so, i discovered the pantherfang chapel, the new house for player (which is a god damn castle actually), and i loved it esthetically, but i would like to adress a demand to zos' team. Is it possible to use the harrow which blocks the main gate as the entry of the house, instead of the underground of the chapel ? It is similar to what many people criticized on Hakkvild's castle. If we enter by the secret entrance, it's not a secret entrance anymore. Is it possible to change the location of the castle (i know it's probably a big work, sorry), or add a structure, like a bridge maybe, to create a more "official" entrance ? And give the possibility to go out of the castle by both entrance ? Secret and official ?
I love this house, and i know you worked hard on it, it's something great you added that will please many roleplayers i'm sure, but not all of us want to infiltrate everycastle we see !