etchedpixels wrote: »Some dungeons at least drop weapons and shields from the better chests.
That said the best way to do it is in a guild group with four people who will stop at the end and swap gear with each other to get their sets maxed out. Early on it's not a big deal as most stuff is new, towards the end having four people filling each others gaps makes a huge difference.
Are they rng or some have way lower %?
I am trying to farm crimson set, and got like 20 chests, legs helms and all the set already and even using the addon to check loots I didn't see a single shield drop (the one I need) in 50 runs, how is that possible?
And just barely got 1 mace as weapon, the other weapons seems not existant.
I know rng can be crazy like with BSW inferno, which instead I got after 3 runs in a chest.
Wanted know if there is a listed drop chance or something.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »If everything dropped equally, there would be equal chances between 7 Blacksmithed weapons, 5 Woodworked weapons, and a Shield. So there are 13 possibilities x 3 sets for a single drop, and that's only if it's not jewelry and not, if that boss happens to have one, a named item.
50 tries without a success is no big deal. If you have a 2% chance of getting a piece, for example, then in 50 tries you only have a 63.6% chance of getting it. And I'm guessing that 2% is actually a high estimate.