losing half your tel var

  • Xebov
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    ^ This. Imperial City is nothing else than a ganking area where ppl camp the bottle necks with high alpha damage builds to easily farm off other players.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    Jumping out of stealth with an insta kill gank build is not exactly what i would call PvP in the first place. Its not even carying any noticeable risk doing it.

    Just to give you an idea about how bad the situation is. After the Update hit i got into IC with a friend for the enw lead and the new monster sets. On almost every boss we atatcked i had a nightblade trying to gank me at least once. Half of them died in teh Boss attacks anyways, but you cant walk 5m without encountering one. These buildups are not worthy of gaining 50% of the TelVar on kill, they bear no risk at all for the reward level.
  • jaws343
    Xebov wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    ^ This. Imperial City is nothing else than a ganking area where ppl camp the bottle necks with high alpha damage builds to easily farm off other players.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    Jumping out of stealth with an insta kill gank build is not exactly what i would call PvP in the first place. Its not even carying any noticeable risk doing it.

    Just to give you an idea about how bad the situation is. After the Update hit i got into IC with a friend for the enw lead and the new monster sets. On almost every boss we atatcked i had a nightblade trying to gank me at least once. Half of them died in teh Boss attacks anyways, but you cant walk 5m without encountering one. These buildups are not worthy of gaining 50% of the TelVar on kill, they bear no risk at all for the reward level.

    It's only an instant kill if you are running PVE gear and have no clue what you are doing.
  • matterandstuff
    PVPers in Midyear Mayhem: ganking is awesome, why are you complaining?

    PVPers the rest of the year: wah why does IC have no players
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Xebov wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    ^ This. Imperial City is nothing else than a ganking area where ppl camp the bottle necks with high alpha damage builds to easily farm off other players.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    Jumping out of stealth with an insta kill gank build is not exactly what i would call PvP in the first place. Its not even carying any noticeable risk doing it.

    Just to give you an idea about how bad the situation is. After the Update hit i got into IC with a friend for the enw lead and the new monster sets. On almost every boss we atatcked i had a nightblade trying to gank me at least once. Half of them died in teh Boss attacks anyways, but you cant walk 5m without encountering one. These buildups are not worthy of gaining 50% of the TelVar on kill, they bear no risk at all for the reward level.

    It's only an instant kill if you are running PVE gear and have no clue what you are doing.

    So in other words, targeting people who couldn't possibly pose a threat to you.
  • Sarannah
    Some of these replies show exactly why PvP zones are mostly empty, and why giving the IC away for free still didn't get players to go in there. Yet at the same time PvPers are asking for more PvP content, while knowingly keeping other players out of the old PvP content. There is no point for ZOS in making new empty PvP zones.

    And yes, there is an issue with the current IC system. You can spend hours in there, and end up with absolutely nothing to show for it. Not even tiny amounts of AP, if you are really bad at PvP.
  • jaws343
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Xebov wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    ^ This. Imperial City is nothing else than a ganking area where ppl camp the bottle necks with high alpha damage builds to easily farm off other players.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    Jumping out of stealth with an insta kill gank build is not exactly what i would call PvP in the first place. Its not even carying any noticeable risk doing it.

    Just to give you an idea about how bad the situation is. After the Update hit i got into IC with a friend for the enw lead and the new monster sets. On almost every boss we atatcked i had a nightblade trying to gank me at least once. Half of them died in teh Boss attacks anyways, but you cant walk 5m without encountering one. These buildups are not worthy of gaining 50% of the TelVar on kill, they bear no risk at all for the reward level.

    It's only an instant kill if you are running PVE gear and have no clue what you are doing.

    So in other words, targeting people who couldn't possibly pose a threat to you.

    It really isn't any PVPers fault if someone enters a PVP zone unprepared.

    Sometimes, when I am not bothered with changing my build for a day of Imp City, I go in on my solo dungeon build. All Divines, all PVE oriented setup. I don't come to the forums and rant and rave that the bad PVPers are fighting a player in a PVE set up. I chose to enter the PVP zone set up at a disadvantage. And that is on me, not on the players set up for PVP.

    And today, I will be going into Imp City on my PVP build, and honestly I don't care what gear setups other players have, I am going to attack them if they are in my way. And if they are wearing PVE gear, well, that is one them, not me.
  • ectoplasmicninja
    By far the most annoying thing about IC to me is getting "you are already queued for this campaign" when trying to climb a ladder.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • alberichtano
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is only a "risk" if you are a 1337 PvP-er. Otherwise it isn't a risk, it is a guarantee. A bit like throwing toddlers into deep water to try to compete with elite swimmers. Drowning is a risk for the elite swimmers, but a guarantee for the toddlers. And that is exactly what PvP in IC is. Especially at events like this one.
  • alberichtano
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at quest turn in spots and attacking defenseless people as they are talking to NPC's.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at PVE bosses and attacking people while they are fighting other mobs.

    Especially when 98% of the people who do that turn and run when you turn and face them for a fair fight.

    Who said PVP had to be competitive? The risk that you take PVEing in a PVP zone is that you can be attacked at anytime. Put on better gear, be more aware of your surroundings, and get better at PVP. Options are there to do better in the zone and it isn't the fault of players using the zone as intended that PVE only players refuse to even try.

    Competition is literally the entire point of PVP.

    "Get better at PVP" means nothing when you're being ganked while in a dialogue screen with an NPC.

    Stop justifying trash behavior because you don't have any skills to face someone head on.

    Be more prepared and more aware of your surroundings before interacting with an NPC. You know that gankers will be in the zone. Don't do actions that open you up to them without better preparation. I have literally never been ganked doing quests in Imperial City while interacting with NPCs because I clear the area before doing so. And there are plenty of quest options in Imperial City that do not require interacting with NPCs in the zone, so do those if the other ones are too hard for you.

    And I actually don't gank in Imperial City. I do attack any players I see, openly. I just don't think ganking is a problem and that being better at PVP will almost always make you better at defending against gankers.

    You're joking, right? I am presently trying to do quests in IC, and I get killed constantly. Not by one, noble ganker, but by hordes of enemies, often of two factions, fighting over whose going to kill me. Hardly fun or fair. And I am an experienced (if not too good) PvP-er.
  • jaws343
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is only a "risk" if you are a 1337 PvP-er. Otherwise it isn't a risk, it is a guarantee. A bit like throwing toddlers into deep water to try to compete with elite swimmers. Drowning is a risk for the elite swimmers, but a guarantee for the toddlers. And that is exactly what PvP in IC is. Especially at events like this one.

    So learn. All those PVPers who are elite started somewhere. I am nowhere near an elite PVPer but I am learning. There are plenty of tools available to learn and get better and all are far more useful than complaining on the forums because you refuse to even try.
  • Linaleah
    I have at this point accepted that the only tel var I can reliably keep is the one in bags I get with quest rewards. I don't port out, but if I die, I just deposit whatever left and go back into the fray to continue to try and do the quests

    do I find the process enjoyable? no. not really. which is why, now that my SO doesn't play anymore, the only time I go into IC is for events, to get tickets.

    but that is what happens when you fully commit to option 1 - don't care.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • jaws343
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Some of these replies show exactly why PvP zones are mostly empty, and why giving the IC away for free still didn't get players to go in there. Yet at the same time PvPers are asking for more PvP content, while knowingly keeping other players out of the old PvP content. There is no point for ZOS in making new empty PvP zones.

    And yes, there is an issue with the current IC system. You can spend hours in there, and end up with absolutely nothing to show for it. Not even tiny amounts of AP, if you are really bad at PvP.

    If you are spending hours with nothing to show for it, then you are doing it horribly wrong. If players just returned to base and deposited their Tel Var after every death, they wouldn't have any issues with Tel Var gain. if you have 1K Tel Var on you, just think of it as having 500 Tel Var.

    A better attitude for Imp City goes a long way. If you die, you have 500 Tel Var to deposit, if you do not die, you gained 500 more Tel Var that you can deposit. Look at the Tel Var amount as a bonus for surviving and not the final amount you will leave with.
  • jaws343
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at quest turn in spots and attacking defenseless people as they are talking to NPC's.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at PVE bosses and attacking people while they are fighting other mobs.

    Especially when 98% of the people who do that turn and run when you turn and face them for a fair fight.

    Who said PVP had to be competitive? The risk that you take PVEing in a PVP zone is that you can be attacked at anytime. Put on better gear, be more aware of your surroundings, and get better at PVP. Options are there to do better in the zone and it isn't the fault of players using the zone as intended that PVE only players refuse to even try.

    Competition is literally the entire point of PVP.

    "Get better at PVP" means nothing when you're being ganked while in a dialogue screen with an NPC.

    Stop justifying trash behavior because you don't have any skills to face someone head on.

    Be more prepared and more aware of your surroundings before interacting with an NPC. You know that gankers will be in the zone. Don't do actions that open you up to them without better preparation. I have literally never been ganked doing quests in Imperial City while interacting with NPCs because I clear the area before doing so. And there are plenty of quest options in Imperial City that do not require interacting with NPCs in the zone, so do those if the other ones are too hard for you.

    And I actually don't gank in Imperial City. I do attack any players I see, openly. I just don't think ganking is a problem and that being better at PVP will almost always make you better at defending against gankers.

    You're joking, right? I am presently trying to do quests in IC, and I get killed constantly. Not by one, noble ganker, but by hordes of enemies, often of two factions, fighting over whose going to kill me. Hardly fun or fair. And I am an experienced (if not too good) PvP-er.

    So not gankers, but PVP groups fighting each other that you are running into. It's a PVP zone, what do you expect to happen? To just be left alone? That's nonsense. Get your own group together if it is that much trouble for you.
  • Linaleah
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at quest turn in spots and attacking defenseless people as they are talking to NPC's.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at PVE bosses and attacking people while they are fighting other mobs.

    Especially when 98% of the people who do that turn and run when you turn and face them for a fair fight.

    Who said PVP had to be competitive? The risk that you take PVEing in a PVP zone is that you can be attacked at anytime. Put on better gear, be more aware of your surroundings, and get better at PVP. Options are there to do better in the zone and it isn't the fault of players using the zone as intended that PVE only players refuse to even try.

    Competition is literally the entire point of PVP.

    "Get better at PVP" means nothing when you're being ganked while in a dialogue screen with an NPC.

    Stop justifying trash behavior because you don't have any skills to face someone head on.

    Be more prepared and more aware of your surroundings before interacting with an NPC. You know that gankers will be in the zone. Don't do actions that open you up to them without better preparation. I have literally never been ganked doing quests in Imperial City while interacting with NPCs because I clear the area before doing so. And there are plenty of quest options in Imperial City that do not require interacting with NPCs in the zone, so do those if the other ones are too hard for you.

    And I actually don't gank in Imperial City. I do attack any players I see, openly. I just don't think ganking is a problem and that being better at PVP will almost always make you better at defending against gankers.

    You're joking, right? I am presently trying to do quests in IC, and I get killed constantly. Not by one, noble ganker, but by hordes of enemies, often of two factions, fighting over whose going to kill me. Hardly fun or fair. And I am an experienced (if not too good) PvP-er.

    So not gankers, but PVP groups fighting each other that you are running into. It's a PVP zone, what do you expect to happen? To just be left alone? That's nonsense. Get your own group together if it is that much trouble for you.

    oh, there are gankers too, they specifically hang around quest objectives and unstealth just as you click them. so it just demonstrates precisely the reason why I personaly avoid and dislike pvp in general. because they goal is specifically and demonstrably to attack people when they are at their most vulnerable, to stop people from being able to complete their pve objectives.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • kargen27
    Kharner wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    If they changed it to a scenario where another player would get the lesser of 50% of your telvar or the current amount they are carrying, I think they would solve a lot of problems.

    If I have 500 stones on me, and I kill someone with 10,000, I would get an additional 500. If I have 7,500 stones on me and I kill someone with 10,000. I would get 5,000.

    I think that is one of the biggest issues in IC is that you can effectively gank with 0 skin in the game.

    Going into IC with a build that makes it so you can be ganked is on the player being ganked for not preparing themselves. Just as gankers have to create a specilized build, you can create a build that makes you hard/impossible to be ganked as well.

    The amount of people that run around IC with 20k or less health is insane, I can kill them in 2 snipes. They didn't even do the bare minimum to survive. Today I see groups of people in Siroria/Relequen with 18k health just getting annihilated.

    You can not create a build that makes you immune from ganking. The Cropsford quests is a good example of this. Griefers like t sit inside the turn in building and keep dots up at the entrance. You are dead before you are fully loaded into the room. The players ganking others trying to turn in a quest are not your typical PvP'rs though they are the ones that spend the rest of the year lying dead in a keep waiting for the tick. Rezzing them is a waste of a soul gem because they are going to be dead again two step later. They take a year of frustration out on unsuspecting players turning in quests. The real PvP crowd is out competing with other PvP'rs doing PvP things.

    Your point does apply in the sewers and Imperial City though. There you have safe entry and the rest is up to you. Often if players are consistently getting ganked they can report the gankers location in zone chat and an actual PvP'r will take care of the problem. If not the options are try again later or try in a different campaign.

    I do like the idea of players needing to have some skin in the game. I would tweak the idea a bit though. Instead of if you have 500 you get 500 I would think get 250. Basically you would get what you risk. Either way would be an improvement though. I like dropping off into the sewers as far as I can from home base with 10,000 stones and see if I can get home with them.

    I compare collecting telvar stones to playing poker. The chips are not mine until I get up from the table and the stones are not mine until they are in the bank. So if I go in with 1,000 build up to 4,000 and turn in 2,000 I made 1,000 stones. Some look at it like they lost 2,000. If you go in with the attitude they are not yours then getting popped for a few thousand stones doesn't sting as much.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Bigmatt2
    I stopped caring about tel var stones and just go in for the battles. The occasional arguments in zone chat about people jumping in on WB's to get free telvar are always fun.

    If I end up with some at the end of my time, then it was a good day.

  • jaws343
    Linaleah wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at quest turn in spots and attacking defenseless people as they are talking to NPC's.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at PVE bosses and attacking people while they are fighting other mobs.

    Especially when 98% of the people who do that turn and run when you turn and face them for a fair fight.

    Who said PVP had to be competitive? The risk that you take PVEing in a PVP zone is that you can be attacked at anytime. Put on better gear, be more aware of your surroundings, and get better at PVP. Options are there to do better in the zone and it isn't the fault of players using the zone as intended that PVE only players refuse to even try.

    Competition is literally the entire point of PVP.

    "Get better at PVP" means nothing when you're being ganked while in a dialogue screen with an NPC.

    Stop justifying trash behavior because you don't have any skills to face someone head on.

    Be more prepared and more aware of your surroundings before interacting with an NPC. You know that gankers will be in the zone. Don't do actions that open you up to them without better preparation. I have literally never been ganked doing quests in Imperial City while interacting with NPCs because I clear the area before doing so. And there are plenty of quest options in Imperial City that do not require interacting with NPCs in the zone, so do those if the other ones are too hard for you.

    And I actually don't gank in Imperial City. I do attack any players I see, openly. I just don't think ganking is a problem and that being better at PVP will almost always make you better at defending against gankers.

    You're joking, right? I am presently trying to do quests in IC, and I get killed constantly. Not by one, noble ganker, but by hordes of enemies, often of two factions, fighting over whose going to kill me. Hardly fun or fair. And I am an experienced (if not too good) PvP-er.

    So not gankers, but PVP groups fighting each other that you are running into. It's a PVP zone, what do you expect to happen? To just be left alone? That's nonsense. Get your own group together if it is that much trouble for you.

    oh, there are gankers too, they specifically hang around quest objectives and unstealth just as you click them. so it just demonstrates precisely the reason why I personaly avoid and dislike pvp in general. because they goal is specifically and demonstrably to attack people when they are at their most vulnerable, to stop people from being able to complete their pve objectives.

    No one is saying that there are not gankers. That specific comment I replied to was complaining about organized groups in a PVP zone. An issue whose solution is to form your own group or deal with the consequences of running solo.
  • jaws343
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kharner wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    If they changed it to a scenario where another player would get the lesser of 50% of your telvar or the current amount they are carrying, I think they would solve a lot of problems.

    If I have 500 stones on me, and I kill someone with 10,000, I would get an additional 500. If I have 7,500 stones on me and I kill someone with 10,000. I would get 5,000.

    I think that is one of the biggest issues in IC is that you can effectively gank with 0 skin in the game.

    Going into IC with a build that makes it so you can be ganked is on the player being ganked for not preparing themselves. Just as gankers have to create a specilized build, you can create a build that makes you hard/impossible to be ganked as well.

    The amount of people that run around IC with 20k or less health is insane, I can kill them in 2 snipes. They didn't even do the bare minimum to survive. Today I see groups of people in Siroria/Relequen with 18k health just getting annihilated.

    You can not create a build that makes you immune from ganking. The Cropsford quests is a good example of this. Griefers like t sit inside the turn in building and keep dots up at the entrance. You are dead before you are fully loaded into the room. The players ganking others trying to turn in a quest are not your typical PvP'rs though they are the ones that spend the rest of the year lying dead in a keep waiting for the tick. Rezzing them is a waste of a soul gem because they are going to be dead again two step later. They take a year of frustration out on unsuspecting players turning in quests. The real PvP crowd is out competing with other PvP'rs doing PvP things.

    Your point does apply in the sewers and Imperial City though. There you have safe entry and the rest is up to you. Often if players are consistently getting ganked they can report the gankers location in zone chat and an actual PvP'r will take care of the problem. If not the options are try again later or try in a different campaign.

    I do like the idea of players needing to have some skin in the game. I would tweak the idea a bit though. Instead of if you have 500 you get 500 I would think get 250. Basically you would get what you risk. Either way would be an improvement though. I like dropping off into the sewers as far as I can from home base with 10,000 stones and see if I can get home with them.

    I compare collecting telvar stones to playing poker. The chips are not mine until I get up from the table and the stones are not mine until they are in the bank. So if I go in with 1,000 build up to 4,000 and turn in 2,000 I made 1,000 stones. Some look at it like they lost 2,000. If you go in with the attitude they are not yours then getting popped for a few thousand stones doesn't sting as much.

    This entire thread is about Imperial City, not Cropsford. And what is being done in Cropsford isn't ganking either. But I also don't see anything wrong with that. They kill you once, you move on to somewhere else in the zone until they are gone. Just because a quest is in a PVP area doesn't mean you have a right to complete it.
  • Jaimeh
    Linaleah wrote: »
    I have at this point accepted that the only tel var I can reliably keep is the one in bags I get with quest rewards. I don't port out, but if I die, I just deposit whatever left and go back into the fray to continue to try and do the quests

    This is the best way to go about it, especially during the event. If you strictly care for telvar, then you have to build for it, and maybe get a small group as well. For porting out fast, you can get the recall stone for 10k AP, or port to a Cyrodiil campaign.
  • kargen27
    jaws343 wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kharner wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    If they changed it to a scenario where another player would get the lesser of 50% of your telvar or the current amount they are carrying, I think they would solve a lot of problems.

    If I have 500 stones on me, and I kill someone with 10,000, I would get an additional 500. If I have 7,500 stones on me and I kill someone with 10,000. I would get 5,000.

    I think that is one of the biggest issues in IC is that you can effectively gank with 0 skin in the game.

    Going into IC with a build that makes it so you can be ganked is on the player being ganked for not preparing themselves. Just as gankers have to create a specilized build, you can create a build that makes you hard/impossible to be ganked as well.

    The amount of people that run around IC with 20k or less health is insane, I can kill them in 2 snipes. They didn't even do the bare minimum to survive. Today I see groups of people in Siroria/Relequen with 18k health just getting annihilated.

    You can not create a build that makes you immune from ganking. The Cropsford quests is a good example of this. Griefers like t sit inside the turn in building and keep dots up at the entrance. You are dead before you are fully loaded into the room. The players ganking others trying to turn in a quest are not your typical PvP'rs though they are the ones that spend the rest of the year lying dead in a keep waiting for the tick. Rezzing them is a waste of a soul gem because they are going to be dead again two step later. They take a year of frustration out on unsuspecting players turning in quests. The real PvP crowd is out competing with other PvP'rs doing PvP things.

    Your point does apply in the sewers and Imperial City though. There you have safe entry and the rest is up to you. Often if players are consistently getting ganked they can report the gankers location in zone chat and an actual PvP'r will take care of the problem. If not the options are try again later or try in a different campaign.

    I do like the idea of players needing to have some skin in the game. I would tweak the idea a bit though. Instead of if you have 500 you get 500 I would think get 250. Basically you would get what you risk. Either way would be an improvement though. I like dropping off into the sewers as far as I can from home base with 10,000 stones and see if I can get home with them.

    I compare collecting telvar stones to playing poker. The chips are not mine until I get up from the table and the stones are not mine until they are in the bank. So if I go in with 1,000 build up to 4,000 and turn in 2,000 I made 1,000 stones. Some look at it like they lost 2,000. If you go in with the attitude they are not yours then getting popped for a few thousand stones doesn't sting as much.

    This entire thread is about Imperial City, not Cropsford. And what is being done in Cropsford isn't ganking either. But I also don't see anything wrong with that. They kill you once, you move on to somewhere else in the zone until they are gone. Just because a quest is in a PVP area doesn't mean you have a right to complete it.

    Yeah I know but the post I replied to made a generalization and I responded to both the generalization and Imperial City.

    And yes what happens in Cropsford is ganking. It is the very definition of ganking.

    I agree there is no guarantee of completing a quest in PvP land. I didn't comment on that at all. I commented on the type of player that poaches players they know are there just for the event. Nothing will convince me that players that camp turn in sites are actually decent PvP players. That said there should always be at least the risk of getting jumped in PvP land. That is what makes it PvP. You go there you risk dying simple as that.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • dem0n1k
    A lot of posts about IC NB gankers being the easiest, no-risk build evah... so like.. why not make one & give it a shot yourself? :D
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • CoronHR
    i would just like to say one thing about the ganker: i killed the ganker!

    on the way back to the ad base, there he was, just as i was about to port through the door. he almost killed me. i did not die. ganker died. suppression fielded his arse and force pulsed him down to nothing

    i come prepared to the pvp event with pvp gear and pvp skills, and i know how to survive, although not necessarily thrive

    i still get burnt from the tel var loss. but as someone said, forget the tel var, enjoy the Madness
    PC - EU - Steam client
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    kargen27 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kharner wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    It's meant to be a risk, not a carefree farming area.

    It is meant to be zero risk care free ganking area

    Some ganker with 0 telvar should not get half of your telvar period.

    If they changed it to a scenario where another player would get the lesser of 50% of your telvar or the current amount they are carrying, I think they would solve a lot of problems.

    If I have 500 stones on me, and I kill someone with 10,000, I would get an additional 500. If I have 7,500 stones on me and I kill someone with 10,000. I would get 5,000.

    I think that is one of the biggest issues in IC is that you can effectively gank with 0 skin in the game.

    Going into IC with a build that makes it so you can be ganked is on the player being ganked for not preparing themselves. Just as gankers have to create a specilized build, you can create a build that makes you hard/impossible to be ganked as well.

    The amount of people that run around IC with 20k or less health is insane, I can kill them in 2 snipes. They didn't even do the bare minimum to survive. Today I see groups of people in Siroria/Relequen with 18k health just getting annihilated.

    You can not create a build that makes you immune from ganking. The Cropsford quests is a good example of this. Griefers like t sit inside the turn in building and keep dots up at the entrance. You are dead before you are fully loaded into the room. The players ganking others trying to turn in a quest are not your typical PvP'rs though they are the ones that spend the rest of the year lying dead in a keep waiting for the tick. Rezzing them is a waste of a soul gem because they are going to be dead again two step later. They take a year of frustration out on unsuspecting players turning in quests. The real PvP crowd is out competing with other PvP'rs doing PvP things.

    Your point does apply in the sewers and Imperial City though. There you have safe entry and the rest is up to you. Often if players are consistently getting ganked they can report the gankers location in zone chat and an actual PvP'r will take care of the problem. If not the options are try again later or try in a different campaign.

    I do like the idea of players needing to have some skin in the game. I would tweak the idea a bit though. Instead of if you have 500 you get 500 I would think get 250. Basically you would get what you risk. Either way would be an improvement though. I like dropping off into the sewers as far as I can from home base with 10,000 stones and see if I can get home with them.

    I compare collecting telvar stones to playing poker. The chips are not mine until I get up from the table and the stones are not mine until they are in the bank. So if I go in with 1,000 build up to 4,000 and turn in 2,000 I made 1,000 stones. Some look at it like they lost 2,000. If you go in with the attitude they are not yours then getting popped for a few thousand stones doesn't sting as much.

    This entire thread is about Imperial City, not Cropsford. And what is being done in Cropsford isn't ganking either. But I also don't see anything wrong with that. They kill you once, you move on to somewhere else in the zone until they are gone. Just because a quest is in a PVP area doesn't mean you have a right to complete it.

    Yeah I know but the post I replied to made a generalization and I responded to both the generalization and Imperial City.

    And yes what happens in Cropsford is ganking. It is the very definition of ganking.

    I agree there is no guarantee of completing a quest in PvP land. I didn't comment on that at all. I commented on the type of player that poaches players they know are there just for the event. Nothing will convince me that players that camp turn in sites are actually decent PvP players. That said there should always be at least the risk of getting jumped in PvP land. That is what makes it PvP. You go there you risk dying simple as that.


    I have no problem with the possibility of getting killed at any turn.

    I *do* have a problem with people who *purposefully* seek out PVE'ers by camping quest locations and hanging out at the entrances waiting for their invincibility to drop off. Often times in huge hunting groups that chase people down from the other side of the zone.

    As you said, these are people who are scared of actual PVP, so they have to pick on someone ill equipped to defend themselves. How do I know? Because literally anytime I see these people and face them head on, they cloak and run off. They aren't interested in a fair fight. They are interested only in griefing helpless players who can't fight back in environments that those targets are heavily disadvantaged in.

    Arguing in favor of this behavior is a very loud and public proclamation that you are not a good PVP'er.
  • Greasytengu
    CoronHR wrote: »
    i would just like to say one thing about the ganker: i killed the ganker!

    on the way back to the ad base, there he was, just as i was about to port through the door. he almost killed me. i did not die. ganker died. suppression fielded his arse and force pulsed him down to nothing

    i come prepared to the pvp event with pvp gear and pvp skills, and i know how to survive, although not necessarily thrive

    i still get burnt from the tel var loss. but as someone said, forget the tel var, enjoy the Madness

    Remember, Dodge roll and line of sight are your best friends in the sewers. Would heavily recommend the ring of the wild hunt if you can fit it into a build, handy for dipping down a tunnel or behind a pillar.

    Also immovability pots, chug em and run!
    " I nEeD HeAlInG!!! "
  • Chips_Ahoy
    Kharner wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    Kharner wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    As a NB snipe ganker, this post makes me so happy

    You most have a full & fun life for something so pathetic to make you happy

    I'm happily marred with a child on the way living in a home I bought. I have a very happy life, thank you!

    Game, set, match.

    some people take this video game too seriously
  • Linaleah
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    six2fall wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    4) Ignore your Tel Var stones. Just enjoy the Madness.

    There is abso-f'ing-lutely nothing to enjoy about this event. It's just a bunch of pissant toxic pvpers hiding at quest locations to grief pve players trying to do bare minimum in the event. It would be 1 thing if they didnt hide & we got to choose to fight but no they choose to attack when you cant even defend yourself. Damn event is just over 4 hours old & it's already made me want to quit this game.

    Pvping players in PVP areas is not griefing.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at quest turn in spots and attacking defenseless people as they are talking to NPC's.

    There is nothing competitive about lurking at PVE bosses and attacking people while they are fighting other mobs.

    Especially when 98% of the people who do that turn and run when you turn and face them for a fair fight.

    Who said PVP had to be competitive? The risk that you take PVEing in a PVP zone is that you can be attacked at anytime. Put on better gear, be more aware of your surroundings, and get better at PVP. Options are there to do better in the zone and it isn't the fault of players using the zone as intended that PVE only players refuse to even try.

    Competition is literally the entire point of PVP.

    "Get better at PVP" means nothing when you're being ganked while in a dialogue screen with an NPC.

    Stop justifying trash behavior because you don't have any skills to face someone head on.

    Be more prepared and more aware of your surroundings before interacting with an NPC. You know that gankers will be in the zone. Don't do actions that open you up to them without better preparation. I have literally never been ganked doing quests in Imperial City while interacting with NPCs because I clear the area before doing so. And there are plenty of quest options in Imperial City that do not require interacting with NPCs in the zone, so do those if the other ones are too hard for you.

    And I actually don't gank in Imperial City. I do attack any players I see, openly. I just don't think ganking is a problem and that being better at PVP will almost always make you better at defending against gankers.

    You're joking, right? I am presently trying to do quests in IC, and I get killed constantly. Not by one, noble ganker, but by hordes of enemies, often of two factions, fighting over whose going to kill me. Hardly fun or fair. And I am an experienced (if not too good) PvP-er.

    So not gankers, but PVP groups fighting each other that you are running into. It's a PVP zone, what do you expect to happen? To just be left alone? That's nonsense. Get your own group together if it is that much trouble for you.

    oh, there are gankers too, they specifically hang around quest objectives and unstealth just as you click them. so it just demonstrates precisely the reason why I personaly avoid and dislike pvp in general. because they goal is specifically and demonstrably to attack people when they are at their most vulnerable, to stop people from being able to complete their pve objectives.

    No one is saying that there are not gankers. That specific comment I replied to was complaining about organized groups in a PVP zone. An issue whose solution is to form your own group or deal with the consequences of running solo.

    there are organized ganking groups. 3-4 people together is a group. when those people roam around ganking questers (including unsheathing and unloading while you are clicking something)? they are gankers. sometimes there are multiple groups ganking questers. my reply still applies.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    dem0n1k wrote: »
    A lot of posts about IC NB gankers being the easiest, no-risk build evah... so like.. why not make one & give it a shot yourself? :D

    because some of us are not interested in doing our best to ruin someone else's play time? it just doesn't sound like fun use of my time.

    listen. you all play in whatever way you want, I'm perfectly aware that I cannot change what people chose to do with their time. I'm just relaying the experiences I've had and explaining why my personal involvement in this content is as minimal as I can make it without avoiding ticket events all together /shrug.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all!

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    • Trolling or Baiting: The act of trolling is defined as something that is created for the intent to provoke conflict, shock others, or to elicit a strong negative or emotional reaction. It’s okay and very normal to disagree with others, and even to debate, but provoking conflict, baiting, inciting, mocking, etc. is never acceptable in the official The Elder Scrolls Online community. If you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead. It is also not constructive or helpful to publicly call out others and accuse them of trolling, or call them a troll—please refrain from doing so. If you genuinely believe someone is trolling, please report the post or thread to the ESO Team, and leave it at that.
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    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on June 24, 2021 10:25PM
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