In my humble opinion, there's a few abilities that are forgotten by the balance team, left on their own devices with no changes to make those more attractive or interesting to play.
But while i do have my own ideas about how those ability may change, everyone has their own perspective and i think it's better to point out the lack of attention than to produce another "rework" topic.
Unless you see it in gimmick build for pvp, that ability doesn't have any clear use. More so with the recent changes done to living dark and rune focus. We have an ability scaling with the max health but there's no use for it and the balance is ignoring it.
Never seen anybody using it in trials or in pvp, that ability cost too much magicka for a burst heal. And yet, the class has already the overnerfed and overcopied Breath of Life.
Before that current iteration, that ability was a source of major fortitude, endurance and intellect. Now, we have an ability that can apply "Minor magickasteal" on a large radius... Which can be ignored since the apparition of the Overcharged status.
There's nothing to say. Seen no changes on that ability that is taking one slot for some CC and damages... But that doesn't work in PvE as CC is handled by the tank which won't use Daedric mines and the damage are too low which too much restricting to make the ability worthwhile. At least, we see it more in PvP but at that point, if you want more CC as a magicka, it's better to use Streak. A good ability but in a oversaturated CC kit.
I'm putting it here as a placeholder.
But while the class is in need of buffs and radical changes, it seems the devs are tweaking the dragonknight fairly often. Not in the good way thought.
Got nerfed and then left, its only use being in overland if you are alone and even then. Right now, with the introduction of the Kinra's Wrath set, you can forget the existence of that capacity. And in pvp, Piercing mark works better as a source of Major breach with the benefit of a invisibility detection.
While the reduced cost is pretty great, it doesn't have much more to compete with Healthy Offering. In fact, both morph are barely different from one to another and that's a waste of ressources.
It can be a "good" aoe ability with a rare debuff you're not seeing often in game but there's no reason for any stamina player to use it as their primary source of aoe damage in pve or pvp.
Can be somewhat useful in PVP/PVE but it simply cannot compete with Mass Hysteria.
A very good ability on its own but cannot be compared to Shimmering shield.
While frozen gate and frozen devices are a good chain for the Warden, especially in delayed spawn, Frozen retreat is barely useful. Allies cannot use the ability if an ennemy stepped into the field and the "potential" use of the ability in PVP is hindered by the restriction the balance team did to avoid a overreliance on chains abilities.
Exception to the rule of "Non meta skills"
While the ability is used by every magicka necromancer, you could simply use Blastbones that it wouldn't change your rotation or the ability itself most of the time. Stalking Blastbones mostly lack its own identity.
Bone totem and Remote Totem are pretty good if, again, there was not a morph that is outshining the other version of the ability. Agony totem is above Remote Totem in PvE while Bone Totem itself is a tad too clunky to use in pvp due to the delay.
Dual Wielding
Clunky to use as a two-part skill, you need to use two gcd to get the whole use of that ability that isn't reliable, compared to shrouded daggers.
Sword and Shield
There's no reason to use that morph in pvp or pve. Increased stun duration on a gap closer cannot compete with a damage shield.
If we don't account the sword and shield set from Vateshran Hollow, there's no reason to equip that ability. It's pure damage on a weapon based for tanking, at the end of the skill lines where every others ability are already unlocked.
Destruction staff
It has no use in PvE over Elemental Drain, it may be "useful" in overland but why morph it the wrong way just for overland. And in pvp, the fight are too short to really take advantage of Elemental Susceptibility.
Restoration Staff
Compared to combat prayer, there's no reason to use it at all. The increased healing will mostly go in overhealing, nothing else.
Medium Armor
The ability can only be used if you're using five medium armor pieces, therefore you're playing a stamina character or tanking with medium armor. In both case, major evasion can be either aquired in another way (IE Blade cloak) or there's a better source of mitigation (Major resolve) that needs to fill that slot.
Heavy Armor
With every classes able to access major resolve or are simply using the spell balance, Unstoppable has no use with the default of forcing you to wear five heavy armor pieces and slowing you down.
Soul Magic
A cleave dot sounds good but having the "reduced" damage part from the morph make it useless compared to Consuming trap that does the full damage and increase your sustain.
Probably thought as a tank skill for pve, the channeled part make it useless as most of the bosses needs to be actively blocked. And in pvp, it's channeled therefore easily interruptable
For that one, it does have some use for healers and tank using the powerful assault set, or to waste stamina for some set like martial Knowledge. But outside of that use, there's no reason to slot in Echoing Vigor as it does less heal than its original morph per second.
With the removal of Major galop from that ability, it only has some niche use for an ability that cost a lot of stamina to simply increase movement speed.
Fighter guild
With a morph that solely increase the damage done by the fighters guild ability, it can basically affect three skills. Dawnbreaker, used a source of weapon damage or a stun. Silver Bolts that's commonly morphed as Silver Bolt for its chain quality... And Breast trap that's solely a dot. The real ability that's clearly impacted by that morph is one morph of one skill : Silver shards. In the meantime, Camouflaged Hunter is more beneficial on every aspect with its minor berserk gain.
Mages Guild
Stun prevention can be great but it simply cannot compare to Inner light with its increased magicka when slotted.
Have a taunt that increase the damage dealt by tank by 2% is a joke. It has no use in PvE and cannot remotely compete with Inner Rage.
Psijic Order
It served a great alternative for any spammable for lightweaving by impacting two light attack instead of one. Now, it barely has any use for magicka DD (Who are using force pulse or their class spammable) or the stamina DD who have Shrouded blade or any class spammable.
That's not a bad ability but it requires you to bar swap if you need to activate or deactive it ontop of taking one slot that can either be use with one more powerful ability (Because Mend wounds can only heal one target at a time and its heal cannot be compared to a spell akin to Breath of life in a matter of pure healing).
So, here my list of ability that, in my own opinion, are forgotten by the balance team.
It doesn't mean they're inherently bad or cannot compete to their counterpart or even that no skills else needs a buff. That list is about the skills that are in a bad situation and not adressed.
Even if a skill is BAD but is used in a rotation (Such as Power of light for the stamblade) or can be somewhat used in more than one content (Like the Protective scales and its morph), it won't be added to the list.
Modification done to the list:
- Addition of Flying Blade. Courtesy of Sarousse