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Holy mother of broken: PTS proc sets

OK, I’m posting this here because I can’t seem to post in the PTS forum...

Is it just me, or is proc set scaling in the PTS right now WAY over tuned... like, astronomically over tuned? Scaling needs to be cut back drastically, it’s not even marginally close to being on par with anything that resembles balance. Particularly weapon/spell damage based proc scaling.
Edited by ZOS_Volpe on April 27, 2021 1:18PM
  • Jeremy
    Jabassa wrote: »
    OK, I’m posting this here because I can’t seem to post in the PTS forum...

    Is it just me, or is proc set scaling in the PTS right now WAY over tuned... like, astronomically over tuned? Scaling needs to be cut back drastically, it’s not even marginally close to being on par with anything that resembles balance. Particularly weapon/spell damage based proc scaling.

    I was afraid of this when I heard about scaling procs. The proc damage is already so over-the-top in battlegrounds right now I don't even want to imagine what it's like on the PTS with it scaling even higher.
  • Seraphayel
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jabassa wrote: »
    OK, I’m posting this here because I can’t seem to post in the PTS forum...

    Is it just me, or is proc set scaling in the PTS right now WAY over tuned... like, astronomically over tuned? Scaling needs to be cut back drastically, it’s not even marginally close to being on par with anything that resembles balance. Particularly weapon/spell damage based proc scaling.

    I was afraid of this when I heard about scaling procs. The proc damage is already so over-the-top in battlegrounds right now I don't even want to imagine what it's like on the PTS with it scaling even higher.

    Twice the (un)fun!
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • OlumoGarbag
    How can you say something like that? Zenimax has a long history of implementing new changes that are perfectly balanced!1!!1

    Like seriously why does it take any mediocre to good player 5 minutes on the pts to figure out the next big unbalanced thing. Yet zenimax combat team spends an entire year since malacath release on "fixing" proc sets and makes them even more problematic.
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
  • etchedpixels
    Downward scaling appears to make sense, the upwards scaling definitely needs to be capped or made non-linear.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Meanwhile here I am with a Perfected Master Maul, 3 pieces of Infused jewelry with weapon damage enchantments and yet my proc-sets are significantly weaker, where exactly is everyone getting all this weapon damage from?
  • the1andonlyskwex
    Meanwhile here I am with a Perfected Master Maul, 3 pieces of Infused jewelry with weapon damage enchantments and yet my proc-sets are significantly weaker, where exactly is everyone getting all this weapon damage from?

    I had a list for spell damage, and it was pretty ridiculous what you had to do just to match u29 damage. Infused jewelry with SD/WD enchants and gold weapons are definitely the bare minimum, but for spell damage, at least, you also need several of the following:
    1) A race that gives SD/WD
    2) Swords
    3) Nirnhoned weapons
    4) A SD/WD mundus stone (bonus points for divines armor too)
    5) A berserker weapon enchant (bonus points for an infused weapon trait)
    6) Sets with SD/WD bonuses
    7) A way to get minor brutality or sorcery (I'm assuming everyone has major brutality/sorcery already)
    8) Teammates buffing you with major/minor courage

    In my opinion the amount of SD/WD stacking required to just match u29 levels is ridiculously high, but it seems like all of the meta-chasers are already doing most of it anyway, so...
    Edited by the1andonlyskwex on April 28, 2021 1:01AM
  • Jayroo
    oh no battlegrounds will be unbalance what will we do.
  • Canned_Apples
    This game will be unplayable if these changes go live. They should’ve just done a flat percent nerf. This scaling bs needlessly complicates things for them.
    As much as I enjoy this game, I will not be able to continue playing it with these insane buffs to procs.
    All I can hope for is a new world.
  • LeonAkando
    Are we playing in the same universe? To get procs to even tickle you need a full 12 man trial team with SD damage buffs, Domihaus and Siroria and then some.

    They’re overnerfed in general and they were already never used in PVE. Stats are just so much stronger in a trial environment, and now proc sets are just dead sets.
  • divnyi
    LeonAkando wrote: »
    Are we playing in the same universe? To get procs to even tickle you need a full 12 man trial team with SD damage buffs, Domihaus and Siroria and then some.

    They’re overnerfed in general and they were already never used in PVE. Stats are just so much stronger in a trial environment, and now proc sets are just dead sets.

    PvE damage is DPS, PvP damage is burst. Proc sets provide burst - even DoT ones, as applying 2 dots in one skill use means you just skipped full 2 GCDs of applying dots yourself.
  • doesurmindglow
    I don't know that scaling is a bad idea on principle but it definitely is going to need some adjustment in practice.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • Septimus_Magna
    I think these changes caused exactly what ZOS was trying to prevent, free dmg on tanky builds.

    Making dmg procs scale off health is dangerous, health scaling should be limited to defensive procs.

    Offensive procs should take in to account the amount of WD/SD and max stam/mag so its more difficult to get high procs just by running a few WD/SD boosting sets.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • oscarovegren
    The issue is mainly the weapon dmg stacking with medium armor bonuses, melee weapon bonusea and the ability to be tankier and have better sustain in comparison to mag with 3x infused weapon on jewelry (spell for mag)
  • Synapsis123
    Mag gets penetration so the damage ends up being about the same.
  • Artorias24
    Nerfing the overperforming PvP procs by straight 20% and make Malacath not buffing them was just too simple
  • Jabassa
    LeonAkando wrote: »
    Are we playing in the same universe? To get procs to even tickle you need a full 12 man trial team with SD damage buffs, Domihaus and Siroria and then some.

    They’re overnerfed in general and they were already never used in PVE. Stats are just so much stronger in a trial environment, and now proc sets are just dead sets.

    Bro, trials are boring after the first 50 runs of the same thing... we’re all PvPers here. **coughs in true endgame**
  • Jabassa
    I say we just revert PvP to the days that shields stacked off max mag. When NBs in troll king and sorcs in pirate skele were BIS. Cyro was actually fun back then
  • DocFrost72
    Jabassa wrote: »
    LeonAkando wrote: »
    Are we playing in the same universe? To get procs to even tickle you need a full 12 man trial team with SD damage buffs, Domihaus and Siroria and then some.

    They’re overnerfed in general and they were already never used in PVE. Stats are just so much stronger in a trial environment, and now proc sets are just dead sets.

    Bro, trials are boring after the first 50 runs of the same thing... we’re all PvPers here. **coughs in true endgame**

    That doesn't invalidate their point that proc sets are under budget in PvE, though.
  • gariondavey
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    Nerfing the overperforming PvP procs by straight 20% and make Malacath not buffing them was just too simple

    Can't agree more with this. Imagine how simple a solution this could have been
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • katorga
    Offensive procs should take in to account the amount of WD/SD and max stam/mag so its more difficult to get high procs just by running a few WD/SD boosting sets.

    Huh, how you figure? WD/SD + stam/mag is always greater than WD/SD alone. It would just make the procs even stronger. Scaling off a single stat and having a minimum value to reach 100% scaling is pretty elegant (even though the end result is over-tuned).

    The scaling model only makes sense if ZOS intends to extend the scaling model to abilities and skills in addition to proc sets.

  • Seraphayel
    Imagine how easy it would be to scale all of the proc sets by an additional 50% under the influence of battle spirit...
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Milli_Rabbit
    Jabassa wrote: »
    OK, I’m posting this here because I can’t seem to post in the PTS forum...

    Is it just me, or is proc set scaling in the PTS right now WAY over tuned... like, astronomically over tuned? Scaling needs to be cut back drastically, it’s not even marginally close to being on par with anything that resembles balance. Particularly weapon/spell damage based proc scaling.

    The problem is not the sets, its the stats. We need to boost health to a point where bursting with a proc set is not a good strategy. Want more skill in pvp? Reduce the ability of players to one shot or three shot each other. Simple.
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    Nerfing the overperforming PvP procs by straight 20% and make Malacath not buffing them was just too simple

    Can't agree more with this. Imagine how simple a solution this could have been

    I agree too. They could have dished out flat nerfs in week one and adjusted things as they went. Instead they're just shooting at fish in a barrel.

    Today's patch notes are promising tho. So let's see how this plays out.
  • Jabassa
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Jabassa wrote: »
    LeonAkando wrote: »
    Are we playing in the same universe? To get procs to even tickle you need a full 12 man trial team with SD damage buffs, Domihaus and Siroria and then some.

    They’re overnerfed in general and they were already never used in PVE. Stats are just so much stronger in a trial environment, and now proc sets are just dead sets.

    Bro, trials are boring after the first 50 runs of the same thing... we’re all PvPers here. **coughs in true endgame**

    That doesn't invalidate their point that proc sets are under budget in PvE, though.

    True. At the end of the day though, you cannot introduce something for PVE if the result is nuking things in PVP. There’s a competitive aspect to this game, ZOS needs to focus there first. Then go back and make it blend into the environment. But priorities seem to have been in disarray since they switched up IC long, long ago.
  • Jabassa
    Jabassa wrote: »
    OK, I’m posting this here because I can’t seem to post in the PTS forum...

    Is it just me, or is proc set scaling in the PTS right now WAY over tuned... like, astronomically over tuned? Scaling needs to be cut back drastically, it’s not even marginally close to being on par with anything that resembles balance. Particularly weapon/spell damage based proc scaling.

    The problem is not the sets, its the stats. We need to boost health to a point where bursting with a proc set is not a good strategy. Want more skill in pvp? Reduce the ability of players to one shot or three shot each other. Simple.

    1,000,000% no man. Not even close.

    You want skill? No tooltip should scale off max health, remove guaranteed proc chance, cut proc damage in Cyrodiil by at least half of what it was in Markarth, expand the max group size to 24, make healers unable to heal outside of their group, and triple Vicious Death damage while doubling its AoE.

    While we’re at it, let’s get rid of global cooldowns and bring animation canceling back to its former prowess too.

    Full fookin send 🤙
    Edited by Jabassa on May 3, 2021 7:32PM
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