I think companions are part of the mitigation to that. Someone drops for no reason, pull out a companion. I think that's at least the idea (assuming companions actually help and don't just derp out)
VaranisArano wrote: »Or I suppose the devs could make the 15 minute queue penalty account-wide.
That would cut down on rapid fire alt-queuing-and-quitting when players get the random dungeon they queued for instead of what they really want: the Daily Random Quick 'N Easy FG1 Dungeon.
I surely wouldn't mind having all the daily bonus of my roster given to me on just 1 character. It may give me less pause to leave a run that drags on longer, but it wouldn't stop me from leaving a terrible run.
Also, players who want the quickest finish would just have a bigger incentive and rewarded for doing so.
VaranisArano wrote: »Or I suppose the devs could make the 15 minute queue penalty account-wide.
That would cut down on rapid fire alt-queuing-and-quitting when players get the random dungeon they queued for
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Normal base game dungeons are so easy that it should give a lower reward in my opinion.
It would be useful if you could check the option to queue for dungeons including DLCs for double the rewards.
Random normal dungeon - reward 5 transmute stones.
Random normal dungeon incl. DLC - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon incl. DLC - reward 20 transmute stones.
Its a fact that DLC dungeons take way more time so there should be a benefit in doing them as a daily.
Tsar_Gekkou wrote: »As long as cp1000+ dps are allowed to enter dlc dungeons and just hold down heavy attack/spam 1 skill the whole time while larping to themselves, I will leave unhallowed grave the second it pops up, wait 2 minutes so some other unlucky healer gets screwed over in my place and will hop on a different healer to try again.
^ This!Septimus_Magna wrote: »Normal base game dungeons are so easy that it should give a lower reward in my opinion.
It would be useful if you could check the option to queue for dungeons including DLCs for double the rewards.
Random normal dungeon - reward 5 transmute stones.
Random normal dungeon incl. DLC - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon incl. DLC - reward 20 transmute stones.
Its a fact that DLC dungeons take way more time so there should be a benefit in doing them as a daily.
This entire issue can be 100% resolved by ZOS putting the random dungeon rewards on doing specific dungeons instead.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Random normal dungeon - reward 5 transmute stones.
Random normal dungeon incl. DLC - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon incl. DLC - reward 20 transmute stones.
Its a fact that DLC dungeons take way more time so there should be a benefit in doing them as a daily.
heartburnkid wrote: »People leave dungeons the second they arrive in it once they see it is dlc, hop on an alt, que again only to re-enter said dungeon and leave again, punishing ‘game’ players while they wait for a role to fill. I get it, dlc dungeons are longer. With the cp cap raised and people having alts, it sucks running a dlc dungeon when you’re trying to get non dlc to get your alt dungeons done. Would a suggestion like this sound good? Maybe scale 1 daily dungeon reward xp bonus per day, per account like they do with enlightenment? Any alt on an account can burn the enlightenment until it’s gone, why not just have whichever toon you log in on be the one to ‘collect’ all the daily bonus dungeons for the account? IE: 100,000 exp per Have 8 toons and run 1 daily dungeon. You get 800,000 exp for your daily for having 8 maxed out toons, and you have the rest of your day to do whatever you want in game. It would, I feel, cut back on people leaving dlc dungeons out of time constraints, and lets people get what they need done without inconveniencing many others.
Just an idea. Would like ways to help people in game manage time and not keep dungeon hopping/quitting until one you like pops. Any suggestions?
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Normal base game dungeons are so easy that it should give a lower reward in my opinion.
It would be useful if you could check the option to queue for dungeons including DLCs for double the rewards.
Random normal dungeon - reward 5 transmute stones.
Random normal dungeon incl. DLC - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon incl. DLC - reward 20 transmute stones.
Its a fact that DLC dungeons take way more time so there should be a benefit in doing them as a daily.
And what would stop people leaving if they get a dlc? And only include dlc to get the dlc rewards for completing the non dlc ones?
VaranisArano wrote: »This entire issue can be 100% resolved by ZOS putting the random dungeon rewards on doing specific dungeons instead.
Do you mean specific dungeons as in Pledges, where the devs pick the dungeon?
Or do you mean that players should get rewards for the specific dungeon they want to run?
Because we know how the latter one works. Thanks to the old bug that let players get premium rewards after they swapped to a different dungeon, we know that most players are going to go straight to their daily random normal Fungal Grotto 1.
DocFrost72 wrote: »Compromise; let the four players that have already phased into the random normal dungeon have one "retry". Either a specific queue or another dip at random. This would only be allowed if a unanimous 4 voted for the new dungeon instead (similar to how all 4 roles need to ready up).
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Random normal dungeon - reward 5 transmute stones.
Random normal dungeon incl. DLC - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon - reward 10 transmute stones.
Random vet dungeon incl. DLC - reward 20 transmute stones.
Its a fact that DLC dungeons take way more time so there should be a benefit in doing them as a daily.
No by 1000000x. We already have enough rewards locked behind vet dungeons and and plenty of achievements for doing them. The best thing about transmutation crystals is they make getting gear easier for all players, not just the tiny population of hyper elite players who can solo or duo this content. They need to be accessible for everyone. Just stop already with this nonsense.
I think companions are part of the mitigation to that. Someone drops for no reason, pull out a companion. I think that's at least the idea (assuming companions actually help and don't just derp out)