I'll change the Chapter concept into a REAL Expansion,
with more content and more features.
I hope Microsoft will change Chapters in Expansions...also I hope they will decide that Zenimax to bring more content to an ESO Expansion.
First ESO Expansion made together with Microsoft would have :
- 6 new zones
- 6 group dungeons
- 18 public dungeons
- 48 delves
- 400 quests
- 2 Trials
- 1 new class
- 2 new weapons (ex crossbow and wand )
- Spellcrafting
- An upgrade class system
- A new tier of gear that can be acquired from everywhere as drops or the existing ones could be upgraded easily using tokens, mats..AP..etc . So no grind involved..only fun. These items will be Ancient legendary items.
- Justice System 2.0 ( also, ZOS forgot TG and DB ? )
- 1 solo arena
- A dungeon/trial token system
- new mount stats ( every mount can be upgraded to gain more stats)
- 6 BG maps
- a real working Cyrodiil as it was in 2014-2016
- Mount combat in PVP
- lots of motifs/styles
-6 new houses
This kind of expansion would launch every year after the anniversary event. This will bring more players and the existing ones will be very happy.
The rest of the patches should be only for balance, fixes, improvements, events, tiny new additions , QOL..etc..
The second and the next expansions must have the same concept.( ex if in the first expansion they implement spellcrafting ..in the second one they introduce another feature ;like gardening as ZOS said years ago)
The third if not the second ..?
could be the first expansion with a revamped engine that permit water and underwater content...so the next big feature could be naval combat
How do you want to be ESO Expansions ( Chapters) , starting 2022?
Eso is not my native language.