted
      • Inner Fire
        • Inner Beast (morph):
          • This ability’s damage taken bonus now only works against non-player characters.
          • Reduced the damage taken bonus to 10% at rank IV, down from 15%, to reduce situations where this ability may have been run over another damaging ability in solo encounters.

    • Juggernaut: Reduced the damage reduction bonus from this star to 1% per stage, down from 2%, to ensure its power is similar to other damage reduction sources in regard to its ease of access to keep up.

    Dungeons & Arenas
    • Crimson Oath’s Rive: Updated this set’s tooltip to properly state what can proc its effect.
    • Rush of Agony: The pull from this item set will now visibly move the targets instead of suddenly teleporting them
    • Silver Rose Vigil: Fixed several tooltip typos.
    • Thunder Caller: Fixed an issue where the Damage over Time from this set took 2 seconds to deal damage after the initial hit, rather than 1.

    • Soulshine: Fixed an issue where this set was not activating off channeled abilities.

    PvP Sourced
    • Plaguebreak:
      • Reduced the cooldown of this set to 100ms, down from 10 seconds.
      • This set now only applies itself to any target that isn’t already under the effects of the set.
      Developer Comment:
      This set continues to be unable to stack from multiple users, and the cooldown exists to prevent the ability of instantly applying the Damage over Time to multiple targets with one attack.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Sanctum Ophidia
      • Stonebreaker
        • Reduced the damage of the Ground Slam ability.
        • Stonebreaker will no longer use the Leaping Crusha ability.

    Bounties of Blackwood
    • Fixed an issue where Bounties of Blackwood reward boxes could drop unintentionally in the Dread Cellar.

    • Your camera will no longer occasionally pop through solid objects when swimming in tight spaces.

    • Fixed an issue that could rarely cause certain furnishings to appear invisible when previewed.
    • Updated the “Leyawiin Wall, Windowed Castle” structural furnishing so the window is visible from both sides of the wall.
    • Corrected a number of small seams and other minor visual issues on various new furnishings.

    • Corrected several small visual issues in Doomchar Plateau and Sweetwater Cascades.
    • Improved FPS performance in Sweetwater Cascades by making some behind-the-scenes optimizations to how this area is built.
    • Added a drain pipe below the smaller pool in Sweetwater Cascades to better illustrate the flow of water in the space and make it feel a little more natural. This matches the pre-existing pipe below the larger initial pool.
    • Fixed an issue where two benches in Sweetwater Cascades were permanent fixtures instead of being mobile furnishings. These are now included in the furnished version of the home.
    • Fixed an issue where your character could revive in place after falling to your death outside the bounds of Sweetwater Plateau.
    • Corrected a similar issue in Doomchar Plateau, where you could try to revive in the middle of the lava that just burned your character to death, rather than returning to the entrance of the home.

    • Fixed most cases where the game could freeze when Multithreaded Rendering is enabled.
      • Please note there is still a known issue where a freeze can occur in the specific case of changing graphics settings while Multithreaded Rendering is enabled. Restarting the game client will allow it function afterwards. Only updating graphics settings while Multithreaded Rendering is disabled can also work around the issue while a fix is being implemented.
    • System Mails that are sent to you due to pre-purchasing, buying a Collector's Edition, or a few other real-world purchases or activities, will no longer expire in your inbox.

    • Fixed issue where mounts could not be previewed at a Stable Master.

    Deadlands Prologue Quest
    • Fixed an issue where you were unable to see or interact with Lyranth’s letter.
    • Using Lyranth's Pendant will now produce the same effect throughout the quest
    • Fixed an issue where a stone column in Lyranth’s hideaway had incorrect collision.
    • Lyranth's Relic will no longer clip into the table it is sitting on.
    • You will now be able to see Sweet Daffodil and ride her to the destination if you have a groupmate on the quest.
    • You will now be directed to your Alliance delve properly if you leave the instance before entering Lyranth's portal.
    • Lyranth's portal will now appear properly in her hideout.
    • The second prologue quest now appears in the correct section of your quest journal.
    • You will now be able to see Lyranth's portal in her hideout if you log out or leave before she finishes summoning it.
    • Lyranth's portal will no longer disappear if you abandon the quest while in her hideout.
    • Lyranth and Rogatina will now properly vanish if you abandon the quest on the final step.
    • The Waking Flame Cultist in Greenshade will no longer be missing her nameplate.
    • Fixed several visual issues involving plants in the Cult Hideway.
    • Prologue Quest Items will now remain in your inventory on related quest steps.
    • Fixed an issue where you would get an “Examine” prompt on the quest item “Elegian’s Notes”.
    • You will no longer have Lyranth's letter in your inventory when beginning the first prologue quest.
    • You will now be able to properly collect Devastator Rullen's note if you miss it during the quest.
    • Lyranth will no longer have a silent dialogue line when you collect the evidence she is looking for.
    • Fixed an issue where Lyranth would repeat a line of dialogue twice.
    • Players taking Lyranth's portal away from the Waking Flame's demonstration arena will no longer see the original portal still active.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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