and increase the requirment to 8k wd/sp to make for the potential buff. so that malacaths wont be an issue (even if it's got nerfed hard yet ^^) and because it would please me
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Yeah, this is really the only thing that makes sense. Proc sets are weak in PVE, crit is powerful in PVE (especially with optimized groups using Warhorns, Elemental Catalyst, Minor Brittle). Proc sets are strong in PVP, crit is weak in PVP (crit resistances, malacath meta, required to invest more in survivability).
Just tweak the scaling so they end up moderately buffed in PVE and slightly nerfed in PVP. It sounds like this can be done with literally one variable now (Spell/Weapon power scaling coefficient).
NeillMcAttack wrote: »Sure you may hit hard, but you will only be as durable as wet tissue paper.
NeillMcAttack wrote: »Sure you may hit hard, but you will only be as durable as wet tissue paper.
Not an issue if you burst in 2 GCD.
"Procs crit" introduces an issue with acuity (+75% crit based on stats that doesn't determine weapon damage), and honestly it will be an issue even without it - you can get approx 40% crit without sets and 75% crit damage modifier (taking 20% crit resist into consideration), which is higher than malacath mod.
And lastly, crits will just produce unhealthy RNG with burst damage procs.
@WrathOfInnos will it achieve anything? You will still have current level damage of procs in live, which is lower than pure crit stacking.
Procs should crit in PvE and not crit in PvP as part of Battle Spirit. That's the only option we have that can make procs actually useful in PvE but not automatically broken in PvP.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »And in PVE proc sets would be a little closer to meta sets. 3 positive effects from one simple change.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »And in PVE proc sets would be a little closer to meta sets. 3 positive effects from one simple change.
Doubt. If you buff proc sets to the level where it is close to DPS numbers of meta sets, it will also mean you can stack crit and do the same in PvP, but for 2-3 GCD burst window.
oscarovegren wrote: »You would need to nerf NB to make this balanced for PvP
ExistingRug61 wrote: »2) lack of, or much more difficulty in obtaining (requiring other build sacrifice), a lot of extra crit damage buffs: force, brittle, elemental succession etc
ExistingRug61 wrote: »3) lower availability of crit - major sorcery and savagery aren’t always a given in pvp. And the minor versions depend on class or group, so are much less available to a lot of players.
ExistingRug61 wrote: »2) lack of, or much more difficulty in obtaining (requiring other build sacrifice), a lot of extra crit damage buffs: force, brittle, elemental succession etc
What succession have to do with crit?
Yes, you sacrifice toughness. I hear that. Now, thing 2 steps ahead:
Step 1: 35k HP+ and big damage is no longer a thing. People either stay at this toughness and do small damage, or (majority) go down to be able to kill ppl.
Step 2: With toughness lowered over the board (at below 30k), assassins are back in the meta.
Assassins don't care about toughness. They care about kill in 2-3 GCD to remove any possible reaction.ExistingRug61 wrote: »3) lower availability of crit - major sorcery and savagery aren’t always a given in pvp. And the minor versions depend on class or group, so are much less available to a lot of players.
Major brutality is. Proc damage is best scaled on stamina anyway. Camo hunter and channeled acceleration is just 2 skill slots. All the crit stacking is just a correct class and race and mundus. You can stack weapon damage on top. You can stack simmering frenzy on top.
If that doesn't scare you, it means you never played assassins. I remove 25k HP players on 35m range in 2 CGD already, without ulti. With changes you propose, I bet I will be able to push for 30k without ulti. That means I will be able to oneshot anything but tanks that deal no damage.