BXR_Lonestar wrote: »
I feel your pain, as my favorite class (templar) has been nerfed to be a shell of their former selves, but is it really all that bad for magdk's? I have three players in my group who play Magdk's and they all melt stuff. Like, REALLY melt stuff. The only downside is that they're all super-squishy and heavily reliant on their tanks and healers to keep them alive when the tish hits the fan. Is it that you have built for more survivability at the cost of DPS?
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »I feel your pain, as my favorite class (templar) has been nerfed to be a shell of their former selves, but is it really all that bad for magdk's? I have three players in my group who play Magdk's and they all melt stuff. Like, REALLY melt stuff. The only downside is that they're all super-squishy and heavily reliant on their tanks and healers to keep them alive when the tish hits the fan. Is it that you have built for more survivability at the cost of DPS?
Or PvDummy ?
I play just fine.
In PVE not PvDummy.
I believe the overall point others are making about that is that they don't like feeling pigeonholed into being the designated "You're only good for XX debuffs & whatnot, so fill this specific role or we don't need you!" person in an organized group composition, which is a pretty understandable complaint tbh. Sure, there are upsides to playing MagDK the way others want you to, as you said, but "Wouldn't it be nice if our class was strong enough that we had the freedom to build differently and still be worthy of other spots in the group?" is a pretty fair argument.
That said, I still stand by my above posts that say that specific issue is mostly a problem with players being too rigid in their requirements and too self-limiting in their beliefs. I'm not really in the scene anymore, so I guess I can't say for certain that it's doable in modern Trials, but back in the day I was in groups that would run vetHMs with goofy setups like "Werewolves ONLY night!" or "All MagSorcs, Max Pets!" and other off-meta shenanigans -- and we did totally fine. It was fun, and not nearly as impossible or impractical as people told us it would be. If your group knows mechanics and performs decently (not even flawlessly most the time, just decently), you could get away with a lot more shenanigans than folks seem to think.
I would not be at all surprised if a 12-man "All MagDKs" group could clear every vetHM Trial in the game with relative ease. Everyone just needs to know what they're doing and be at least 80% on their game that night.
There's a very self-limiting attitude of "that's not viable" going around in the endgame community these days and (unless the Trials have drastically changed since the olden days of yore) I think people are mostly putting themselves in that box. Outside of competing for leaderboard placement, there's a lot of freedom in simply getting things done last I checked. Which, admittedly, was a while ago; but still. Everyone keeps going on about power creep and whatnot, so it seems to me that little has really changed.
Definitely wouldn't say no to some DK buffs, though! ;P
DKs still have two completely useless passives!Instead of these, DKs could have some passives that would actually help them. Searing Heat could increase the damage of all Fire damage over time effects for example. That would help shape their identity compared to other classes - "no other class deals this much fire damage over time" or "this skill is stronger than that skill only on a magicka Dragonknight"! Stuff like that is what makes the choice of class matter and actually makes the experience of playing them different.
- Searing Heat - It increases the damage over time and duration of Fiery Breath, Searing Strike, and Dragonknight Standard, when those skills could be dealing more damage over time with a longer duration at base!
- Eternal Mountain - it increases the duration of your Earthen Heart abilities when they could have a longer duration at base!
MagDK is actually pretty fun to play and it's easy to have a viable build.
I followed the tips my guild master told me and used Elf Bane + BSW with Grothdarr monster set and now i hit 61k dps on the trial dummy. In dunjeons i rarely do less than 40% on any boss. The only "con" i'll see is in trial, i never did a trial with the magDK and i don't know if it's viable since it's mostly a melee class.
But anyway you don't need to have 100k+ dps to enjoy the game. Most of my DDs are between 55k - 85k dps (on a dummy) and even with the lowest of them i'm able to do veteran content with ease without being a burden (doing 45%+ of the damages).
This is a problem on ESO, people always looks at the top of the board without being aware of what they're already capable of, DON'T LOOK at the board, just play the game, and one day you'll clear Scalecaller Peak in Vet HM without having 100k+ dps and you'll be proud.