Ok... So, we know fidelity mode is 4k on the x and ps5, 1440p on the s. We also know performance mode is 1080 on the s.... But what was sacrificed for performance mode on the x and ps5? Like what resolution is it? Etc etc. Kinda crazy that we have to ask. I'm assuming 1440p? Or is it 4k with all the other graphical enhancements dropped? it would be nice to know....
>>I would expect this to be a Sony thing, like the problem with downloading yesterday. It's their store, and they are the ones storing the achievements on their platform. Have you brought this up with them?
>>The reason to mention it to Sony is to just register dissatisfaction with how the transition to the PS5 was handled. Since the Trophies are a known and stated thing, it is obviously something that came up between ZOS and Sony, and is already decided. Decided things have a tendency to stay that way.
Alright, I gave prime time cyrodiil a chance, absolutely no difference when it comes to skill delay and lag. Cant wait for BF and halo, im so done with ESO. Even with getting next gen tech it STILL runs horrible in cyrodiil prime.
beer781993 wrote: »
It's not even running above 60 fps on a 3000€ beast PC if you get into cyro or a trial....
As somebody who also plays on pc I knew that from the beginning. They would have to recode the whole thing to let it run smoothly on modern hardware.
Better wait for their next game.
As another note, the fix for the blackwood ps4 purchases would have to have ZOS change either retroactively or going forward make sure that the ps5 console enhanced version was included for said purchase. Last I checked, neither ps 4 option included the ps 5 console enhanced edition. So that may fix that problem digitally atleast for those if they haven't been able to download it digitally for free. Before anyone asks, yes I am in the US.
I'm not sure why you were having problems but the fix for digital versions came about 12h later. I'm running it and definitely didn't pay for it again. Maybe a ticket would sort it out?
As for the trophies, it's got me considering going back to the PS4 version or, more likely, just giving up entirely. I only had emperor and 2 or 3 dlc ones to go and being permanently locked out from getting loads of them again (even if I was inclined) is just too much.
i'll have to relook at the fixes if they're there because it wasn't there earlier when i checked as the only version i could download without a newer purchase was the disc version. i'd suggest wrapping up the ps4 version first and get your trophies then just migrate to the ps5 version if thats all you got left to do. personally im staying with the ps 4 version myself as i'd love to have the emperor achievement and the others. some of the dark brotherhood achievements weren't easy and take a month to complete so i have no reason to revisit those or would wish to.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »Hey all, if any of you used a disc to upgrade but had previously purchased a digital version of ESO and want to continue playing it without a disc please log in to the Sony website and purchase the upgrade there. It should then allow you to launch from your console. Direct link for US players and UK players
If that doesn't work for some reason please let us know and include a screenshot + your PSN name. Thank you!
I think it is common knowledge that the game is not bound by the GPU, but by the CPU and communications from the server. You can have a top of the line overclocked water cooled GPU, but if your processor falls down on the job, you are not going to get the FPS that you think you will get, and if the server is lagging, the game response is not going to be top of the line.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey all! Glad to see some of you found the download. Here are the exact steps if anyone needs them:
On the PlayStation 5, navigate to the PS5 version on the PlayStation™Store by either using the overflow menu “(…)” on the ESO game hub or by opening the PlayStation Store and searching for “The Elder Scrolls Online: PS5 Upgrade”. You can then begin the download from the PS5 product page. Note that you may have to go through the normal purchase and install process as if you have purchased a new game (it will be free).