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What Class is the Best Tank?

Which class do you think is the best choice for a tank build? What builds do you use?

Poll includes "Other" option if you do not feel that certain classes are equal in capability or whatever else you think on the matter...

Feel free to explain your reasoning

EDIT: btw there is a thread on which is the "Worst" class for tanking -
Edited by Iccotak on May 14, 2021 9:07PM

What Class is the Best Tank? 99 votes

ssewallb14_ESOAnyOldIronTheForFeeFApoAlaiaArtemis_X_KhenarthiSavinaBriolaseNoMoreChilliesCendrillion21Enemy-of-ColdharbourSneaky-SnurrSolid_MetalantimawkishFischblutSmerchyBejaProphetblkjagWise_Willjssriot 57 votes
zvaviAuraStorm43Berchelous 3 votes
meekmikosoniku4ikblisLightYagamisillonan 4 votes
GERMANO-THE-IMPERIALSendirraomnidoh 3 votes
dhoward5b14_ESODrayzonSleep724RedFireDiscoTommy_The_GunsvendfIppokratesCongroliosResidentContrarian 9 votes
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOstmatthew.onlineb14_ESOAhashraGoregrinderGrimreaper2000kuma82ParasaurolophusXebovtonyblackIndigogoLiteEmUpdragonflame 12 votes
ThorntongueAlurrianetch_a_sketchRupzSkoomaPureEnvelope35essi2EvilAutoTechNupidStoobTwinLampsMythreindeerFluffWit 11 votes
  • Jeremy
    Not Templar.
  • Starlight_Whisper
    In my heart or for real?

    Cause I love werewolf class 😝 tank. Otherwise Sorc is just more fun.

    Dk otherwise wins hands down. Can convert magicka to stamina. There's group shield and built in major valality. Tanking like passives on blocking and restinces. There is enflugling flames and other thing to give group more damage. Not to mention potion weapon damage buff. Also chains is refunded if failed but still gives speed buff in self and slow buff on enemy. Practical cc that is aoe instead of straight line...

    Dk is just unbalanced as tank because can effectively do what other role supportive skills. Not to mention just plain tanky.
    Edited by Starlight_Whisper on May 14, 2021 8:43AM
  • IneedaDollar
    S-Tier : Dragonknight. They got everything including unique buffs as Stagger and Engulfing as well as good tankyness, sustain options and utility.
    A-Tier : Warden and Necromancer. Usually one of them is your second tank choice in Trials. They got great utility and some nice debuffs.
    B-Tier : Nightblade, Sorc, Templar.
    Can be good in niche scenarios but are usually outperformed by the other classes.
    You can still tank any content in the game with them.

    Edit: since probably anyone will come up with the race question:
    Imperial cost reduction also reduces block cost and dodge roll cost which makes it very good atm
    Nord is highly overrated since the additional resistances are useless af
    But every race is viable its more about making it easier
    Edited by IneedaDollar on May 14, 2021 9:32AM
  • Ippokrates
    I would go for Warden. Extra life, great missile protection, nice immobilisation and what's most important: you can tank in both ways - stam & mag.
  • Hexi
    Every class can fill any role in all content.

    Some are better than others, but not to the point that you NEED to be a certain class to do something.
  • jlmurra2
    Dragonknight. Has been since the beginning, and I doubt that will change.
  • Veles
    What does the best class mean? Who defines the best? Any class is better for a tank. It all depends on group's setup. If raid leader tells me that today I am templar, then the best class for a tank will be templar.

    You can only talk about personal preferences. And this is sorс. Well, after DK. And also warden. And templar. Ah, I almost forgot NB. Ah, necromancers. I love all classes on the tank.
  • Mythreindeer
    If the player behind the class is doing the job does class matter?

    Better to ask, "Of you who are proficient tanks, which class do you prefer?"
  • LightYagami
    Oh I clicked a wrong icon. :p
    Best PvE tanks should be DK, followed by Warden.
    Edited by LightYagami on May 14, 2021 11:05AM
    No improvement on Cyrodill servers -> no ESO plus renewal.
  • NupidStoob
    From an endgame PvE perspective it's simply whichever class your group requires the most for the content you are doing. All classes can tank pretty much everything, some things might be tougher or easier depending on class, but that's it. If a group requires a certain class buff or a class that is particularly good with a buff/debuff set and would lose a lot of DPS by putting it on the other supports or a DPS the tank will usually go that route.

    Let's take Asylum as an example. Usually you want the 8 full DPS to play the strongest class possible. That has been magNB for many patches now (only in AS). Some of the DPS will have to play Cros for the colossus. Now you need one Sorc for minor prophecy and one plar for minor sorcery neither of which are good DPS classes in AS at the moment. So many groups will try to put these classes on supports. Now in AS you have the issue that the Maintank and Frontkiter will often be out of range to apply these buffs to the group. So a group might put these classes on the Offtank and Grouphealer. Which is which would probably be decided by what the OT and GH have available, which sets they have and how well they can play.

    Now you still have a few more things to sort out before you really can decide the classes of the MT and ***. There are a number of buffs/debuffs missing. Minor Vuln and minor toughness(lower priority) from Warden and Engulfing from DK are the most obvious ones without talking about sets. It would more likely be maintank DK then as he is always in range for Engulfing, but it's not impossible to do that on *** if they know what they are doing. Again the choice would be made based on the players. Now on top of all that you still need to fit in all the support sets and decide wether any DDS have to wear something of that which nowadays is pretty much a given with the wide breadth of sets available.

    My point is that "best" depends on your goals. If you want to push scores than what I described might be interesting to you as you have to be flexible, but if you just want to survive the tankiest or easiest class might be best for you. Alternatively if you just want to have fun, then the class that does that for you would also be fine.
  • zvavi
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Not Templar.

    Templars are getting Uber buffed next patch, I am very excited to dust out my Templar tank.

    Sorc is the most fun one through.
  • iksde
    dk for most tankiness, necro for additional support to group and then warden also for additional group support but even less tankiness
  • PureEnvelope35
    Depends on content I'd say, 4 man Warden or Necro, hard hitting stuff Sorc, places with very few 1 shots such as vAS I'd say DK for sure, NB tank is a tad bit dead and Templar, Templar.
    • Fashion is the true endgame.
    • PC EU
    • EP Astera the Charlatan Stamina Arcanist (PvE)
    • EP Malina the Pure Stamina Warden (PvP)
    • EP Athena the Pure Stamina Dragonknight (PvP)
    • EP Elizabeth the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvP)
    • DC Bonneville the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • DC Lyudmila the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvE)
    • DC Breña the Pure Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • DC Cirise the Pure Magicka Warden (PvP)
    • DC Melinda the Omen Stamina Necromancer (PvP)
    • DC Adeliane the Pure Magicka Templar (PvP)
    • AD Valencia the Pure Magicka Dragonknight (PvE)
    • AD Do'Nhadir Stamina Nightblade (PvP)
    • AD Xiphias Sword-Like-Comet Stamgicka Warden (PvP)
    • AD Eleanora the Pure Stamina Sorcerer (PvE)
  • ResidentContrarian
    In terms of soloing vet trial next patch.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    I use my Templar tank for almost everything because when I tank, we're running in the 3/1 format (3 DPS, 1 Tank), and in that format, my templar tank is better suited for tanking, as he can self-sustain better than my DK tank AND I can keep my team alive in most other situations.

    With that in mind, when the tish hits the fan and we have a dedicated healer, there's nothing better than my DK tank hands down. The passives are great, the class leash is awesome, and because I don't need to try to build in some group healing into him, I can focus all his champion points for his own survivability, so overall, he has more damage mitigation available to him than my templar tank.
  • AuraStorm43
    Pound for pound sorc tanks are the easiest to pickup for a newer player, bound aegis is a pretty ridiculous skill. You just don’t see them as much cuz every group has a mag sorc and they don’t offer much for group comp
  • Goregrinder
    Hexi wrote: »
    Every class can fill any role in all content.

    Some are better than others, but not to the point that you NEED to be a certain class to do something.

    We all know all classes can physically fill any roll. But that's not what the original post asked....what it asked was which class is the BEST choice for a tank build. If this was the tanking Olympics, and everyone got ranked from 1st place to last place.....which class would get the gold medal?

    And to no one's surprise, it's DK.
  • BejaProphet
    But you have to admit there is at least a competition now. That has come a long ways.
  • ForeverJenn
    Hopefully DK. They aren't great for anything else.
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