NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I want more simple and casual looking styles, and weapons that has a normal size. Too many are way too thick and big, or has weird handle and guard sizes and shapes compared to the blade/head. It's not just greatswords that is lacking.
I also want some actual bucklersMost shields are too big to be bucklers.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I want more simple and casual looking styles, and weapons that has a normal size. Too many are way too thick and big, or has weird handle and guard sizes and shapes compared to the blade/head. It's not just greatswords that is lacking.
I also want some actual bucklersMost shields are too big to be bucklers.
i have to agree, i love the rogue type small buckler style for assassin / thief type size, but eso has never had any small shields like what i want.
the best for a small shield i have ever found in eso was this nord shield:
but that shield is too big in my opinion.
i need smaller, maybe something like this one:
even that one seems almost too big though...
i just want assassin / rogue / thief type small buckler.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »Finally, I'd like to see the colours apply consistently. Right now, if I apply, say, Khenarthi Red to a piece of an outfit, there's no guarantee that the hood will match when I put Khenarthi Red on THAT. Likewise, so many colours turn into shiny metallic colour instead of looking like cloth. Colours should be consistent in all cases, as should materials.
Supreme_Atromancer wrote: »Morgha_Kul wrote: »Finally, I'd like to see the colours apply consistently. Right now, if I apply, say, Khenarthi Red to a piece of an outfit, there's no guarantee that the hood will match when I put Khenarthi Red on THAT. Likewise, so many colours turn into shiny metallic colour instead of looking like cloth. Colours should be consistent in all cases, as should materials.
Strongly agree. I don't know why they gave us armour dyeing when there are so many instances where they seem to think we shouldn't have a choice in the matter.
One thing I absolutely can't stand is the series of armours they did that *always* dyed, in every channel, in every colour with extraordinarily high gloss, like my character has been shrink-wrapped. Sadly, some of the better armour options were like this.
grizzledcroc wrote: »I feel like you havnt even seen all the armors lol. I have the complete opposite opinion. Like we just had Ebonsteel and a lot of heavy armor from last year is bulky as *** .
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I want more simple and casual looking styles, and weapons that has a normal size. Too many are way too thick and big, or has weird handle and guard sizes and shapes compared to the blade/head. It's not just greatswords that is lacking.
I also want some actual bucklersMost shields are too big to be bucklers.
i have to agree, i love the rogue type small buckler style for assassin / thief type size, but eso has never had any small shields like what i want.
the best for a small shield i have ever found in eso was this nord shield:
but that shield is too big in my opinion.
i need smaller, maybe something like this one:
even that one seems almost too big though...
i just want assassin / rogue / thief type small buckler.
Whenever i see the weapons of a new motif or arms pack my first thought is "Oh they look really nice, shame that they'll be way too small."
I also don't understand why they make colors on most new motifs look so dull and washed out which just ends up making the armor look like a costume made out of plastic.
SilverBride wrote: »I want a staff that isn't glued to my back. Maybe only have it show when in combat. Or give us magic that emanates from us, not a long stick.
Can we get better looking motifs finally , 90% of the skins are so low effort it's not even funny.
Let's start with the elephant in the room. What's up with you guys and small shields. There legit one or two motifs that are actual shields and not bucklers. I can't stress enough how frustrating it is when you get excited about how a shield looks, you put it on and it barely covers your forearm . These things look ridicules. When are we going to get more normal sized shield's like the mercenary one or a straight up tower shield. Like order of the hour one looks so underwhelming , a roman inspired buckler is what it is lol.
The greatswords. We legit have no normal looking greatswors. There are maybe 4-5 out of all of them that can barely pass for a greatsword. Remember how the dragonbone greatsword looked in skyrim, now that is a greatsword, now compare it to the things we get here, funny looking curvy messes with one or two gems here and there .
Don't get me started on the armor. Do you know how hard it is to find armor with actual depth or bulkiness to it. I understand the majority of players want to me sorcs or assassins but holy cow the majority of heavy armor looks like a weirdly painted shirt just inffused into your characters skin. And the colors are all wrong and pale(people who play around with their outfits a lot will get this , how often to you find a matching piece , only to find out it super pale no matter what color you put on it), there are very few sets like the ebony motifs for example or the trinamic one who look like they are actual armor with a metalic feel and look AND they have additional layers to them which removes the feeling of wearing a metalic shirt. Also please relax with the weird waist armor that comes with the torso, 9 times out of 10 they looke like they are floating around your waist.
Can you guys consider updating your existing motifs. It is really hard to create certain types of character looks . To sum up my rant:
1. You have very few options for a bulky heavy armor outfit, that doesn't look out of place, glitched or glued to your skin with no depth or layers to it.
2. Creating casual clothing outfits is also hard, due to your obsession with the floaty waist armor that even some light armor sets get
3. Make shields actual shields and not bucklers
4. Give us one normal greatsword , like the dragonbone one in skyrim . It's doesn't need to be anything flashy , to me one of your best looking ones is the anscestral nord sword, it''s simple , great and looks like an actual sword. Stop it with the weird arm guards that ruin the entire thing, or the weird curves that frankly make it look like someone is trying too hard. Less is more guys , when it comes to skins meant for warrior archetypes less is more. Look at the trinamic one , an actual big greatsword, but then you had to overkill it and ruin it by covering half the blade with the armguard piece. Or my biggest grudge , the dragonbone weapons, omg what a missed opertunity that was.
This is not meant as mindless hate. You can create a good look for yourself , but i do think you guys need to change your whole outlook on how gear should look.
Versispellis wrote: »SilverBride wrote: »I want a staff that isn't glued to my back. Maybe only have it show when in combat. Or give us magic that emanates from us, not a long stick.
I want the opposite thing. I want a giant statement piece of a staff that looks like a bladed polearm.