UGotBenched91 wrote: »Hi friends,
My last couple PVP builds have been two handed/bow. I want to switch up and use dual swords and I’m thinking of going stamsorc. This is uncharted territory for me and I’m curious how viable a build like this can be?
UGotBenched91 wrote: »Hey thanks I appreciate the information. I’ll get a lot of hate for this comment as I know it’s against how scrolls games work but I hate how a lot of skills are focused around weapons. Kills the diversity in this game IMO. Yes, I can play how I want and go off the road but if I’m shooting myself in the foot by doing so what’s the point?
But I’m going to still try for this and see what I can pull off.
Stamsorc has great tools for Dualwield, especially with Crystal weapon added. Since the dualwield light and heavy attacks are insanely fast, it doesn't interrupt the rotation as much as it does on 2h. Also you have access to Major Evasion without wearing Medium Armor (which you should do anyway) thanks to Blade Cloak for example. Also Blade Cloak and Hurricane greatly stack on each other and draw a circle around you, that deals nice passive Damage, which can trigger Poisons and fuel Critical Surge for Healing. For even more additional healing over time you can also use Bloodcraze on Masterswords paired with Briarheart, even though the later will get nerfed next patch, by scaling the healing of MaxStamina (the 450 Weapon Power stay the same), and not many Stamsorcs have 40k Stamina to get the original effect.
I saw some Stamsorcs straight up nuking people on Dualwield with Crystal Weapon on light attack into Spin to Win.
Funfact: You can actually stack Elemental Weapon of Psijic on Crystal Weapon and hit fast enough for both to grant their damage.
Malacath is propaply the most worthless item to run on Stamsorc as long as you don't start using flat damage Procs, which would be very sad indeed. Stamsorcs profit way to much from Crits to let them go. Especially on a Dualwield build since you won't have Rally to heal and are bound to Critical Surge. The point of Briarheart is not really the healing, but the Weapon power you get combined with that little additional healing on many healing sources you have already. While Briarheart alone may be low, paired with Crit Surge, and if you want, Bloodcraze thats a very solid passive healing you have on top of the use of Vigor. Also you can play around with sets all you like its not something I order you to use, I just like Briarheart a lot since ever.
I play Stamsorc since the game launched and I never even considered to ever drop crit (not even after the nerf to Critchance). Stamsorc can stack way more damage without Malacath than with it. I don't use Rally since ages (even though I do run 2h currently), but if you want you can use it in addition to Critsurge as well, that actually fits depending on your Build on the frontbar.
Also about Blade Cloak, just use it instead of Shuffle, you get the same buff with additional damage, or just don't use it its all up to you. You don't need to care about Snares (Forward Momentum) or similar since Stamsorc has that nice Ball of Lightning which grants immunity, or even streak itself which won't grant you immunity, but you can move with it, even if snared or CCed to buy your time to break free.
Its always just a question of your build and playstyle. If you play 2h and Dualwield for example, you have plenty of space for everything I just said minus Crystal weapon, since the Dualwield bar is then mainly a passive one, with:
Bloodcraze, Streak/Ball of Lightning, Quick Cloak (Major Expedition and Major Evasion), Hurricane and Vigor.
While the front obviously holds:
D Swing (I still wish there would be a better spammable), Camouflaged Hunter (for Crit and more damage on flank), Executioner, Critical Surge and depending on what you want Bound Armaments/Rally.
Missing a Dark Deal there, but if you run Rally its not really needed.
To use Dualwield on front is a bit trickier, if you insist on Crystal Weapon (personally I really want to play it, but just can't get used to it), and I would play a bow on back then, because why using 2h on a backbar, its clearly a way more offensive tree.
But still you could certainly use it with:
Blood Craze/Rending Slashes(or if you really feel Crystal Weapon drop those two options completely it provides enough damage, or if you don't need the heal of Blood Craze go for Rapid Strikes there is a lot of variable options here.), Camouflaged Hunter/Turn Undead/Deadly Cloak (Bow will provide the Major Expedition already), Spin to Win, Crit Surge, Bound Armaments/Crystal Weapon.
With Bow on the back:
Poison Inject, Streak/Ball of Lightning, Dark Deal, Hurricane, Vigor.
You can of course swap places in between those bars, as long as Poison Injection doesn't end up without a bow or something like that, its just the way I would prefer it.
Don't forget crit healing, the secret sauce, and fewer counters than crit damage.