alanmatillab16_ESO wrote: »So, what 6 hours of the day should they choose that will impact absolutely no one on the planet?
If the servers must be shut down for 3 to 6 hours, the timing should vary so that the same players aren't routinely affected. I'm guessing you have the freedom to play when you'd like. Maybe you're young, jobless, or don't have any real responsibilities? Perhaps you aren't paying for a service that you don't have time to utilize due to factors outside of your control, for example, consistant almost daily maintanence. I don't know your situation and I don't mean to sound rude, but I've explained my thoughts about this topic and others who have to schedule what times we can play based around real life responsibilities. Maybe you'll understand one day.
What you are suggesting would mean ZoS employees would have to work a schedule that is always changing. It takes about six weeks for the body to adjust to a new routine. What you are asking would mean the employees that do the maintenance would never get on a good and comfortable sleep cycle. That isn't healthy and leads to bad productivity.
BUT Maintenance time is logical. It is when maintenance affects the fewest players. This is early morning US time and before EU peeps get off work. People who don't work first shift or who live in certain time zones( Oceanic) might feel this is unfair to them, but for the other 90% of ESO players who generally avoid maintenance in their peak times, there would be a much larger percentage of players affected.
KeySmasher wrote: »Its a matter of numbers. If they do maintenance during the day time when more people are awake and online, then they affect more players than they would at 4 am Eastern. You gotta figure, for a US server, thats midnight Pacific. The fewest players are online across the US during that time.