Please share your ESO story

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Hi, everyone. I think we need more love on this forum.
Can you share your ESO story? Describe or show your journeys (Use screenshots).
When you start (which year)? Why do you like playing ESO? Have you finished all quets? Or maybe you're pvp focused? Any information you can provide would be appreciated.

For me...
It was 6 years ago. Hard to believe! I brought a new console. Such a great times for this game! 2015-2016. My best memories. Probably because Cyrodiil was really great then... I remember my first 1shot in pvp zone and very big fights between players. I remember interesting stories and first dlc dungeons, crafting dailies in Orsinium and Vet 16 players, my first Emperor, Master Angler and my first vet Maelstrom clear. And i remember Morrowind chapter release and really big changes after that. In 2019 i switched from one server to another. Started from the beginning on my new account. (Some problems with guild bullying in pvp zone) The only thing i miss is Atmoran Bantam Guar. Cute little buddy from the survey. Anyway...
I finished all quests again and wanna share some ps4 screenshots with you. Not perfect. I know. But with all my gratitude to ESO designers and all kind people who helped me in this game.

This one dedicated to all Cyrodiil players:
And my personal love :) You know him:
Thank you.
  • whitecrow
    I believe I started in late 2016, as that's when I "earned" my first achievement--Defeated by Slaughterfish! I had played Skyrim, but had no experience with MMOs, other than a few failed months trying to play Everquest about 15 years earlier.

    I didn't know anyone who played, didn't know about guilds, and was too intimidated to ask in chat so I played it as a solo game. And died 1000 times! Even though I think the tutorials are pretty good, I still found it had a steep learning curve.

    But even though I was frustrated many times, the stories kept me interested, and also the exploration.

    I still remember when I got my first guild invitation. I was trying to navigate the Village of the Lost in Coldharbour, the "delve" with the portals, and another was there apparently in the same situation. We helped each other complete it and then she sent me an invite. Even though the guild is dormant now, I would feel kind of bad leaving it. I am sentimental that way.

    The package I originally bought (Imperial Edition) came with Cyrodiil/IC and Orsinium, and a little later I bought TG/DB. Morrowind was the first full expansion for me, and believe it or not I was still figuring things out. Fortunately a friend I made in White Gold Tower helped me out immensely with what I should be using for my class and various other things, and I finally became pretty good at the game. :D

    I was nervous about PVP for a long time and avoided it but after participating in the last couple Midyear Mayhem I've found I actually kind of like it. I can't really survive a duel unless the other player is much lower level, but I get by, and manage to complete the dailies. Sometimes if I see a group I'll run with them for a while.

    I have finished all the quests as far as I know. I have also fished out everywhere except Blackwood (need 2 more fish!) Like I said I am mainly interested in story but after playing for hours every day for four years they do start to feel a bit samey, and though I never skip dialogues I do find myself getting impatient sometimes. So for me it's mainly exploration for now. I love finding all the little secrets they've hidden all over. Even just finding a chest because I happened to look behind something gives me a little thrill!
  • ixthUA
    I had a severe depression (could not even play games) from mid 2015 to the end of 2016. I started taking antidepressants and they worked, depression started receding. As i started recovering i first fully completed Oblivion GOTY, then decided to finally try ESO. One of the symptoms of depression is inability to feel pleasure from activities that should provide pleasure, like gaming. When i started taking antidepressants this effect reversed and i was feeling too much pleasure where there should not be so much. I started a redguard DK tank with all points and equipment set for max health, and with its miserable dps completed about a half of existing at that time solo quests. Lowest possible DPS, no companions, no addons, still i was happy playing eso. During that period i became a werewolf, found a large social guild and several friends. Then antidepressants-caused apathy kicked in and i quit ESO.

    In 2020 i became friends with a person who was actively playing ESO. I bought all existing to date DLCs and started playing again, this time as a breton Warden healer. No addons, quite poor DPS, i was just listening music and doing solo quests (without reading them). After about a half of all solo quests done i stopped doing them (main factor was my slow killing speed) and started logging only to lvl up riding. After some time i stopped doing even that.

    I have a hobbie of recording video game playthroughs. Due to the mining craze of late 2020 / early 2021 i was unable to upgrade my GPU (AMD RX 480) and i could no longer record relatively new games (2018 and later). So i decided to stop recording and return to ESO, to my existing breton warden healer. While doing the second half of existing solo quests i randomly joined a guild that turned out to be a PVE veteran content raiding guild. They tought me about addons, DPS, equipment and crafting, DPS dummies. So now i had addons to collect skyshards, lorebooks, psyjic breaches, i could see raw materials and collect them for tempers, i could see my dps and improve it, so my killing speed became good. My PVE capability improved so much that i started fully completing maps and public dungeons solo. ESO was no longer a boring grind and i keep playing it daily for 6 months by now. All this info was essential to me and i regret not having it when i started playing. Not long ago i discovered that veteran dungeons have much more sociable players than normal dungeons, so this is another thing that keeps me playing
    Edited by ixthUA on July 17, 2021 10:00PM
  • Sylvermynx
    @Call_of_Red_Mountain - those are some GREAT screenies! I love the first one - would you allow me to copy it to use on my desktop wallpaper slideshow?

    I began TES games with Arena at release in 1994, and played every single player game in turn as they released. My daughter and granddaughter beta'd ESO, but weren't impressed (they're even LESS interested in pvp than I am). I started ESO in June of 2018, after I read about 1Tam, and pvp not being so in one's face any more.

    I'm not a completionist, I'm an altoholic, so I don't actually do much but move from alt to alt playing what seems fun depending on the current alt's backstory. I'll never "finish" the game - because it's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
  • Call_of_Red_Mountain
    @Sylvermynx, thank you. Off course! Enjoy.
  • Sylvermynx
    @Sylvermynx, thank you. Off course! Enjoy.

    Thank you! It's truly lovely - I wish I could live on one of those ships....
  • Chips_Ahoy
    My only memory of when I started playing ESO is this image of one of my first characters.

    My beloved Bubba.


    I didn't like being a necromancer, I had to erase it and make it Templar but I keep the image.
    Edited by Chips_Ahoy on July 17, 2021 11:35PM
  • Destai
    So I started the game back in one of the open beta events and played on PC for a year or so. I then quit PC gaming altogether and anxiously awaited the game's release on console. A few of my friends were getting ESO, but weren't on PS4. I wound up getting an Xbox explicitly for ESO. I played a Templar to about CP340ish, completing Cadwell's Gold was my big accomplishment. I eventually decided to come over to PS4/5 where my main gaming crew is. That was around the Elsweyr era, IIRC. My first character on PlayStation was a MagSorc and I did oodles of content on him but found myself getting more and more into the Warden. I've mained a Bow Warden for a few years now, but I have 9 max level toons. Overall, I stay in ESO because it's familiar and I'm invested. And despite some of my rather vocal problems with it and ZOS, it's far from the worst game on the market. It's home, ya know?

    Right now, I'm working on getting some old toons caught up with their skills and skyshards. Had a few that I loved but shelved to work on my main. It's been fun seeing new things and discovered that Magicka Nightblade is a lot of fun. Templar, Warden, and Nightblade are my favorite, in that order.
    Edited by Destai on July 17, 2021 11:58PM
  • Sanctum74
    I started right after the console release. For the first year all I knew was pve until I saw the infamous AngryJoe video and then I was hooked on pvp and still am. It just blew my mind to see so much variety compared to the shooter genres I was used to for pvp.

    I’ve enjoyed playing all the different classes, but mostly it’s the people I’ve met through the years that have made it special. Unfortunately many have left the game and some have died, but I will always remember the great times I’ve had. ESO is definitely an amazing experience despite all the bugs.
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    I started in early 2019, I was just a casual player at the time, and clueless. I met and lost friends throughout these few years, I made mistakes and improved in certain ways, I currently have no friends but I find it better to distance myself from a toxic crowd. I’m now into pve and am still practicing to be better at it. I recently got dromathra destroyer so that made me happy
  • bmnoble
    I was one of those people annoyed they made an MMO instead of another single player Elderscrolls game, not to say I didn't look into the game at all but what I saw during the early years held little interest to me.

    It wasn't until December 2018, I had finished my seasonal job for the year a few months earlier was looking for something to do in my spare time when not job hunting.

    I had been playing SWTOR for years and was starting to get bored of it mostly due to their slow release of new content that I finally decided to look for alternatives.

    I tried a number of buy to play MMO's found they held little interest and eventually decided to give ESO a try, I was initially thinking of getting in on PS4 but when I looked into things further and learned about add on's I went with PC, it helped that I had just bought a decent PC so I didn't have to worry about performance.

    After starting the game and playing for a bit, I think it was about 3 days in, before I caved and got ESO+ Been subscribed since.

    My main has finished all the overland quests I could find, I eventually used add on's to make sure I had not missed anything. Mostly did the side quests recently to unlock the house purchasing achievements. My mains at the point where they are waiting for new story content to be released now, that forced me to start putting more effort into my alts.

    I was stubborn about joining guilds, think it was at least a year in before I finally joined a trade guild.

    I proceeded to load up my trade slots with bits and pieces I had found while questing, hadn't figured out the pricing add on's yet, so I was fairly stupid when it came to pricing stuff for example I had those basic racial motifs up for 10K, wasn't until they didn't sell that I looked into TTC for my pricing.

    Of course then I ran out of stuff to sell, that got me making a lot of characters to do daily writs on, at first I just got them to level 6 and did tier 1 equipment writs to get surveys that I could do on my main, to have something to sell.

    I took up thieving to help me pay my weekly dues for my first trade guild, after my dues I spent the gold on intricate gear to level the crafting skills on my alts. I gradually leveled my alts to 50 to max out the gold they were generating.

    Somewhere along the line I had enough gold to be able to do max level daily writs on all my alts, I was able to give up thieving as something I felt I needed to do to pay my dues, my daily writs covered my expenses and sorted out my stock problems for my first trade guild.

    Once I had enough gold to work with I made a point to do the trait research on my main, wasted some crowns on research scrolls at the time, to be able to make sets I wanted badly at the time that in reality were awful choices. I was one of those people so obsessed with making my character un-kill able, always wearing heavy armor, that I did next to no damage and had terrible sustain.

    I finally got out of that habit in early 2020, now I use light armor more often than not, no longer have the damage or sustain problems and know enough to keep myself alive, I am no top level damage dealer but can kill stuff quickly enough in overland to understand why people find it boring and want more challenge.

    Sometime after finishing my trait research I made a point of getting the grand master crafter achievement, other than that I rarely go out of my way to get achievements, spent a lot of gold on motifs, almost bankrupted myself at the time.

    Then I realized that almost no one ever asks for specific motifs when they are looking for a crafter, most are just happy if you know all 9 traits, that was a little disappointing. Still hasn't stopped me collecting most motifs in the game though, I make a point to wait for them to be cheap.

    Stuck my toes into dungeons when I was around CP600+ lot of trial and error I slowly got better at it, quickly learnt why tanks avoid the random group finder. I am by no means a trial tank or even a vet dlc dungeon tank, but most of the base game vet ones I can manage just fine these days.

    My willpower failed me at least 3 times over the years, first was when I bought that Dark brotherhood sanctuary house in the gold coast, second is when I bought the Wraithome in Rivenspire, third was when I bought the Vampire Castle in Blackreach fully furnished. Bought a few mounts too.

    When I had plenty of gold from writs I bought a large number of different sets to try out different builds, although the introduction of the stickerbook cut my hoard down somewhat still have a large amount hoarded in storage chests and in an alts inventory, you know for just in case, on a rainy day when the stars are aligned and a blood moons in sky that I suddenly decide I want to use them. There golded out I am not parting with them, quite a few only went into storage recently due to the proc set scaling, since I mostly play magicka characters, my builds got hit hard)

    Bought almost every house that can be purchased with gold, once I realized I had 50 million in gold sitting the bank from doing daily writs and selling stuff regularly in the 5 trade guilds I ended up joining, stuck with my first trade guild till the day they became a social guild before moving to one of their sister guilds, their guild house was too good to give up. Only just now is my gold balance recovering from that spending spree.

    Once I realized they were not going to release any more character slots for awhile I made a point of putting more effort into my writ crafting alts, made a point of doing their daily riding lessons and having them all learn 9 traits in everything with the in game research scrolls managed to get all 17 of them done in 6 months. (I had/have all my alts equip with speed gear so they could do writs a little bit faster, now they all have their own Wild hunt ring, just so I don't have to mount when doing daily writs)

    Made a point of getting at least one of each of the other classes to the point where I could do writs and fetch gear out of my bank equip them and use them without having to do respecs. Got 12 others I will someday finish leveling the weapons and light armor skill lines on and hunt down enough skill points to make them useful beyond daily writs as well, someday maybe.

    I have gotten past CP1900 have everything I want from the new CP trees so that has largely killed the desire to level, much more.

    Still hoarding easy master writs though for the next double XP event planning to level my alts remaining weapon/armor skill lines to max, currently passively doing that by having skills on their bar as they do daily writs, once that is done I will be well and truly out of excuses to go hunt down enough skill points for each of them to be able to do daily writ and be useful in other content.

    Once they have maxed out there skill lines though I am not really planning to go out of my way to grind until they add more character slots, see no appeal in getting to CP3600 if the game is still around in 8 years and the leveling system does not undergo any changes in that time, I will probably get there just by playing as I normally do.

    Settled for blue gear on my companions can't be stuff buying purple gear for them, as it is now that I have there collectibles that give their perk I rarely summon them.

    Started farming more healer sets, since I have been playing that role a lot more in dungeons, I know I am not quite up to stuff as a damage dealer in group content but still want to do some damage once and awhile instead of tanking all the time.

    Been doing PVP on and off since I started playing, likely going to give it more of a go soon since I am running out of stuff I want to do in PVE, mostly because I hate repeating the same quests again on different characters due to the lack of difference the choices most quests offer doing them again.

    As for why I keep playing, haven't really seen a good alternative ESO and SWTOR both had something that I knew of beforehand that drew me in, for example, WOW and Final Fantasy and other big MMO's lack that for me, if I were to play them that would be for the most part my first introduction to there lore and world building, that's a big hurdle to me to get interested enough in them to spend a long time playing them.

    And honestly can't be stuffed starting another MMO from scratch at this point, sunk over 3600 hrs into ESO, its just something to do when I am bored don't see that changing anytime soon.

    That's about all I can think of at the moment. I know a lot of it was probably boring I always tend to get too focused on making currency in games, I am one of those people that like to be as geared up and ready as possible before doing anything, I always end up out leveling the recommended level for doing the story line in RPG's and other games, just a bad habit of mine.
  • Kadraeus
    I started in April 2020. Was super obsessed with Skyrim and was becoming even more into The Elder Scrolls in general. I saw ESO was offering a free trial, so I figured I'd try it out. I only got to play for about an hour spread out over 2 days at like 1 am, and when the trial ended I wasn't sure if I'd continue playing since I only tried it because it was free. Then I saw it on sale for $8 and just went and bought it. I'm super glad I did. It was a bit rocky at first since I wasn't used to the combat and Vvardenfell was kicking my ass a ton. The music is a huge reason I kept coming back, though. I still love going to Vvardenfell purely because of how nostalgic it is for me even though I haven't played OG Morrowind. Part of me wishes I could go back and experience this game for the first time again. Heck, I remember being blown away when I figured out that Vvardenfell wasn't the whole map lol. And I think it's important to note that this is the longest I've played any MMO. I have over 800 hours in it, and I never got this far in SWTOR for some reason.


    So far, I've done every expansion except Dark Brotherhood, Greymoor, Markarth, and Blackwood. I'm working through Greymoor and DB now on two separate characters, so I'll get to Markarth and Blackwood eventually.

    Also, Fashion Scrolls completely changed the game for me. It gave me a reason to play the game more since I'd constantly go hunting for motifs and then spend an hour at the Outfit Station making an outfit that I'd only wear for a few days and change again.

    Here's some of my fav screenshots:

    also, Lyris kinda big tho

    Edited by Kadraeus on July 18, 2021 6:02AM
  • Lugaldu
    I observed ESO for many years until I finally gave it a try in 2018. TES IV Oblivion was the first role-playing game of its kind, which totally fascinated me, before that for 20 years I only played strategy games and building games like Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Empires, Caesar, Pharao etc. and back then Oblivion felt like the video games-version of my pen-and-paper and LARP activities. I had no interest to start with ESO at once when it launched because I didn´t liked MMORPG (had some very bad experiences in connection with Guild Wars), but then the years passed by and there was still no Elder Srolls VI. Meanwhile in 2018, one could read everywhere that there was enough content for solo players and so I decided to start with ESO. At first I was just confused by all the quests and content and played everything in a totally chaotic way, I wasn't immediately enthusiastic about it. But then in the Christmas holidays 2018 I had two weeks in which I could play every day and then Murkmire really grabbed me. What can I say, since then I've been "addicted" to ESO. ;)

    This is the first screenshot I ever took of my main Lugaldu, sorcerer and archer:

  • aaisoaho
    First time I played ESO was back in beta. I tried it for a weekend and enjoyed it. I played as a dunmer nightblade and remember going trough EPs story up until Stonefalls, where I discovered a route to The Rift. After the said weekend, I forgot ESO for a while.

    Since my income was low, I couldn't really afford to pay a monthly subscription for a game. And I waited. Then I heard the news about subscription becoming optional for ESO and decided to buy it. I have played on and off ever since.

    I saw the launch of every DLC. I was VR8 when CP launched. The enlightment at the beginning meant I got to CP160 when the VR->CP change happened.


    This is my main. Those were her stats when the CP system hit the game. I didn't know about food buffs and I rocked agility, hundings rage and night mothers gaze.

    At first, I played non-stop from the deepest depths of Coldharbour to the northernmost shore of Auridon. I found an interesting cave called The Banished Cells and remember using the sitchair emote to wait for a group to do it. It was as difficult as it was exciting and only when a group member invited an emperor were we able to finish the dungeon. (emperors had permanent buffs outside of Cyrodiil back then and everything was levelled, so no high level players was willing to do a low level group dungeon)

    On the said character I've done a lot. I've PVPd with her, done Cadwell's gold, done every questline available (except IC), done normal trials and every non-DLC vet dungeon. Just a week ago I gathered my guts to do vet DLC dungeons I stopped doing because a run in veteran bloodroot forge was a hairy one.

    There's just so much to do in Tamriel. I've enjoyed my stay in Nirn and continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

    I'll end my post with a picture of my first piece of decoration I did when housing was a new thing.

  • Call_of_Red_Mountain
    Tnx, guys. I really appreciate it. Different players, different stories. <3
  • Casdha
    I first heard of ESO in 2013 shortly before E3 and I was still heavy into Skyrim at the time but once I read that it was to be a 3rd person MMO, well it quickly became a non starter for me. A short time later I was laying around watching some E3 videos posted to the Xbox live main page and I saw one for ESO and it had some cool looking 1st person video and where to find more info about the game. I looked and they had a link to apply for beta testing. I sent in the application as more or less a joke and told them that I had no interest in purchasing this game unless they could convince me otherwise.

    I received my invite for a beta weekend roughly a month after E3 on July 9th and my first weekend in game was July 12th of 2013. I logged into the forums for the first time and found that I had been placed into a group (Stendarr) No one ever officially told us what the groups meant but best we could surmise Stendarr was mostly folks who had never or at least rarely played MMOs but were familiar with the Source Material. There was also a group that appeared to be mostly Female players, one that was players over 50 (at the time) One that was die hard PvP players, so on and so forth. Those beta weekends for me consisted of the one in July, two in August and two in September. Then when October came around I recieved a special invite, I was invited to join The Psijic Order on October 4th, 2013. This was a full time beta test group with access 24/7 (as long as the servers were up) and we were also to keep it secret from our weekend beta test groups. I started in DC because up to that point (and mostly after) The weekend beta's were limited to EP, and or Cyrodiil. I played all of DC and two thirds way through the AD story lines during my time with The Psijic Order. The hardest secret for me to keep from the weekend beta teams was Cadwell's Silver and Gold. Some folks were upset that you only got to experience a third of the game depending on which faction you chose and I couldn't tell them otherwise. (this was well before 1 Tamriel)

    Since then I have played (and purchased) all of the Solo content, and a handful of the Group content (only due to ESO+). I've gotten angry and left a couple of times and came back. For the last few years I have fallen into the pattern of buying the Chapter, playing until the end of the year DLC and then taking a break and using the first half of the year to catch up on all of the other games that have come out that I'd like to play. I then come back a few weeks before the chapter launch and repeat, this seems to work for me.

    One of the little things I appreciate about this ZOS bunch is best told in a little story. I logged into the forums in 2015 just to get my mind off of the fact that I had just gotten home from my dad's funeral and I got my 2 year forum badge (July 9th) I made a comment about it always being a reminder of the day I buried my dad. Without me asking for it to be done they changed my anniversary date from the 9th (the day I created my account) to the 12th (the day of my first beta test). Don't ever think that they don't read every word here, and there is always someone who (whether they can do anything about it or not) Cares what you have to say.

    FYI got the notice for my 8 year badge when I logged in today :)
    Edit: funny thing is, it is the 1st person video that got me interested and I haven't played 1st person since beta.
    Edited by Casdha on July 19, 2021 10:31AM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    I played Skyrim for about 160 hours over 3.3 months last year, to keep me sane during these oppressive COVID-19 lockdowns, then followed up with Oblivion (I know, it's back to front), then started ESO 3 months ago and exceeded the Skyrim hours on the weekend, and have no plan to quit it anytime soon :smiley: I'm almost at level 48, and I'm hardly the best player, but I really enjoy the questing and PvE conflicts.

    The only major problem I've had playing it is occasional lag (the ping is about 300ms down here in Melbourne, Australia), but otherwise, no complaints.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    Also, as already mentioned above, nice screendumps, @Call_of_Red_Mountain :smiley:

    (Btw, is it possible to edit posts here? I didn't want to post twice)
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Call_of_Red_Mountain
    @vsrs_au, thank you very much.

    Yes. You can edit you posts. Look at little cog (options) in you message.
  • Sylvermynx
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Also, as already mentioned above, nice screendumps, @Call_of_Red_Mountain :smiley:

    (Btw, is it possible to edit posts here? I didn't want to post twice)
    @vsrs_au, thank you very much.

    Yes. You can edit you posts. Look at little cog (options) in you message.

    You usually have to refresh the page to see the gear icon.

  • kargen27
    Enjoyed other Elder Scroll games and stumbled across a coming soon announcement somewhere for ESO. I started with the early access and this is still my go to game.
    Last year I started a 2nd account so I could take a new character through all the content my very first character did in the same order. Has been fun.

    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • tinythinker
    Hi, everyone. I think we need more love on this forum.
    Can you share your ESO story?

    When you start (which year)?
    Like many players still with the game, I first entered this version of Tamriel in the final rounds of beta stress testing. On live servers I started in Spring 2014 in the early early access.

    Describe or show your journeys.
    Well, over 7 years of content is a lot to go through, so maybe some summaries and highlights?

    1. I almost didn't play ESO at all until a major medical crisis.

    I like single player RPGs and had played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. But my impression of MMOs was poor due to what I had heard (largely based on old school version) many years before ESO was released. I didn't want to get addicted or pay a monthly sub as I didn't have the time and was watching my budget back then, so I banned myself from playing MMOs.

    Even after that was no longer necessary, I was just used to not being an MMO person. I was not happy when I found out about ESO as it would be the first major TES game I missed. Then in Fall 2013 out of the blue I was diagnosed with a medical problem that required major surgery (like, lower your temperature to stop your heart so they can operate type of surgery). While recovering at home in December I decided to apply for the ESO beta so I could at least feel like I played it without having to buy it.

    2. I was a high-volume forum regular (2014-2016)

    I started on the (now defunct) while waiting to get into the beta.

    Once the current version of the forums opened up to non-testers at launch, I became a regular. My areas of focus were arm chair developer, fun thread maker, and shaper/contributor to the old "Natch Potes" meme threads. Arm chair developer was fun because the game was new and very austere - just waiting for new systems to come in. Those of us in that early arm chair society visited each others threads and had fun comparing ideas and chatting.

    My fun threads included Dogs of ESO (ruined by Photobucket, boo!), Sad moments in PvE, Favorite "Oops" moment?, Favorite NPC one-liners?, and Who is your ESO character? to name few. I also made memes for and helped start a few of the Natch Potes threads.

    I also would try to answer questions on the Players Helping Players forum and sometimes put up a welcome thread. Other times I would make posts like this anniversary thread. I mention that one because it gives a glimpse of my journey with ESO from a community-based perspective.

    After I got a really busy new job in Summer 2016 and as the population, tone, and preferences of the forums changed, I was no longer a regular here. Games and their communities evolve. But those early days were very fun and helped anchor me into the community :smile:

    3. I have a lot of Argonian characters.

    This is funny, because I never wanted to play Argonian in previous TES games. Their character models were ungodly ugly, they had little interesting lore (from my POV), and were associated with stealth and thieving. In fact, when I was gleaning what I could about the game from the forums at Tamriel Foundry while waiting to get into the beta, I actually planned to be a dual-wielding Dunmer Dragonknight dancing across the battlefield in a symphony of terror.

    Then I learned DK's can breathe fire and I saw the cool-looking Argonian character models in the creation screen and wanted be Godzilla. I even copied my Beta character's appearance as best I could to the live server. I really enjoyed learning more about Argonians in ESO made more in my character stable.

    4. I started as a Dragonknight main then switched to Templar by accident.

    For those who don't know, at launch Dragonknights were truly OP. Now being new to MMOs and shy, I was using whatever cheap gear rewards that dropped from NPC quest givers. No crafted sets or upgrading the pieces I found, and only occasionally some set pieces from a drop. My own character's OPness as a DK was greatly diminished. But it was fun and I had brought my Beta character back to life.

    Then early on in the forums there was a thread about Templars in PvP where someone had claimed to have made an unstoppable Templar build. Some people called BS on it and suggested that the OP just wanted to avoid Dragonknight nerfs by making Templars look better, as they were... a little rough... at launch.

    I made a Templar just to see if this build worked, and, well, by then it didn't work exactly as I had hoped but I really liked the character. Keep in mind, Templar was veeeeery different back then (no "Jesus Beam", no heals from Puncturing Sweeps, etc.) and Argonians has such substandard racials for so long that even when people were begging for or demanding buffs to their own character's race, they still took pity on players with Argonians. I joked once on these forums that playing on Argonian Templar was a triple nerf (i.e. the race and class were so underwhelming that putting them together itself constituted a separate nerf to your character).

    Hence, I have no qualms about playing a Templar or an Argonian nor do I listen to those who dump on them or take jabs at playing either. I got yer "jabs" right here B)


    5. I like exploring and earning achievements but can't seem to "get into" my characters in ESO.

    I am a would-be completionist who will never even get close to that goal in ESO. Time, support, gear, and skill level are against me. I've done the base game content many times and most DLC up until the pandemic at least a couple of times. Also, I have trouble figuring out my characters. Not because I am wishing to join a dedicated RP group. Even just a sense of who my characters are and what drives them seem to elude me. Not sure why. A basic overview or background shouldn't be that hard as I love to write and create. Hence I don't really feel much of anything for my characters in the sense that they don't interest me. They are more like vehicles for completing content.

    I think this somewhat limits my interest in playing. But I do try sometimes.

    (Use screenshots)
    I have way too many to even look through, let alone choose as representative examples, so I will do a random selection.

    My original character




    My Argonian Templar





    Why do you like playing ESO?
    I have an investment in the game world, the development of characters, and to some extent the community.

    Also like to see the new zones, stories, characters, outfits, etc. and listen to the zone music.

    (Please ZOS, a toggle to turn off combat music.)

    Have you finished all quests?
    Overland quests? Yeah.

    The ones associated with completing arenas, dungeons, trials, etc? No. I haven't finished all of those.

    Or maybe you're PvP focused?
    I play PvE and PvP. Got within 2 keeps of being Emperor once on my Breton Sorcerer. That may sound like nothing to some PvPers, but it was a unique set of circumstances in Winter 2015 that even made it possible. I wasn't trying to Emp. I was just having a lot of fun in Cyrodiil during some time off. It was pretty much my one shot at it, and that character would have become my main forever :tongue:

    Any information you can provide would be appreciated.
    I hope what I wrote had some value.

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    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

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