Class change Token

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  • iksde

    Because this community is already plagued with people who want the rewards of the game without actually playing the content.

    There is a new thread every few days asking to take DLC dungeons out of the random daily queue. Because people want the daily rewards without actually doing the work of playing through the content.

    Then when they get into their base game dungeons, they plow through it, not giving new players an opportunity to play through the content properly and learn it.

    Now, people want to create new characters and have fully maxed out class skill lines without doing the work of leveling the class?

    No, thank you.

    People need to play through the content. It is necessary for an MMO.

    so can I atleast transfer all my achievs along with playtime transfered from 1 to other character? which wont be even BiS class for anything

    for sure Im not gonna repeat 40k achievs from single character to othr character which took me time since game release, nty

    I have already lvled alts of every class with knowledge of them with lvled other that class skillines for skills I need and you knwo what? I have not touched a single thing outside must have for vet content like simple quest from delves or overland world, not touched a single maint story quest for soul magic skilling on every other ma character besides my main, I dont need it

    I would be happy to have or account progression of things like acheivements o even world progression so I could play happily, with enjoyment on my alts like I play that only on my main

    because of how much to do for single character is in this game I just see how empty all my alts are and Im not touching them besides just dung or trial runs when need this class or becase I just want diversity of my gameplay when I got bored by playing single class for years

    no, Im not going to repeat literally everything in game o atleast my 5 alts, each for exisiting class outside main, I just have no life to repeat this to have enjoyment of playing my alts only becasue I cant swich class on my main because Im bored of playing same class for years so literally anything I want is jsut to play other class - other basic skillines to use which are stuck for classes, not avaible for single character like every other nonclass skillines
  • MakeMeUhSamich
    At this point, a Class Change option is the only thing that will bring me back as an ESO Plus subscriber & regular player. At 34+k achievement points on my main character, there is zero chance of me attempting that on an alt.
  • Erelah
    Sarannah wrote: »
    A class change token should not happen, or it's use should be severely limited to like once per year. As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build, which puts other players at a disadvantage. Especially in PvP, but also in PvE.

    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    So there are some major impacts, even to those who would not use the class change tokens.

    Many people already have a character of each class. Race change tokens which are not limited to once a year means anyone can make a FOTM-Build. That disadvantage you feel you may have in PVP and PVE by those characters already exists. The only people who would purchase it is those seeking to keeping their achievements.
  • Kobun
    Soul Shriven
    I agree, a class change token is desperately desired by not only myself but a few friends as well. I'm the type of person who likes to build a character (and only one character) and stick to it. Years ago I was happy with my choice of Templar but over the years, things change and I've been trying to hold out for the eventual release of a Class Change token. They have tokens to change literally everything else, so I figured it was only a matter of time.

    I know for some people its as simple as just dumping their character and moving to an alt, but I'm a completionist. I've worked hard to gather achievements, motifs, recipes, and the like on my character (and while some of those are shared with other alts) it isn't the same just to start over. I've hardly touched the game in the last year and a half, and have since cancelled my annual subscription because I cannot afford to play a game that I cannot find myself enjoying anymore. Being able to change things (even once a year at the least) would work for a lot of people, and I would once again find myself enjoying the game again.
  • Nastassiya
    A class change token is as bad as account wide achievements.

    As for achievements, if you didn't earn it on that class then it's meaningless on another class. "Here, look! I did hard mode on my DK tank!" trial wipes because you don't know how to heal on your templar healer. The achievement means nothing

    You can level a character to 50 in a days play time. Class change token will make ZOS less money because people will opt for that rather than buy all the ranks, shards, etc on their alt. Or even worse, less people running around collecting the shards and skill shrines, so less people running into each other.

    Less money for ZOS, less populated world = less developed and more boring world.

    Stop asking to kill the game by the class change token. Also, there are like 50,000 of these request class change threads. Thank god ZOS cares about the game rather than peoples 5 hours of happiness. If people are already bored of their characters and don't want to level another alt then it's not like they'll stick around anyways. Might as well make the money off people really invested into ESO.

  • alberichtano
    At this point, a Class Change option is the only thing that will bring me back as an ESO Plus subscriber & regular player. At 34+k achievement points on my main character, there is zero chance of me attempting that on an alt.

    They joked about "account wide achievements" on april first, as I recall, but it would actually be a nice idea. Not all achievements of course, but there are quite a few that are just meaningless (not to mention a pain in the rears) to do on alts.
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