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Help picking a class, wanting to take it slow

I had a question. What do you think would be better for a newish player who wants to just stick with 1 char and do everything with, stamden, stamplar or stamcro?) I really want a stamina char. I don't like mages in any game. I played a magplar to 28 and hated it(Though I would love a magcro if they had actual necro pets that would tank for me). Caused me to quit years ago and just finally came back.

I am torn about how I wanna play as well so was hoping I could be given a build for 2 playstyles or the one that you all think would work best.

I think it would be great to suit up in heavy armor and either 2h or sword and shield and just be a walking tank of not dying but also have great damage to just take everything slow. Basically I want to be able to take my time and do everything not worry about dying unless I am pushing myself to challenge hard content. Thought stamcro as a death knight type of idea or stamplar as a paladin esque type of idea for those. Just being tanky enough to not worry too much but, also building to do as much damage as I can so I am not being bored or hurting my wrist because of how long it takes(reason for wrist below).

The other playstyle is just straight up dps with heals. Doing the same as above but except not being a tank but, a dps machine with great self heals. Which I thought stamden and stamplar would be great at.

I want this char to be easy to survive on, just tanky enough, good damage, the best i can get, solo obviously, will absolutely join groups later when I get into that, and not be hard to play since I was in an accident and have bad arthritis in my right wrist even though I am young(can't afford all that fancy equipment for disabled players). :( So it needs to be forgiving of mistakes.

So far I was told by someone that a stamden would be best but, stamplar is easiest. I know this is asking a lot. I really appreciate any help you could give.
  • Selminus
    Stamplar is pretty wack, you are literally spamming jab and LA weaving. A lot of clicking. The warden pet is very strong which will compensate somewhat for your disability. My Stamden bear auto attack alone is 18k+ and the Ultimate is very cheap. I was actually kind of shocked when I started using it at how much damage it does in general.
  • oterWitz
    Sorry to be "that guy" and suggest something you didn't list, but I'd recommend stam sorc (storm knight, if you will, that's how I think of mine) for what you are suggesting. It can be plenty tanky with the Hurricane morph of Lightning Form as well as the Brawler morph of Cleave from the 2h skill line, as well as having high dps/healing from the Critical Surge morph of Surge. Though I don't people doing it too often, you can also play it as a pet class with the Clannfear morph of Summon Unstable Familiar. Mag sorcs are the easiest for heavy attack/1 bar builds which I've seen others with arthritis/similar issues use to great effect if you do ever want to dabble in a mag build, but that's just an obligatory side note about sorcs.

    Now to properly address your question, I would also say stamden because of the bear. Warden also gives a lot of very good self healing options with the Green Balance skill line and tanky with Winter's Embrace. I can't comment on specific skills as much, as I only have mag and tank specs, but would probably run a 2h/bow or bow/bow and play around DoTs and the bear.
    PC NA
  • Kinvesu
    Thank you! I truly appreciate it. I will stick with stamden and then look into stamsorc(1st)/magsorc on the side when I wanna switch it up or see how it is on the other side later on.
    oterWitz wrote: »
    Sorry to be "that guy" and suggest something you didn't list, but I'd recommend stam sorc (storm knight, if you will, that's how I think of mine) for what you are suggesting.

    Hey I welcome it. If you really think that would be better, I am open to the suggestion!
  • El_Borracho
    Selminus wrote: »
    Stamplar is pretty wack, you are literally spamming jab and LA weaving. A lot of clicking. The warden pet is very strong which will compensate somewhat for your disability. My Stamden bear auto attack alone is 18k+ and the Ultimate is very cheap. I was actually kind of shocked when I started using it at how much damage it does in general.

    LOL. I was going to suggest the stamplar as its nearly impossible to die with all the heals, puts out decent damage without a solid rotation, and is the ultimate overland casual class. Plus, since its all jabs jabs jabs, I would think it would be less physically stressful for OP.

    I actually dislike the stamden. Think the attacks are clunky and delayed. And that bear. Yeesh

    But to each their own. Play the way you want to play. Can always create new characters and alternates so try out a bunch of them
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    I would double on stamsorc. The reason is that their Surge skill heals you once per second when you deal critical damage, so it's like a constant passive heal if you use Hurricane and 1-2 more damage-over-time abilities. They can also be built for high recovery, which can help you sustain in long fights without using heavy attacks if those are hard on your wrist. The downside is that their class spammable relies on light attacking, so you'd have to be okay using Brawler or Uppercut (2H), Power Bash (shield), or Silver Shards (Fighters Guild).

    Then again ... I think I see where your friend was coming from by suggesting Necro. Ruinous Scythe is a weaker spammable that heals you like Brawler does, so I would consider Necro if you want to play shield. They have a more complicated rotation than the other classes you mentioned, where your recovety suffers if you don't cast your skills at the right times. But they have two really powerful ultimates. Necro and Warden also make good tanks and healers for group content, if you're into that.

    I'd also consider binding block and bash to somewhere on the keyboard, maybe left Alt or Control, so you can avoid damage easier. I'm not sure if ESO lets you bind light and heavy attack to a key.

    And as far as group content, tanks rely less on light attacking, but still have to block and bash constantly. Healers depend on light attacking the least of all 3 roles IMO. Like yeah, it improves their damage, but most groups will be happy with a healer who just heals, provides synergies, and helps with boss mechanics.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Kinvesu
    Selminus wrote: »
    Stamplar is pretty wack, you are literally spamming jab and LA weaving. A lot of clicking. The warden pet is very strong which will compensate somewhat for your disability. My Stamden bear auto attack alone is 18k+ and the Ultimate is very cheap. I was actually kind of shocked when I started using it at how much damage it does in general.

    LOL. I was going to suggest the stamplar as its nearly impossible to die with all the heals, puts out decent damage without a solid rotation, and is the ultimate overland casual class. Plus, since its all jabs jabs jabs, I would think it would be less physically stressful for OP.

    I actually dislike the stamden. Think the attacks are clunky and delayed. And that bear. Yeesh

    But to each their own. Play the way you want to play. Can always create new characters and alternates so try out a bunch of them

    Well, funny you mention that. I have been playing the stamden now for a few days, level 30, and I have to agree with you. It just doesn't feel right. It seems like the moves are not very good. The bear seems weak as all heck. I use the ulti and I see the same damage number as if he auto attacked it. They are slow. Can't seem to get a good ratio of single target/aoe/heal/defense at all like I could using builders for the other classes. Forced to pick some of the mag morphs instead of stam. So I don't know, I am kinda not liking it now.
  • Kinvesu
    I would double on stamsorc. The reason is that their Surge skill heals you once per second when you deal critical damage, so it's like a constant passive heal if you use Hurricane and 1-2 more damage-over-time abilities. They can also be built for high recovery, which can help you sustain in long fights without using heavy attacks if those are hard on your wrist. The downside is that their class spammable relies on light attacking, so you'd have to be okay using Brawler or Uppercut (2H), Power Bash (shield), or Silver Shards (Fighters Guild).

    Then again ... I think I see where your friend was coming from by suggesting Necro. Ruinous Scythe is a weaker spammable that heals you like Brawler does, so I would consider Necro if you want to play shield. They have a more complicated rotation than the other classes you mentioned, where your recovety suffers if you don't cast your skills at the right times. But they have two really powerful ultimates. Necro and Warden also make good tanks and healers for group content, if you're into that.

    I'd also consider binding block and bash to somewhere on the keyboard, maybe left Alt or Control, so you can avoid damage easier. I'm not sure if ESO lets you bind light and heavy attack to a key.

    And as far as group content, tanks rely less on light attacking, but still have to block and bash constantly. Healers depend on light attacking the least of all 3 roles IMO. Like yeah, it improves their damage, but most groups will be happy with a healer who just heals, provides synergies, and helps with boss mechanics.

    Thank you. I appreciate people still trying to give me help and advice. It is awesome. I think I will make a stamsorc now and see how it goes based on my experience with stamden so far.
  • El_Borracho
    Kinvesu wrote: »
    Selminus wrote: »
    Stamplar is pretty wack, you are literally spamming jab and LA weaving. A lot of clicking. The warden pet is very strong which will compensate somewhat for your disability. My Stamden bear auto attack alone is 18k+ and the Ultimate is very cheap. I was actually kind of shocked when I started using it at how much damage it does in general.

    LOL. I was going to suggest the stamplar as its nearly impossible to die with all the heals, puts out decent damage without a solid rotation, and is the ultimate overland casual class. Plus, since its all jabs jabs jabs, I would think it would be less physically stressful for OP.

    I actually dislike the stamden. Think the attacks are clunky and delayed. And that bear. Yeesh

    But to each their own. Play the way you want to play. Can always create new characters and alternates so try out a bunch of them

    Well, funny you mention that. I have been playing the stamden now for a few days, level 30, and I have to agree with you. It just doesn't feel right. It seems like the moves are not very good. The bear seems weak as all heck. I use the ulti and I see the same damage number as if he auto attacked it. They are slow. Can't seem to get a good ratio of single target/aoe/heal/defense at all like I could using builders for the other classes. Forced to pick some of the mag morphs instead of stam. So I don't know, I am kinda not liking it now.

    I felt the same way so I made my stamwarden into a tank. Some people absolutely love the warden class for DPS, primarily PVP. I do mostly PVE DPS and never liked it, opting instead for nightblades and sorcs. Its just a personal preference thing.

    Have fun in the game. Good call taking it slow, there's a lot of content out there

    EDIT: BTW, all characters will be weak, ineffective noodles until you hit Level 160 to Level 300. Its just the way the game is. You'll be fine doing overland content and normal non-DLC dungeons until then. So keep the warden on the shelf if you want and level up that stamsorc. The way alternates work in this game is once your alternate hits Level 50, it automatically gains the level of your highest character. Plus, your alternate gains access to CP points the instant your highest character reaches the CP level. For instance, I'm CP 1290, so if I made a new character it would be Level 1 but have 1290 CP points available for use. Its why you might see a fellow Level 30 running around melting everything in sight. Its not their class or armor, its because that Level 30 has a ton of CP points you can't see.

    New characters are prohibited from using armor above Level 1 and are constrained by their level until hitting Level 50, when it would convert into a CP 1290 character. Its really the only restrictions placed on new characters. So keep that warden around in case you want to give it another go once you become more familiar with how the game works in terms of combat, tanking, and healing.
    Edited by El_Borracho on May 25, 2021 6:12PM
  • FrancisCrawford
    It's unfortunate that you don't like playing magicka characters, as they are the easiest to play, especially for folks with any kind of limitations. That said, you sound like one of the few players for whom the new companion system will be seriously helpful, as it can give you additional healing and buffs (or damage). And in fairness, the fact that everybody can now get Vigor at Level 10 makes stamina builds a lot more accessible.

    Among your choices, I'd lean to warden. As long as you cast the "Shalks" skill more or less on its 6-second cooldown, you'll be doing some nontrivial damage. Green Lotus, when you unlock it, is a nice passive self-heal. The "Fetcherflies" skill is a second class AoE skill. The speed boost can be fun (and one version buffs your damage). The Netch is a nice passive skill. The bear is of course strong, especially for players with limitations.

    Overall, I find that for casual play, wardens just do a little more damage than most other lasses, all tankiness benefits even aside.

    Disability or not, you'll want to play with two weapons when you can (Level 15), but using your backbar just for long-running buffs will be fine.

    And by the way, the Logitech G300 series of mice are inexpensive and give you a couple of extra buttons. I always use the most accessible one to make barswapping very easy. Also remember that you can reprogram the keyboard to make things more comfortable as you choose. You can even have two adjacent keys do the same thing if you have a habit of mishitting, as I do with the "5" and "6" keys.

    Finally -- this game isn't really set up well for stamina-based group healing, but if you want to insist on trying, warden is the best chance.
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on May 25, 2021 6:25PM
  • Kinvesu
    It's unfortunate that you don't like playing magicka characters, as they are the easiest to play, especially for folks with any kind of limitations. That said, you sound like one of the few players for whom the new companion system will be seriously helpful, as it can give you additional healing and buffs (or damage). And in fairness, the fact that everybody can now get Vigor at Level 10 makes stamina builds a lot more accessible.

    Among your choices, I'd lean to warden. As long as you cast the "Shalks" skill more or less on its 6-second cooldown, you'll be doing some nontrivial damage. Green Lotus, when you unlock it, is a nice passive self-heal. The "Fetcherflies" skill is a second class AoE skill. The speed boost can be fun (and one version buffs your damage). The Netch is a nice passive skill. The bear is of course strong, especially for players with limitations.

    Overall, I find that for casual play, wardens just do a little more damage than most other lasses, all tankiness benefits even aside.

    Disability or not, you'll want to play with two weapons when you can (Level 15), but using your backbar just for long-running buffs will be fine.

    And by the way, the Logitech G300 series of mice are inexpensive and give you a couple of extra buttons. I always use the most accessible one to make barswapping very easy. Also remember that you can reprogram the keyboard to make things more comfortable as you choose. You can even have two adjacent keys do the same thing if you have a habit of mishitting, as I do with the "5" and "6" keys.

    Finally -- this game isn't really set up well for stamina-based group healing, but if you want to insist on trying, warden is the best chance.

    Thank you. I really am moved by how nice, kind and sympathetic, people can be, which you guys have been. It is really awesome. Yes, I have on several times while trying a necromancer, hit R and then click, while even trying to hit E or the numbers and get killed in town after summoning my ULT lol. Maybe I should just wipe away my preconceptions and just give some magicka builds a try. I have plenty of time anyways.

    I'll look into the equipment as well. And yes, I am looking forward to the companion system. It was the reason I decided to come back and give the game a try again after all these years and then I got into the lore.

    Kinvesu wrote: »
    Selminus wrote: »
    Stamplar is pretty wack, you are literally spamming jab and LA weaving. A lot of clicking. The warden pet is very strong which will compensate somewhat for your disability. My Stamden bear auto attack alone is 18k+ and the Ultimate is very cheap. I was actually kind of shocked when I started using it at how much damage it does in general.

    LOL. I was going to suggest the stamplar as its nearly impossible to die with all the heals, puts out decent damage without a solid rotation, and is the ultimate overland casual class. Plus, since its all jabs jabs jabs, I would think it would be less physically stressful for OP.

    I actually dislike the stamden. Think the attacks are clunky and delayed. And that bear. Yeesh

    But to each their own. Play the way you want to play. Can always create new characters and alternates so try out a bunch of them

    Well, funny you mention that. I have been playing the stamden now for a few days, level 30, and I have to agree with you. It just doesn't feel right. It seems like the moves are not very good. The bear seems weak as all heck. I use the ulti and I see the same damage number as if he auto attacked it. They are slow. Can't seem to get a good ratio of single target/aoe/heal/defense at all like I could using builders for the other classes. Forced to pick some of the mag morphs instead of stam. So I don't know, I am kinda not liking it now.

    I felt the same way so I made my stamwarden into a tank. Some people absolutely love the warden class for DPS, primarily PVP. I do mostly PVE DPS and never liked it, opting instead for nightblades and sorcs. Its just a personal preference thing.

    Have fun in the game. Good call taking it slow, there's a lot of content out there

    EDIT: BTW, all characters will be weak, ineffective noodles until you hit Level 160 to Level 300. Its just the way the game is. You'll be fine doing overland content and normal non-DLC dungeons until then. So keep the warden on the shelf if you want and level up that stamsorc. The way alternates work in this game is once your alternate hits Level 50, it automatically gains the level of your highest character. Plus, your alternate gains access to CP points the instant your highest character reaches the CP level. For instance, I'm CP 1290, so if I made a new character it would be Level 1 but have 1290 CP points available for use. Its why you might see a fellow Level 30 running around melting everything in sight. Its not their class or armor, its because that Level 30 has a ton of CP points you can't see.

    New characters are prohibited from using armor above Level 1 and are constrained by their level until hitting Level 50, when it would convert into a CP 1290 character. Its really the only restrictions placed on new characters. So keep that warden around in case you want to give it another go once you become more familiar with how the game works in terms of combat, tanking, and healing.

    Ok, that is great to hear about the CP system. I exclusively do only PVE so that may be the reason for my feelings on warden. I thought stam/magicka nightblade would be cool, cause I am more of a dual wield survivable thief/rogue/warrior type of person but, I read almost every post that nightblade has the hardest rotations in the game so it put me off.

    Thank you again for everyone helping me. It is really awesome of you guys. I really appreciate it.
  • Kinvesu
    I was looking at stamplar also because of the comments on how easy it is. Would you guys say this would be effective for me? Just tweak it in a couple places like liko says for a more solo oriented build but, keep the main dps skills the same.


    Thought maybe it would be good cause you only need to use like 3 of the skills and I could put jabs on my thumb mouse button and just use that since it doesn't hurt my wrist at all barely moving my thumb. I figured I could use this build with Bastion as a tank/dps and then melee with jabs while throwing down heals for him.

    Edit: Oh I am not sure about links so if it gets deleted, I am very sorry for posting it if it does, its the newest stamplar build from liko.
    Edited by Kinvesu on May 26, 2021 1:01PM
  • El_Borracho
    @Kinvesu this is by far the easiest stamplar build I have come across. I play a version of it when I just don't feel like doing a nightblade rotatation:


    Here's another. You'll see they are pretty similar:


    Its essentially lay all your DOTs down on your back bar, drop Power of the Light and Deadly Cloak, then jab away. Rinse repeat.

    And you did hear correctly, nightblades do have one of the most difficult rotations in the game. Its dynamic in that you have different timers going off that you have to hit while not interrupting the base rotation. So one skill might last 15 seconds, another 9 second, and then the spectral arrow pops up when you hit the required light attacks. It takes time to understand and experience to simply be decent at it. Can be a "sweaty palms" rotation in harder content. Versus the one in that stamplar build which is static: do X, Y, then Z again and again. No matter what.

    Only one easier would be a magicka heavy attack petsorc. Its kind of out of fashion, but very simple to play.
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