Bastian is a weenie

  • ectoplasmicninja
    I can't speak for anyone else but Bastian hasn't had a problem with me making whiskey for a writ or killing several critters accidentally in a fight. Once he said something like "Does life mean so little to you?" but LootDrop Reborn didn't show me any decrease in rapport so I can live with his woeful musings if they aren't accompanied by a drop in approval. He's definitely a righteous, soft-hearted guy. I'm okay with that, for the most part, I just wish there was more to him.

    Also, three Mages Guild dailies and many books and antiquities and visits to Artaeum later, his rapport meter absolutely has not moved. At this rate we will have saved Tamriel twenty times over and yet still be cordial acquaintances.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • JoeCapricorn
    A tip for provisioning writs: I just craft all of that ahead of time, "Mark as Junk" and store it on each alt. It doesn't get accidentally consumed and I'll have large stacks of it in tow. Same with Alchemy.

    In fact, currently, it will take about 370 more days of writs to empty what I have on each alt right now.

    When it comes to Enchanting, Jewelrycrafting, Blacksmithing, Woodworking and Clothing, on most alts I craft 6 days ahead, while on some I just do it day by day (since they are used for other things as well)
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • Iarao
    Jeremy wrote: »
    So he doesn't like it when you loot and pillage. It's aggravating having to unsummon him every time I want to loot something, but at least it makes some sense because it's criminal behavior and he's a goody-two-shoes. I get it. But when he gets upset at me for doing my provisioning daily and cooking wine I draw the line. That's just stupid. lol

    LOL is all i can say :)
  • Iarao
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    or my werewolf? what if i transform in front of them?
    Edited by Iarao on June 4, 2021 4:14AM
  • Elusiin
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    Mirri does not care when I use mesmerize on NPCs. I don't know about feeding yet, haven't tried it, but I'd imagine Bastion the Weenie would not approve of any of it.
  • Hippie4927
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    Mirri does not care when I use mesmerize on NPCs. I don't know about feeding yet, haven't tried it, but I'd imagine Bastion the Weenie would not approve of any of it.

    It sounds like I'm going to have to wait until ZOS comes out with a less sensitive companion. Bastion the Weenie wouldn't like my main because she's a vampire, an assassin, and she steals anything that's not nailed down. Mirri would have a problem with my main because she kills anything that moves for fishing bait. We need a new companion that has an evil darkside!
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • GreenHere
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    Mirri does not care when I use mesmerize on NPCs. I don't know about feeding yet, haven't tried it, but I'd imagine Bastion the Weenie would not approve of any of it.

    It sounds like I'm going to have to wait until ZOS comes out with a less sensitive companion. Bastion the Weenie wouldn't like my main because she's a vampire, an assassin, and she steals anything that's not nailed down. Mirri would have a problem with my main because she kills anything that moves for fishing bait. We need a new companion that has an evil darkside!


    (Also, because Google blessed/cursed me with this and I found it mildly hilarious...)
    Adoring Todd (Howard)

  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    TBH I actually like the dude... Flaws and all. (Personality flaws, not supposed game problems)
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Hippie4927
    GreenHere wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    Mirri does not care when I use mesmerize on NPCs. I don't know about feeding yet, haven't tried it, but I'd imagine Bastion the Weenie would not approve of any of it.

    It sounds like I'm going to have to wait until ZOS comes out with a less sensitive companion. Bastion the Weenie wouldn't like my main because she's a vampire, an assassin, and she steals anything that's not nailed down. Mirri would have a problem with my main because she kills anything that moves for fishing bait. We need a new companion that has an evil darkside!


    (Also, because Google blessed/cursed me with this and I found it mildly hilarious...)
    Adoring Todd (Howard)

    Thank you, @GreenHere , for causing me to spit coffee all over the place! :lol:
    Edited by Hippie4927 on June 4, 2021 10:13AM
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Nephthys

    Is there a rapport problem with Mirri if you kill a critter via AoE damage in a general fight?

    I have had no problem. I have a lot of AOE spells that splatter everything around.

    Dunmer magicka Necromancer DPS/Healer
  • Elusiin
    GreenHere wrote: »
    Elusiin wrote: »
    The whole concept of em is basically for rpg fans really . Its def not a part of the super hardcore crowds taste. Honestly good padding for future expacs since the systems here .

    Wdym?? It's so much more than that. I can solo dungeons now, or have my roommate login and together we can have a full party and do veteran dungeons. So much better than random queues and dealing with pugs.

    I'm not asking this to doubt or challenge you @Elusiin , I genuinely am interested to know:

    How, though?!

    I tried taking them through NORMAL dungeons on the PTS with maxed out purple gear, and they died A LOT. Right when I kinda needed them, too. They were fine in fights that's weren't difficult to begin with, but when the going got tough they invariably took a dirt nap in the middle of the action. Or when they were alive, they'd often just roll away from the action which just scatters our foes all over the room -- and that's far from ideal.

    Most notably, though, is that they can't obey mechanics at all; they're totally oblivious to them, even if all they need to do to live is follow me. (For example, fully tanked out max purple gear Bastian dopily waded through all the super obvious "DO NOT WALK HERE" fire mechanics during the last boss fight in Black Drake Villa, even though I had jumped down into the pit well in advance to try to prevent it. Mirri with the most heals I could stack her with fared slightly better, but ultimately was toasted by mechanics as well.)

    So how did you make them work for Veteran content? Are we talking like vFungal Grotto here, or am I just doing something really wrong with my Companions?

    I hear you, in terms of mechanically difficult boss fights, they're not nearly as good. BUT if you get them in the right combination of purple gear (by them I mean bastion as he has the best survivability), then they can still hold their ground. I believe some of the environmental damage effects no longer apply to the companions... Or at least that's what I have observed in my playthroughs. I have done vet city of ash II with my roommate and our two companions, and test just by myself with my companion through the less difficult dungeons like vet fungal grotto.

    But you are right to point out their limitations, as I have been unable to clear any of the dlc in vet dungeons on my own. I still think it's possible though, as long as you have at least 1 other human player. My main problem is that the companions don't bash to free you from boss channels, but in situations where someone disconnects in dungeon finder, then replacing one human with a good setup allows you to continue without much trouble.
  • cynicalbutterfly
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Same here. I do a lot of picking bugs on my way to just about any where I"m going so Mirri is a hard pass. I didn't even last 10 seconds with her out before I lost rapport :D
    At least with Bastian, I can stow him away before I do anything nefarious or craft any provisioning stuff.
  • Alurria
    I transform into a werewolf in front of Bastian he never says a word and doesn't get upset. I lost rapport once with him but I think I accidently targeted another npc that was a quest npc in the dungeon with us during a fight. That has been it.
  • Hippie4927
    I heisted the contents of a safebox and did NOT lose rapport with Bastian and he even said, "Nice haul." This surprised me! But then when I picked up a thieves trove, I did lose rapport and Bastian said, "I thought you gave up stealing!" Ha! Fat chance of that!
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • coop500
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Is there a rapport problem with Mirri if you kill a critter via AoE damage in a general fight?

    I'm not sure, I haven't tested that. But I know that it's hella annoying trying to grab a node with a tiny wasp that you didn't see by it and you get nagged at AND lose rapport.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • coop500
    Iarao wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    So I haven't picked up any companions yet...........How do they feel about running around with a vampire? Am I going to get flack for that?

    or my werewolf? what if i transform in front of them?

    Companions do not care as long as you do not get caught by an innocent.

    I run around on my werewolves and stage 4 vampires (and using vampire skills, including the ult) freely with both of them
    Edited by coop500 on June 11, 2021 12:55AM
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • coop500
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Same here. I do a lot of picking bugs on my way to just about any where I"m going so Mirri is a hard pass. I didn't even last 10 seconds with her out before I lost rapport :D
    At least with Bastian, I can stow him away before I do anything nefarious or craft any provisioning stuff.

    yeah it's a LOT easier to manage Bastian's dislikes than Mirri's, because for me I only do murdering/stealing on ONE character, out of 18 total so.
    And as someone who also has a dislike for alcohol due to IRL family troubles, then it's easy for me to remember Bastian's dislike.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Jeremy
    coop500 wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Same here. I do a lot of picking bugs on my way to just about any where I"m going so Mirri is a hard pass. I didn't even last 10 seconds with her out before I lost rapport :D
    At least with Bastian, I can stow him away before I do anything nefarious or craft any provisioning stuff.

    yeah it's a LOT easier to manage Bastian's dislikes than Mirri's, because for me I only do murdering/stealing on ONE character, out of 18 total so.
    And as someone who also has a dislike for alcohol due to IRL family troubles, then it's easy for me to remember Bastian's dislike.

    He doesn't approve of making tea either. So be warned.
  • coop500
    Jeremy wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Same here. I do a lot of picking bugs on my way to just about any where I"m going so Mirri is a hard pass. I didn't even last 10 seconds with her out before I lost rapport :D
    At least with Bastian, I can stow him away before I do anything nefarious or craft any provisioning stuff.

    yeah it's a LOT easier to manage Bastian's dislikes than Mirri's, because for me I only do murdering/stealing on ONE character, out of 18 total so.
    And as someone who also has a dislike for alcohol due to IRL family troubles, then it's easy for me to remember Bastian's dislike.

    He doesn't approve of making tea either. So be warned.

    Most drinks I can't even tell WHAT they are, so I'd just put him away for cooking, which I only do once a day (at best)
    VS picking bugs, something I do intentionally AND accidentally numerous times a day
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • LadyLethalla
    I'd like to know why I lose rapport while cooking, with Bastian. I'm not sure if it's any cooking, or whether it's specifically cooking in the inn in Deshaan but it bums me out every time.

    Edit: Wait, so it's alcoholic drinks he doesn't like...? I assume every other kind of beverage is okay with him...
    Edited by LadyLethalla on June 11, 2021 2:48AM
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • EllieBlue
    My elf lives and repairs at Elden Root. In the main crafting area, hers is the only companion she sees. All others are apparently invisible to you in crowded areas like crafting areas. Elegant solution methinks.

    I pray to all the Gods and Daedric Prince in Tamriel for ZOS to please apply the same concept with the twilights, imps, bears and all other flying pests.
    Nirn Traders GM (est 2015)
    PC EU
    Semi-retired. Playing games for fun. Super casual.
  • vallisas
    TBH I actually like the dude... Flaws and all. (Personality flaws, not supposed game problems)

    Same, they already announced he was good before the comps even launched so anyone having a problem with that, it's their own faults.

    Personally i'm tired of the tendacy to rag on every non-toxic male character in gaming for being "soft" or "weak". Being good is not being weak. It causes devs to constantly create toxic abusive males. Like Bioware does. Half the male companions in Swtor are either toxic, abusers, murderers, way to forward with their advances or betray you and you're always put into a position where you must forgive them for something. I'm personally tired of the trope, and the thing is, people never even like the edgelord characters they demand. Almost all of the edgelord companions in Swtor are the most hated.

    Anyway i'll give ZOS time to iron out some of the likes/dislikes. I remember when Fallout 4 first launched and you had companions that would like things they were supposed to be against.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    GreenHere wrote: »
    I'm not certain whether or not they are hidden or something during heavy scenes like Dolmens and such, though. I didn't pay enough attention to notice one way or the other when doing an Oblivion Portal boss fight (...)
    They don't dismiss in group events/public dungeons either.

    I'm glad they don't. The only reason I let Bastian tag along with me is to be my backup in boss fights.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Mirri is the only companion I don't mind since she has no qualms with me taking everything not bolted down, likes it when I brew wine, and when I set her to a ranged only fighter she isn't in my way. Wish she was a little more useful, but I get a little sad running by a bunch of torch bugs knowing I can't pick them up without unsummoning her.

    Mirri pulls my target away just when I've got some nice AOEs laid down. I'm going to have to take her bow away.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • XxCaLxX
    I'm actually suprised at how my companion does. Mirri level 10 with almost all white medium and bow on. me and my friend 2 manned vscp with our companions. Mirri would wait til there was no poison to run through. She only died once on the giant boss. Certain mechanics "do not" kill companions like they do real players such as not getting in an ice circle on first boss in vscp or from the dragons poison in Zaan fight. I haven't gotten to test comapanions in other vet dungeons/content yet but from what i've read either ppl aren't doing something right or they fixed things before releasing on console.
  • Jeremy
    coop500 wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    I personally find Bastian way easier to live with than Mirri, who loses rapport if you pick a torchbug or kill a rat, or take her to any dock area.
    I also personally like Bastian as a character more.

    Same here. I do a lot of picking bugs on my way to just about any where I"m going so Mirri is a hard pass. I didn't even last 10 seconds with her out before I lost rapport :D
    At least with Bastian, I can stow him away before I do anything nefarious or craft any provisioning stuff.

    yeah it's a LOT easier to manage Bastian's dislikes than Mirri's, because for me I only do murdering/stealing on ONE character, out of 18 total so.
    And as someone who also has a dislike for alcohol due to IRL family troubles, then it's easy for me to remember Bastian's dislike.

    He doesn't approve of making tea either. So be warned.

    Most drinks I can't even tell WHAT they are, so I'd just put him away for cooking, which I only do once a day (at best)
    VS picking bugs, something I do intentionally AND accidentally numerous times a day

    It's probably a smart idea to just put him away before cooking. He got mad at me for making some kind of meat today..

    So think I'll start doing the same.

    Is it a huge deal having to unsummon him before cooking? Nah, you're right, it's not a huge hassle. But it's just stupid. Why does he get mad at you for cooking? lol

    I would be interested to read the logic behind that design decision.
    Edited by Jeremy on June 11, 2021 7:37AM
  • Jeremy
    vallisas wrote: »
    TBH I actually like the dude... Flaws and all. (Personality flaws, not supposed game problems)

    Same, they already announced he was good before the comps even launched so anyone having a problem with that, it's their own faults.

    Personally i'm tired of the tendacy to rag on every non-toxic male character in gaming for being "soft" or "weak". Being good is not being weak. It causes devs to constantly create toxic abusive males. Like Bioware does. Half the male companions in Swtor are either toxic, abusers, murderers, way to forward with their advances or betray you and you're always put into a position where you must forgive them for something. I'm personally tired of the trope, and the thing is, people never even like the edgelord characters they demand. Almost all of the edgelord companions in Swtor are the most hated.

    Anyway i'll give ZOS time to iron out some of the likes/dislikes. I remember when Fallout 4 first launched and you had companions that would like things they were supposed to be against.

    Could you explain to me what is evil about making tea and why a "good" character would be opposed to that?

    And Bastian is more of a hypocrite than anything else if you ask me.

    In your very first quest with him he's using enhanced interrogation techniques on prisoners to get more information out of them and knocking his adopted brother unconscious to steal his jewelry. Honestly, Mirri seemed more "good" in her opening quest than Bastian did. He just thinks he's the only one who gets to do anything controversial. One of those holier than thou types who can do as they please but expect everyone else to walk the straight and narrow. haha
    Edited by Jeremy on June 11, 2021 7:52AM
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Some confirmation as to what exactly it is about which bit of provisioning that cause Bastian to have a hissy fit would be helpful.

    But agree that it is rather silly. As is Mirri & bugs & ports.

    I wish it would tell you why you lost rapport - I lost some today with Bastian during a boss fight in the main quest. Seemed utterly arbitrary as only killed bad npcs, no random stuff - losing rapport for it made absolutely no sense.

    Zos does need to explain their ‘logic’ behind rapport, and be clear about what does/does not affect it, as at present there does not appear to be any logic behind it at all. And that is just going to annoy people & make them dislike using Companions.

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