DamnTommy_The_Gun wrote: »No stun from sneak (ranged & melee) is a a confirmed bug.
Hopefully it will be fixed in Blackwood update.
Currently on PTS non of the attacks (ranged & melee) stun from stealth / cloak (this includes LA/ HA / Skills).
Fixed an issue where the guaranteed Critical Strike and bonus damage from attacks made while hidden in crouch would fail on many attacks. It will now properly grant a guaranteed Critical Strike on your next Direct Damage attack, deal 46% bonus damage if a Ranged attack (now Magical and Martial, rather than only Martial), 275% bonus damage if a Melee attack (Magical and Martial, rather than only Martial), and Stun the target on Martial or Magical melee attacks.
Note the bonus Critical Damage is still reduced significantly and these values are their original versions.
Yup ZOS did their usual ninja style nerf to this, not actually telling us that they have removed the stun from ranged weapons in the upcoming update (its currently bugged and ranged nor melee give the stun) but instead just saying that the stun will come back on melee attacks only, as if ranged weapons weren't weak enough already.
Not really sure what the point of patch notes are when ZOS just hide the changes they don't want us to know about.