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Game needs more Inventory space please

like 10 more for bank ,and 10 more for backpack would be very helpful.
Even with ESO+ it's a nightmare managing things, and we keep getting these ESO+ monthly statues,(how about giving us something else ), and companions inventory isn't separate...
Edited by Blinx on June 27, 2021 5:26AM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Learn to let go, not everything is worth keeping. If you have any furnishings in storage then use a big house as a placeholder that lines them up, it doesn't have to look pretty just place them anywhere and retrieve them later. Manor homes are 350 to 700 storage space for furnishing items you plan to use at a later date. Like if you never used the free ones like Grand Psijic Villa, the Eslweyr home at the end of the questline, or the Western Skyrim home then use them as storage by placing down furnishing items in them.
  • six2fall
    Yeah its about time eso+ gets some needed improvements. Furniture limit increase would be nice for housing people bank space would be nice for everybody. Or maybe add companions store for eso+ players. Nothing insane but ever like 20 slots so you can have gear on them to switch out their loadouts easier on alts
  • Hapexamendios
    I agree for the companions. They should be able to carry their own spare equipment. Maybe 10-15 slots.
  • SilverBride
    Giving more bank space to players who like to collect things won't help because they will just hold on to even more items they don't need. It will never be enough.

    The way to manage inventory is to learn to let things go.
  • jaws343
    The stickerbook has eliminated the need to hold onto sets. My bank is under 200 items most of the time and it's mostly full of siege, potions and food stuffs. Very few set pieces and only gold jewelry for some of the more consistent sets.

    All excess furnishings get stored in empty houses. And all saved writs get stored in storage chests until xp events.
  • DinoZavr
    Companions definitely need to get a backpack, even for their own companions gear.
    For PC players - for storing unbound items get another copy of the base game when discounted, make another local user profile, install, crate characters and then mail your extra stuff to the alt (8 walking bags, bank and housing storage).
    PC EU
  • hands0medevil
    no, plz no, with 12 chars, bank, chests I have so much inventory space that I nees addond to manage it
  • Sarannah
    Giving more bank space to players who like to collect things won't help because they will just hold on to even more items they don't need. It will never be enough.

    The way to manage inventory is to learn to let things go.
    That would only work with bankspace, not with inventory space. We drastically need much more inventory space, atleast 500 slots. There are too many things taking up inventory space, which forces us to keep going to town to sell.

    I am one of those players who kills everything, not runs through everything. And this fills up the inventory quick, much too quick!!

    PS: We need a setting to auto-destroy treasure maps we pick up and have in inventory. These are just annoying!
    PPS: Most of my characters have 100-150 items minimally in their inventory at all times.
  • DinoZavr
    @Sarannah on PC the JunkBuster addon does an awesome job on auto-deleting whatever you consider trash.
    (treasure maps are selling well, because of the motif pages leads they provide, so sell them, maybe?)
    PC EU
  • Gythral
    Companions should have 30 slots each - even if it is limited to companion gear ONLY

    or 3 builds, each, stored with all gear as well as skills
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Ippokrates
    Honestly, at this moment imho only two things are really worthy to hoarding at the bank:

    - companion gear - they should have their own backpack
    - motifs & maybe some recipies - it would be nice to have a book in which you could gather motifs or recipies of certain type -_-
    Edited by Ippokrates on June 27, 2021 9:50AM
  • ADarklore
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Giving more bank space to players who like to collect things won't help because they will just hold on to even more items they don't need. It will never be enough.

    The way to manage inventory is to learn to let things go.
    That would only work with bankspace, not with inventory space. We drastically need much more inventory space, atleast 500 slots. There are too many things taking up inventory space, which forces us to keep going to town to sell.

    I am one of those players who kills everything, not runs through everything. And this fills up the inventory quick, much too quick!!

    PS: We need a setting to auto-destroy treasure maps we pick up and have in inventory. These are just annoying!
    PPS: Most of my characters have 100-150 items minimally in their inventory at all times.

    You do realize ^this is exactly why they created Bankers and Merchants, so you don't HAVE TO go to town to sell things. If you don't own one, that's on you, not the game.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • starkerealm
    Blinx wrote: »
    like 10 more for bank ,and 10 more for backpack would be very helpful.
    Even with ESO+ it's a nightmare managing things, and we keep getting these ESO+ monthly statues,(how about giving us something else ), and companions inventory isn't separate...

    Alternately, Furniture bags would be greatly appreciated. That one alternates between being a huge drain, or encourages us to create storage annexes in our unused houses.
  • Curtdogg47
    They could add a storage warehouse to housing!
  • alanmatillab16_ESO
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Giving more bank space to players who like to collect things won't help because they will just hold on to even more items they don't need. It will never be enough.

    The way to manage inventory is to learn to let things go.
    That would only work with bankspace, not with inventory space. We drastically need much more inventory space, atleast 500 slots. There are too many things taking up inventory space, which forces us to keep going to town to sell.

    I am one of those players who kills everything, not runs through everything. And this fills up the inventory quick, much too quick!!

    PS: We need a setting to auto-destroy treasure maps we pick up and have in inventory. These are just annoying!
    PPS: Most of my characters have 100-150 items minimally in their inventory at all times.

    Even if you do not have the merchant companion there are wandering merchants in most places, merchants in villages and settlements and are rarely more than a couple of minutes from a wayshrine to take you to wherever you please to sell you junk. Even if for some reason you do not want to do that you can turn auto loot off so you can pick and choose what you loot.

    Between mount upgrades available to everyone from stables and bag upgrades from npc merchants you can easily get over 100 slots on your character. If that is not enough then I am afraid its a you problem.
  • rumple9
    Survey maps should go in craftbag. They take up about 150 slots and it's impossible to do them all
  • Dagre2
    people actually defend the limited inventory space we have?

    and no, its likely never going to change. the majority of people that get eso+ do it because of inventory space.
    Edited by Dagre2 on June 27, 2021 12:56PM
  • Sarannah
    All my characters are ready to play, and only the ones I do not use for special tasks have below 100 inventory slots available. All my characters have max horse training, max inventory slots, and the inventoryslot pets. I also have all bankslots, and ESO+.

    I do not sell my loot, I always deconstruct it(besides ornate). This is of WAY more value to me, as I do crafting dailies on 18 characters every day.

    In my bank I have: Motif pages/books, all possible surveys, some specific event items, some foods/drinks, some crowncrate items, and as many masterwrits as I have slots left. Till I decide to do the master writs. So, the bank is completely full, usually around 470 slots. So there is room to transfer some items if needed.

    So banking/selling isn't really an option, and for deconstructing I have to go to town. There is no way around that. So unless ZOS makes a deconstruct merchant(which would be fair) there are more inventory slots needed. I'd love to do a full zone in one go, but right now I can do two or three sidequests, and already have to go to town. As I kill everything in my way.

    Atleast a 500 inventoryslots minimum would be needed in my opinion.

    PS: I do not have autoloot on, but I do loot basically everything.
    PPS: Keep in mind, over the years with all the expansions and DLC, we also got more and more stuff added.
    PPPS: Too few inventoryslots have in the past stopped me from buying items from the crownstore(crates), as those items would take up space.
  • SilverBride
    Sarannah wrote: »
    The way to manage inventory is to learn to let things go.

    That would only work with bankspace, not with inventory space. We drastically need much more inventory space, atleast 500 slots. There are too many things taking up inventory space, which forces us to keep going to town to sell.

    I pick up everything off every mob and out of every chest, crate, bag, urn and pot, and I have never had my bag fill up. When you go to town to sell do you completely empty it, or do you carry a lot of things around with you all the time? All I carry are heal potions, buff food, soul gems, lockpicks and experience scrolls if I have any. Also I empty my bag before I log off for the day so it's ready for the next day.

    I also deconstruct all gear rather than selling it.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 27, 2021 3:36PM
  • Arunei
    ADarklore wrote: »
    You do realize ^this is exactly why they created Bankers and Merchants, so you don't HAVE TO go to town to sell things. If you don't own one, that's on you, not the game.
    And you realize that the Bankers/Merchants cost like 50 dollars' worth in Crowns, right? And not everyone who plays has the money for that? Don't pin people not having those things as "on them" when they cost so much money to get. There is a big difference between paying roughly 16 dollars a month for ESO+ and paying 50+ dollars all at once to get one of the Bankers or Merchants.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Destai
    Blinx wrote: »
    like 10 more for bank ,and 10 more for backpack would be very helpful.
    Even with ESO+ it's a nightmare managing things, and we keep getting these ESO+ monthly statues,(how about giving us something else ), and companions inventory isn't separate...

    Having ESO+ is the starting point for having better inventory. There's so many more things you can do to help and like many others have suggested, you don't need to keep everything. Here's some strategies:

    1. Max out your your character slots and their inventory via bag space and horse capacity upgrades. There's nine slots available, with the potential of ~200 slots each. That's a lot of space.
    2. Deconstruct/Research everything you don't immediately need. This is the quintessential way of leveling up many crafting lines and maintaining a healthy supply of crafting mats. Unless it's an incredible find like a purple or gold jewelry, it goes.
    3. Establish a dedicated surveyor and treasure hunter. If you keep maps and surveys, I suggest having one toon dedicated to storing each or both of those.
    4. Have a dedicated storage closet for furnishings. You get a free house via the Elsweyr storyline that is pretty generous space-wise. I suggest chucking a lot of furnishings there. Bear in mind, the ESO+ statues and achievement furnishings don't typically take up inventory space.
    5. Auction, auction, auction. Join a donation-based trading guild or two. Throw unnecessary motifs and treasure maps up there, along with other gear you might make some bank off of.
    6. Get the banking and merchant pets. I'm not one to suggest buying much in the crown store, but if you're playing this game for a while, these are essential.
    7. Adjust your expectations. Learn to let go. Understand that clearing an entire zone in one setting might not be possible with your current inventory limits.
    rumple9 wrote: »
    Survey maps should go in craftbag. They take up about 150 slots and it's impossible to do them all

    Surveys and treasure maps should be tradeable consumables that get treated like leads on-use. Imagine, you get a treasure map, you click use, and then it's on the map just like an antiquity lead. If you cancel it, you can scribe it back to a consumable.

  • alberichtano
    I have everything maxed on seven characters, all chests and a banker. I still want more space.

    Not sure why anyone would be against more storage space, honestly... how would it hurt your gaming? Genuinly asking.
  • eternalshockcable
    1. You can buy bag space for gold at the pack merchant.
    2. You can buy coffers in the Crown store to expand your storage in your house.
    3. You can get coffers for Telavar at the Telavar General Goods vendor.

    I suggest if you're going to go Freemium to plan for it.
    Subscribe for enough months to fill your house with at least 6 coffers.
    Then you can unsubscribe and not feel the pressure .

    Other than that upgrade your bank space with gold.
    Grind out gold either in PVE or PVP.
    Within PVP just wait for end campaign rewards. Then go pack and bank space expanding.
    Make sure not to clean your mail out till that time, so you don't spend your gold on other things.

    Hope that helps.
    Edited by eternalshockcable on June 27, 2021 5:33PM
    Dear Community/Followers,

    I want to address recent concerns regarding allegations of inappropriate direct messages and supposed cheating. First and foremost, I want to clarify that I do not admit to any wrongdoing. However, I understand that my actions may have been perceived in a way that caused concern.

    As many of you know, I am a disabled veteran who served in Iraq, and I am permanently and totally mentally disabled. My PTSD, which was formally diagnosed in 2013 after being reclassified in the DSM-5, has affected me in ways that are difficult to fully explain. While this is not an excuse, it has, at times, clouded my judgment and impacted my behavior. This condition is something I have lived with for a long time, and it is a daily challenge.

    As an influencer, streamer, and game reviewer with over 300 reviews, 800 followers on Twitch, and 1,600 followers on TikTok, I understand the responsibility that comes with my platform. Our role as influencers is to set a positive example, and I want to make it clear that I do not condone actions that go against the Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreements (EULA) of any platform or community. Even though societal norms have evolved, and what was once deemed acceptable behavior in the past is no longer appropriate, I am committed to adapting and ensuring that my actions reflect the values we strive for today.

    I want to go forward with a commitment to better representing the disabled members of our community. I recognize that I may never fully "fit in" or be "normal," but I am dedicated to improving and learning from these experiences. It is crucial that we have more flexibility and better support services for disabled veterans like myself, so we can remain active members of our communities without being unfairly limited by our disabilities. These services would help ensure that we can make better decisions and avoid situations like this in the future.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I am grateful for the continued support of this community as I work to become a better version of myself.

  • FlopsyPrince
    Dagre2 wrote: »
    people actually defend the limited inventory space we have?

    and no, its likely never going to change. the majority of people that get eso+ do it because of inventory space.

    People will defend almost any poor decision in the game. That is what they seem to be called to do. They don't have a problem, so no one should have a problem! Even though things keep coming out to use up that space!

    The amount of space surveys take up is out of control, as one very good example. Moving them to the craft bag would make a LOT of sense.

    Properly Stacking enchants instead of requiring 1 slot for each, even when identical. Not stacking some things because they came as different rewards is another area.

    I am rebuilding on the PC and a lack of space is a serious issue, but even on the PS4 I ran out of room quite frequently - and I pay for ESO+ on there! (Until it runs out.)

    Other MMO games face the same problems and whining that you personally have enough just means you don't value many things others do.
  • FlopsyPrince
    I have everything maxed on seven characters, all chests and a banker. I still want more space.

    Not sure why anyone would be against more storage space, honestly... how would it hurt your gaming? Genuinly asking.

    Others might get something they want. Thus they have to limit that. Wouldn't want people enjoying their playing time too much without artificial constraints, right?

    I think I have all the space I can get now (slowly buying the higher banker and personal levels in gold on the PC) but it is still nowhere near enough.

    Having a house to just pile stuff in is also rather foolish. Having the game be designed to require that shows a huge false design limitation.
  • FlopsyPrince
    And the idea to use the "free housing" for even furniture storage is foolish.

    I can get my banker and 2 chests in my Alinor apartment. Way underpowered.

    I would buy the winter house I relied on so much on the PS4, but that won't be available until Dec-Jan. Even so, that was just a dump for so many things (foolishly) before. A furnishings bag (call it something more meaningful) would be more helpful.
  • cheriella
    Learn to let go, not everything is worth keeping. If you have any furnishings in storage then use a big house as a placeholder that lines them up, it doesn't have to look pretty just place them anywhere and retrieve them later. Manor homes are 350 to 700 storage space for furnishing items you plan to use at a later date. Like if you never used the free ones like Grand Psijic Villa, the Eslweyr home at the end of the questline, or the Western Skyrim home then use them as storage by placing down furnishing items in them.

    Ooh I didn’t even know that cus I never touched housing before haha. So if I place them in the house as an item I can come back for it later and it goes back into my inventory/ bank?

    Will definitely dump my furnishings in the houses.

    < 3 • ESO: Cherry-xo • Steam: cheriella • My Screenshots below < 3
  • Blinx
    wow, I am shocked some of you defend this limited inventory space we have,I want more inventory period!, props to yo if you don't need it, many of us do.
  • kargen27
    Blinx wrote: »
    wow, I am shocked some of you defend this limited inventory space we have,I want more inventory period!, props to yo if you don't need it, many of us do.

    And those of us that do want more inventory always will. If ZoS gave us an additional 100 slots we would be happy for maybe two weeks. Then those 100 slots would be full and we would be saying they should have given us 200.

    I understand players want to do surveys or master writs in bulk but if that is causing them inventory problems really that is a player related issue and not a game issue. Those players just need to do surveys and writs more often. All more slots would do is let the player store even more writs and surveys until once again inventory is full. Then when they do decide to do surveys it becomes a real grind taking hours instead of something they could easily knock out.

    I hoard stuff. I have thirty homes in the game and the larger ones are full of furniture I might sometime want to use. More inventory will not help me. I will always be near the limit because I keep everything. The sticker book helped for a while but all that empty space soon became full. I have a 2nd account that I send stuff to. Last time I went and looked that account has over 4,000 filled soul gems. It has a lot of motifs that I keep just in case the price increases and makes them worth selling. Lack of inventory is a problem I created not the games problem.

    One of my hoarding homes:

    I would like to see a warehouse for furniture items. I understand why we can't have a bag like similar to the crafting bag. My idea would be basically a warehouse where you can purchase wood crates to keep furniture in. Should be a way to get a few crates in game and of course more crates could be purchased from the crown store. When decorating a home players would have access to the contents of those crates from the home they are trying to decorate. I like this idea not because I get more inventory available (nice side benefit though) but because it is a pain going to a storage house and grabbing furniture I might want to place in the house I am working on. Having the crates would make it much easier to decorate a home.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • xeNNNNN
    six2fall wrote: »
    Yeah its about time eso+ gets some needed improvements. Furniture limit increase would be nice for housing people bank space would be nice for everybody. Or maybe add companions store for eso+ players. Nothing insane but ever like 20 slots so you can have gear on them to switch out their loadouts easier on alts

    Saying it now:


    - Max mount speed on all characters even if not fully upgraded (will not stack with current upgrades, will allow you to continue upgrading your mount in case your ESO+ Runs out)

    - Double inventory slots. Like the bank.
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
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