Class change Token

I think it's time that ZOS releases a class change token now. There are now tokens to change every Aspekt of your character expect the class which is more or less the most important one. I don't see any reason against it since you are not forced to buy it and if you don't want to you can still just make a new character. I also wouldn't mind it being more expensive than the other tokens since the impact is much higher.

I would really like to see this introduced in some future update.
  • Sarannah
    A class change token should not happen, or it's use should be severely limited to like once per year. As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build, which puts other players at a disadvantage. Especially in PvP, but also in PvE.

    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    So there are some major impacts, even to those who would not use the class change tokens.
  • RNGeeze
    To be fair it’s not like things as they are lead to players knowing how to play their class properly (Skyreach and Alik’r dolmen’s) seemingly few get to 50 strictly questing solo where they’d need to know what things do.

    I don’t particularly feel there is a need for class change tokens but I only speak for myself.
  • BalticBlues
    +1 for a Class Change Token.

    Many players simply do not have the time to play more than one char.
    Before they can never enjoy other classes, let them change their class.
  • Ippokrates
    Sarannah wrote: »
    A class change token should not happen, or it's use should be severely limited to like once per year. As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build, which puts other players at a disadvantage. Especially in PvP, but also in PvE.

    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    So there are some major impacts, even to those who would not use the class change tokens.

    And being force to create an alt changing it in what way? ^^

    Suddenly they know how to play a class, cause... they need to level class tree? I am sure with class change tokens you would need to start from lvl 1 anyway. The only difference would be that stamina would slow a little less than magicka during levelling, but with both options using all guilds they already have, they would have much better understanding of class skills, cause the could FOCUS purely on their class skills - not riding through Tamriel once again and collecting books, chasing time breaches or cleaning dolmens ^^

    And if you are chasing meta, then you should already know how to level 1-50 in one or two days anyway ^^

    The only thing keeping ZOS from introduction of class change token is IMHO to keep people invested.
  • Edaphon
    Sarannah wrote: »
    As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build

    The kind of players who would do this already have every class at max level anyway. They don't need a class change token, they can simply relog to another character.
    Edited by Edaphon on June 7, 2021 6:56AM
  • Ippokrates
    Edaphon wrote: »

    The kind of players who would do this already have every class at max level anyway. They don't need a class change token, they can simply relog to another character.

    And in worst scenario they could just use a race change token to adapt to new "meta".

  • amm7sb14_ESO
    A class change token is in the game. It is called the create a character option.

    Class change tokens should never be added in game. Even with a class change, you would still have to go through and re-level all the skill trees anyways, which is the same exact thing as creating a new character.

    Unless you are asking for a class change token that gives you fully maxed out skill trees, which I am entirely 100% against.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Sarannah wrote: »
    As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build

    Competitive endgame is already utterly driven by and gated to FOTM. A class change token would not change this in the least.
    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    Time and practise teaches people to play, not levelling. There's already a vast difference in skill levels and experience across the community. The obligate grind does nothing to teach anyone anything.

    @Sarannah I don't think your protests stand up to scrutiny or logic and I don't think they've been thought out properly in the context of the way the game is actually played.

  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Even with a class change, you would still have to go through and re-level all the skill trees anyways, which is the same exact thing as creating a new character.

    I respect that you have a different outlook, but that statement is completely wrong. Can you see why?
  • Brrrofski
    What is the reason people want one?

    Is it to experience another class, or because they have achievements ties to their first character?

    I'd rather see account-wide achievements before a class change token.

    People would just swap to FOTM and kill the already low class diversity we have in the game already.
    Edited by Brrrofski on June 7, 2021 7:35AM
  • Marcus_Aurelius
    I really don't get why people is against a class changen token, if you would not use it why deny something others would enjoy?

    Who cares if someone follow the meta? I mean you can have so many alts, you can already have all the classes at the ready, levelling them is just a matter of little time.

    I really would like a class change token because I don't really enjoy anymore playing my main class where I have all the achievments and starting to play a new char and regrinding 30k acheievmente is out of the question.

    I don't care if the token would wipe all my skills and I would have to level them again.

    Saying that creating a new char is the same thing of a class change token is relly a lack of understanding, please read why people want such token and try to understand them.
  • mocap
    Top PvPers already have Flavour Of All Time classes for it, so they don't need class change. It won't help that much for other players if they sitting on L2P issue.

    For PvE it's completely irrelevant. Though i agree, that one change per year is okey.

    As for achivement, if you are on PC you can use addon that stack achivements for all your characters, making them somewhat an "account wide".
  • Lucjan
    A class change token would really be neat. They can make it even 5k crowns. That or make achievements account wide.

    Honestly, the arguments about learning your class to be used against the introduction of a class change token make absolutely no sense. Given how little most learn during levelling and on top of that how often characters are levelled via dolmens etc. the token would have no actual impact.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    What is the reason people want one?

    Is it to experience another class, or because they have achievements ties to their first character?

    I'd rather see account-wide achievements before a class change token.

    People would just swap to FOTM and kill the already low class diversity we have in the game already.

    There are multiple reasons. Achievements is one of them, yep. But also all the stuff the "just grind it out brah" people forget, and that's stuff like mount training (6mo. if you don't miss any day), guild skill lines (some of which are hugely grindy), but also a lot of people are simply just attached to their main character and don't want to redo it, and found the class they chose early on has changed away from (or never fit in the first place) the concepts they wanted.

    I'm a bit bamboozled about the FOTM arguments because they seem to be made in ignorance of the fact that its very obvious that this is already hugely widespread in the endgame, and has been for ages. Whether you have a problem with that or not, it seems clear that a class change token can't really change something that's already happening on a massive scale.
  • HertoginJanneke
    People have so many arguments for not wanting others to get a class change. And while saying no to class change, they buy the race change because they realize they made a bad choice for their argonian stamina dd or need to switch race to the FotM for their trial group. So I think most arguments are false and only for "because I do not use it myself, I do not want at all that others have the option to use this".

    With a race change, taken at lvl 50, you immediately get all racial passives unlocked because you're already max level. No restrictions at all. With class change you (could) start at level 1 with you class skills, so you need to level it. They could also give a xp penalty for leveling your class so it takes longer to get full potention from your new class. Or they could make it possible to only change class if you have already maxed all class skill trees on an alt.

    SAY YES TO CLASS CHANGE (probably with some restrictions as mentioned)
  • Bradyfjord
    I'm behind the class change token. Even if the new skills start at zero. The dramatic changes to balance make playing some classes quite different from before the changes.

    It may be appropriate to have them only available for a week or two after a new chapter/expansion once a year.
  • RazielSR
    Class change is needed since years ago and these kind of topics are always reappearing.

    Class change is very needed and the game as a whole needs it too.
  • Shaloknir
    I know this is probably not going to happen.

    Still, it would make me very happy. It has been so tedious to level up my sorcerer. I would instantly change my templar main character with crafting skills maxed, 9 traits reserched, skyshards collected, mount upgraded to sorcerer. And my reason is templar is a one trick pony. I find it more interesting playing sorcerer. Also I like the aesthetics. It just took me years to discover the class I really like. And I like playing sorcerer, just doing every quest, collecting all the skyshards again, is so boooring. Sucks the joy out of the game.

    I hope they implement it. And of course I hope it would have a reasonable price tag to it.
  • Jamerth
    I am all in favor.


    Because i am one of those PVE casuals that invested all their ESO time (and quite some real money) in one single character and would rather quit the game than start a new character to go through the same grind just to test another class to it's full potential.

    As "Just a Casual Templar", my ingame name that fully reflects my playstyle and current class, i grew bored of being a templar and would like to try out let's say a necromancer, or a night blade, but i simply don't have the time to go through all the hoops and the willingness to eventually come to the conclusion that this new class is not what fits me best and all that time would have been better used to get more things done for my main character.

    I find it odd that this does not exist yet in a game that charges you a lot of real money for simply changing the looks of your existing character, for example.

    So yes, please give us class change tokens even as a reason to start playing the game again for real, not just to log in for 30 minutes to one hour, do the writs, a random dungeon or maybe some pledges and then to log out and play some other game.
  • Nagastani
    Sarannah wrote: »
    A class change token should not happen, or it's use should be severely limited to like once per year. As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build, which puts other players at a disadvantage. Especially in PvP, but also in PvE.

    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    So there are some major impacts, even to those who would not use the class change tokens.

    Once again, it's entirely too late for that.

    With all the other customization options out there, ie.. race change, faction swap etc it's only a matter of time before this becomes a thing.

    The only thing we can do is decide how best to make it work for us. With that said, I agree there are alot of things that have a major impact on the game that probably should not have been added... and that list keeps growing every year.
    Edited by Nagastani on June 7, 2021 3:54PM
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    I really don't get why people is against a class changen token, if you would not use it why deny something others would enjoy?

    Because this community is already plagued with people who want the rewards of the game without actually playing the content.

    There is a new thread every few days asking to take DLC dungeons out of the random daily queue. Because people want the daily rewards without actually doing the work of playing through the content.

    Then when they get into their base game dungeons, they plow through it, not giving new players an opportunity to play through the content properly and learn it.

    Now, people want to create new characters and have fully maxed out class skill lines without doing the work of leveling the class?

    No, thank you.

    People need to play through the content. It is necessary for an MMO.
  • neverwalk
    7,500 to 10,000 crowns for class change token, alot of work for zos to change classes
  • Jeremy
    A class change token is in the game. It is called the create a character option.

    Class change tokens should never be added in game. Even with a class change, you would still have to go through and re-level all the skill trees anyways, which is the same exact thing as creating a new character.

    Unless you are asking for a class change token that gives you fully maxed out skill trees, which I am entirely 100% against.

    Leveling the skill trees isn't the issue. If that's all that was involved it wouldn't be a big deal.

    People have years of effort invested in their main character, collecting achievements, doing all of the quests, clearing all of the zones, collecting motifs, crafting recipes and furnishing plans, research, their alliance rank etc. People who just want to "chase the meta' can already do that by simply creating one of each class and then leveling it to 50 and maxing out their skill lines, which you can easily do in a week or less. So I seriously doubt players who were just interested playing the "flavor of the month" would even waste crowns on a class change. I'm sure they already have characters made for that purpose.

    And on a game like this - where the developers are not shy about altering classes and obliterating play styles - it's unreasonable to expect players who invest into a single character to start all over.
    Edited by Jeremy on June 7, 2021 7:31PM
  • Bradyfjord
    neverwalk wrote: »
    7,500 to 10,000 crowns for class change token, alot of work for zos to change classes

    I could get behind this. A stiff price for something that shouldn't be done often anyway. I think a lot of people will use one, but not many. You would need to be really attached to a character to spend 10k crowns instead of making an alt.
  • Tandor
    No thanks, for all the reasons given in all the other threads on this.
  • Wing
    Tandor wrote: »
    No thanks, for all the reasons given in all the other threads on this.

    yes please, for all the reasons given in all the other threads on this.
    ESO player since beta.
    previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

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    DK one trick
  • Thechuckage
    I am constantly baffled by people who think they should have a say in others gameplay. Race change? Doesn't affect me. Same goes for riding lessons, change hairstyles, crown crates or anything else on the store.

    While I would not use this, I see no issue in offering it up to those who want it. As others have said, there are already plenty of player who hardly know how to effectively use their class. I don't see this making it significantly worse, just changing the color of effects the ineffectual player tosses around (if they do more than light attack spam)
  • Xebov
    Sarannah wrote: »
    A class change token should not happen, or it's use should be severely limited to like once per year. As some players would use it to chase the current FOTM-build, which puts other players at a disadvantage. Especially in PvP, but also in PvE.

    A class change token would also cause a group of players to play on a class, they do not even know how to play. As they never leveled as that class.

    So there are some major impacts, even to those who would not use the class change tokens.

    Players that dedicate themselves for FOTM already have multiple characters they swap in between.

    Players already play classes they dont know how to play even if they leveled them because leveling and knowing a class has nothing to do with each other. I leveled every class multiple times and i cant play 4 of them.

    All the top arguments brought up against it are about things that are already reality without any tokens available.
  • Xebov
    There is a new thread every few days asking to take DLC dungeons out of the random daily queue. Because people want the daily rewards without actually doing the work of playing through the content.

    Ppl asking for it becaus ethey regularly end up with random players unable to get them done. Make a Tank, do some pugs and have a look at the results.
    Then when they get into their base game dungeons, they plow through it, not giving new players an opportunity to play through the content properly and learn it.

    Its not veteran players fault that the dungeon finder is not placing players correctly together. Iam a CP1600 Tank and i end up with groups of level 10 players. Thats not fair for them, but thats also not fair for me.
    Now, people want to create new characters and have fully maxed out class skill lines without doing the work of leveling the class?

    I hope you know the difference between changing the class of an existing character and creating a new one...

  • Malthorne
    Yes, it is time.

    As far as the people who Meta hump are concerned. They are already changing classes to the absolute best available when needed. Most of them likely already have 1 or 2 of each class leveled and ready to go at a moments notice.
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