1. The vast majority of guilds with all of this appealing advertising have borderline empty trial schedules because they're either maxed out, bored or don't feel like teaching. Have joined 4 in a row now. Same story every time. Half of them never even make it to the Discord approval chats and people just come and go after seeing what I see. This is precisely why carry selling is so rampant which is an entirely different topic that I think we can all agree hurts the game.
2. It would make Puglorn much more efficient.
3. People bridging from normal to veteran can actually get into groups and learn without some bozo that needs 6000 addons to play dictating everything they wear in advance and wanting to see logs of previous fights that you never got to learn because of any of the fore or after mentioned reasons. It's like a bar that won't train bartenders or take applicants without experience. Normal trial experience does not prepare you very well at all for vet in ESO and certainly won't get you into a *good* guild, usually. There needs to be a bridge here.
4. You can introduce queue requirements with it like WoW has had for years, eliminating the faketank plague for once and for all while simultaneously making this viable. Just some simple stuff to keep the idiots out - max HP, sets equipped, skills on bar. Yes, I know, you all saw some clownsorc faketank a vet once. Nobody is impressed and that's not efficiency or good gameplay, keep it in the normal dungeons where frankly half of them drop if they join a normal DLC. We waited 20 minutes and went thru 3 16k-18k sorcerers last week in nMHK because they faketank qeue in then drop when they see what the instance is. This tortures thousands of players daily and wastes a lot of time. It's really hurting your customer base more than you realize.
5. You are further distancing players in a game already badly hurt by the social and identity factors that come with allowing a player to join 5 guilds by adding companions. This can help offset that.
You guys gotta bring people together and some of your innovation, while enjoyable, has been pushing them apart. It's called an MMO for a reason and it's a great one. But ESO suffers worse here than I have seen in 2 decades of gaming. A trial finder addresses a myriad of issues at once. People will know what they are getting into as well. There will be some bad, bad pugs in a trial finder but the good would heavily outweigh the bad and the incoming companions are without a doubt going to just further separate people that are in 5 guilds and paid for Godslayer that morning. Turn this thing around with a glorious pug finder.
Edited by Selminus on May 17, 2021 8:47PM