No Proc in No CP = No Good

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  • Thraben

    Dude what was the point of this reply? Ur saying ur basically guessing that 60% of ur guild are in favour of no procs. This is just pure bias because u are obviously in favour of it. Show me the poll that states roughly 60% of ur 500 man guild is in favour of no proc, then I will believe you. Until then, u don’t represent anyone.

    The point is to show that you haven't read the thing you quoted, which some argue is a prerequisite for a civic discussion. And, amazingly, you have done it TWICE now:
    Thraben wrote: »

    My personal opinion should be clear, as one can easily see on my avatar. I will miss my beloved Deadroth. But sometimes you have to see the greater good as well as the clear majority independent of personal desires.

    This is my private opinion. Or, in simpler words: I like proc sets, I'm wearing 4 of it, I have millions of gold worth of VD sets on the bank that will lose value soon, of dozens of my builds I presented on the forums only ONE is noProc, and I won't even be able to make thematic raids like a Werewolf raid or a PetSorc raid any longer when this goes through.


    Still, and this is the point, I had to correct people who think that their opinion represents some kind of "silent majority" when the forum polls and so many guild internal discussions, and even the overcrowded Ravenwatch campaign during the No-Proc tests say otherwise. That''s a matter of honesty.

    I just find the arguments that support this change reasonable. Originally, I was strongly in support of two NoCP campaigns with and without procs. But people have correctly stated that the amount of players would probably not sufficient for that. That's a reasonable argument. There are not enough EP and AD players on Ravenwatch EU already.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 7, 2021 5:49PM
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • MrMazurski

    I'm using those sets as examples because they are banned in the No-Proc format despite being pure stat sets.

    You were the one who used "playing the game for you" as the excuse for getting rid of most sets and I am here to remind you that the universe of sets being disabled is FAR greater than the cheesy "free damage" sets such as Caluurion's.

    Wow, you dont need blame me for your lost.
    Im here to remind you that we started with 19 sets, now there are many more and more will follow. But I dont know if you understand that, because I think your eyes are quite closed for others things than you can or more want only see.

    And it ends up replying to your messages because they don't lead to any kind of constructive conversation.
    - Where "Update on Cyrodiil Performance & Upcoming AOE Tests"? I wish ZOS would stop kicking players' balls, especially those on Cyro
    - - PC-EU / Ravenwatch
  • DrSlaughtr
    There are a whole lot of people on my platform (XB) that play Raven even though they are 810+ CP. They just enjoy it and there's nothing wrong with that.

    Here's what I think will happen.

    If there's a new campaign that is no proc and no cp, it will be dead. People in GH and BR who WANT a no proc campaign are largely not going to sacrifice their level for it. So very little will change with those populations.

    The vast majority of players who will switch to that new campaign will be Ravenwatch players, which will split the least populated server. Yeah that sounds like a great idea.

    GH and BR need their populations balanced. This was the perfect opportunity. No one likes playing through GH lag in prime time but they stay there for two reasons: That's where the battles are and alliance lock. Nothing will change with alliance lock as there are too many people who rainbow in BR. As for the battles, if the populations balanced there would be battles in GH AND BR. There are enough people in GH all the damn time that if 25% left for BR, there would still be big ass battles and action. Meanwhile BR would gain some much needed competition instead of being relegated to the campaign that gets won every night at 4 a.m.

    Maybe I'll be wrong. Maybe large numbers of CP players will choose no proc first. We'll see.

    But let's stop with this nonsense that Ravenwatch is populated by low CP people. It isn't. But if it is, then no one should be running CP 160 gear, because there's a bigger gap between that gear and lvl 50 gear than a CP 500 and CP 1000 player. So long as you got the points to unlock your 4 buffs, you're golden in CP now that they've spread things out.

    I want a CP No Proc campaign but I'd rather stay in proc than lose my CP. Raven and BGs are miserable for any class that doesn't have built in resource regen, unless of course you're running a proc set that gives you resources. Imagine not having CP AND not being able to run a resource set. Sounds fun.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • vesselwiththepestle
    I am at 1800+ CP atm and still playing in Ravenwatch. When this no proc happens, I might swap over to CP, though. In my group several players told me they have no interest in no proc and they found the test rather dull and boring. I already lost several players to the no proc months, including our former theory crafting expert, who helped to build up the group from the ground. I personally find the no proc meta rather bland, it's always missing something. Deleting Ravenwatch in exchange for this no proc campaign is terrible. I guess there goes the last hope for a duel option without CP then, too.

    Luckily I canceled my sub already when the no proc test weeks were prolonged, so at least there's that :).
    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on July 13, 2021 10:19PM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • ThePedge
    Thraben wrote: »

    Please abstain from making such strong statements. You may have personal reasons for it, and things might be different in the US, but

    Tigor and I represent a substantial part of Europe's veteran NoCP campaign playerbase, something you probably did not know. We haven't been involved in the decision, but if the Devs would have asked me, I would have estimated - based on guild members' stated opinion -, that among those, roughly 60% are in favor of the NoCP No Proc campaign, 30% don't care, and mainly only the Bombblade players are against it.

    My personal opinion should be clear, as one can easily see on my avatar. I will miss my beloved Deadroth. But sometimes you have to see the greater good as well as the clear majority independent of personal desires.

    For now, it is more important to change how VD works, and then buff Proximity Detonation to compensate for it, so that Bomblade players can still have fun in a No-Proc environment.

    You, Tigor, Veterans? XD
  • NotTaylorSwift
    Thraben wrote: »

    What makes u think that? Quite self righteous.

    And where do u get the idea that ravenwatch was overcrowded during no proc? Queues were not way higher than normal, and in the final month or two there were no queues and sometimes alliances weren’t locked in prime hours. Pc eu ravenwatch that is..

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 7, 2021 5:52PM
  • Thraben
    And where do u get the idea that ravenwatch was overcrowded during no proc? Queues were not way higher than normal, and in the final month or two there were no queues and sometimes alliances weren’t locked in prime hours. Pc eu ravenwatch that is..
    rbfrgsp wrote: »
    PC EU. Every campaign lost at least 50% of its player base through no-proc testing. It's come back somewhat now.

    Thank you for the point.

    The queue times increased during the NoProc campaign on Ravenwatch PC DC side by roughly 40 minutes. It decreased since the re-implementation of Proc sets in June. This change is too big to be explained by effects like "DC mass migration" and "people are tired after midyear mayhem + summer break" alone.

    Again, I will not claim that this is representative for all and every server, and it is only for one faction, but is still enough to debunk this myth.

    ThePedge wrote: »
    You, Tigor, Veterans? XD

    And who are you exactly ;) ?

    There are not many players on Ravenwatch EU left that have been on the 30 day NoCP campaign from the very beginning, and are still regulars. Foxey, Tigor, me, and maybe 14 others. If you are among them, I'd gladly talk about the good old days :).
    Edited by Thraben on July 14, 2021 12:00PM
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • neferpitou73
    Thraben wrote: »

    Thank you for the point.

    The queue times increased during the NoProc campaign on Ravenwatch PC DC side by roughly 40 minutes. It decreased since the re-implementation of Proc sets in June. This change is too big to be explained by effects like "DC mass migration" and "people are tired after midyear mayhem + summer break" alone.

    Again, I will not claim that this is representative for all and every server, and it is only for one faction, but is still enough to debunk this myth.

    And who are you exactly ;) ?

    There are not many players on Ravenwatch EU left that have been on the 30 day NoCP campaign from the very beginning, and are still regulars. Foxey, Tigor, me, and maybe 14 others. If you are among them, I'd gladly talk about the good old days :).

    And the pop on PC NA exploded after no-proc ended.
  • Qrähe

    And the pop on PC NA exploded after no-proc ended.

    Ehhh, I had que times during no proc and afterwards that hasn't happened sans MYM.
  • DrSlaughtr
    This thread is pointless. They're shoving no proc onto Ravenwatch.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • neferpitou73
    Qrähe wrote: »

    Ehhh, I had que times during no proc and afterwards that hasn't happened sans MYM.

    Not discounting what you experienced but I played most nights primetime and never got a queue outside of MYM
  • Zabagad
    This thread is pointless. They're shoving no proc onto Ravenwatch.
    I'm pretty sure you are right, but if that would always be like that, every thread here is pointless.
    Casttime on shield was not pointless, asking for no 6 month of no-proc wasn't pointless too. (there are for sure more, but I'm not often enough here in the engl. part to know all.)

    So even if you are right in this case - if we don't try, we lost already....

    PC EU (noCP AD) Grey/Grau AD
    Please raise the population caps.
    @ZOS - Convert the heal on "Hardened Ward" into a HoT pls.
  • hands0medevil
    almost everyone on this forum was happy about nonproc campaign when it was still on paper, but now when it's going live, nobody wants it on their campaign. Soon CP will be so much nerfed that noncp campaign existence will make almost no sense anyway
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Well, after reading all postings in here my first thought was: everybody should have said, which Server he/she/it is playing on. Since there seem to be major differences on EU and NA and it is really confusing to understand all the different statements.

    Secondly: since ball groups have proven to be operable in no proc, giving them a platform where the answer from ZOS (sets) to ball groups won't work seems...strange. if not illogical.

    And now I have to choose between an unfair (due to CP) campaign where the missing class balance is even harder to feel but having procs or stay on Ravenwatch EU and have to live with immortal ball groups (and being on a server where this no proc crap idea is realized).
    Terrible choices imho.
  • NeillMcAttack
    I don’t think it matters much at this point.
    I was in Ravenwatch the other day, and it just felt that nobody actually cares much about it. Most were there just for their tier 1 transmute rewards and nothing else. Very few people even wanted to engage in a fight with me, they would instead stack 10 players to reclaim the resource I took, nobody interested in chasing my stamina Templar (an easy endeavor).
    Only the ballstacks that wanted to farm solo’s were there for ”PvP” (but would actively avoid the other ballstacks, to protect their ego’s maybe, or maybe they were friends, I don’t know).
    It just feels lifeless and empty, yet it’s pop locked for 2 of the factions and skills of course were as unreliable as ever….
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Yasha

    Not discounting what you experienced but I played most nights primetime and never got a queue outside of MYM

    There were queues and three bar or pop locked servers during almost all of the no-proc campaign time. Now we are back to one bars and no queues.
  • blktauna
    I'm not sure when you people were playing but on no proc testing I was in both Ravenwatch and Blackreach on EU and NA during their usual primetimes.

    They started hot but trailed off very quickly as everyone got tired of the blandness and the proliferation of sweaties that began to over run the place. By about week 3 there was no population in either place.

    I'd also like to reiterate that no proc had zero effect on performance so we should move the horses body.

  • Sindrik8x
    I just wanna know if my stamblade in Ravenwatch (main i emped on) is going to have to use ordinary sets or not so I can go farm Leviathan/Spriggan if so.

    I'm running Ravager, Nightmother combo with Torc and Slimecraw. And it's legit. And I love it. Been using it since December when I emped with tons of success. Please, either *** or get off the pot. I'm tired of the tests. I'm tired of not knowing. Let's get an answer so Ravenwatch can be left alone one way or another.
  • Jameson18
    I stopped keeping up with this thread.

    Do you know why?

    It doesn't matter.

    Within a couplefew weeks of the update going live, people will most likely flock to the no proc campaign because it will be the only safe place away from getting pull spammed and desynced until death.

    There are literally groups of people planning to farm and stack rush of agony. Once enough people have the set farmed, it's going to be rampant and pretty much the destruction of the other campaigns for many folks.

    Some friends have already tested. With a 4 man group alone, it is possible to keep pulling people around in mass every 2-3 seconds. Remember, this pull does not cause cc immunity. This is without factoring the other cheese sets being released and dogpiling onto it.

    Let the trollfest extravaganza begin!
  • Sindrik8x
    Will we still be able to use monster sets and/or mythics in Ravenwatch? Trying to figure out what sets to farm on my stamblade.

  • Jameson18
    Sindrik8x wrote: »
    Will we still be able to use monster sets and/or mythics in Ravenwatch? Trying to figure out what sets to farm on my stamblade.


    Check the patch notes list from the first week or two pinned up top in the PTS section. There's quite the amount of sets that will be useable.
    Edited by Jameson18 on August 12, 2021 9:43PM
  • Sindrik8x
    Jameson18 wrote: »

    Check the patch notes list from the first week or two pinned up top in the PTS section. There's quite the amount of sets that will be useable.

    I reviewed all the PTS Patch notes from .0 - .4 and didn't see anything discussing the items listed in my question. Is that to mean we're basically relegated to two 5 pc sets and then choosing to wear a 2 pc from another 5 pc set?
  • vesselwiththepestle
    Sindrik8x wrote: »
    I reviewed all the PTS Patch notes from .0 - .4 and didn't see anything discussing the items listed in my question. Is that to mean we're basically relegated to two 5 pc sets and then choosing to wear a 2 pc from another 5 pc set?
    The patch notes provide lists of item sets which will fully work. If a monster set is not in the list, its 2-piece-bonus won't work. However, you will be able to profit from the 1st piece bonus. You can wear 1 Domihaus and 1 Swarm Mother, for example. There are also some 3-piece-sets you could wear, like Trainee or Willpower.

    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Sindrik8x
    The patch notes provide lists of item sets which will fully work. If a monster set is not in the list, its 2-piece-bonus won't work. However, you will be able to profit from the 1st piece bonus. You can wear 1 Domihaus and 1 Swarm Mother, for example. There are also some 3-piece-sets you could wear, like Trainee or Willpower.

    Thanks for this vessel. So basically, I just need a 1 pc monster replacement for Torc. No worries. I'll probably run a crit one obviously (or max stamina) depending on what stats look like with Levi, Spriggans and Slimecraw. Appreciate it!
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