Edit: PTS came online today, so updated the post with videos and pictures, some in a separate post below.Edit 2: UPDATED WITH FURNITURE, now that they added them to the Editor.

Hi everyone, Blackwood is coming to the PTS, so here's the Housing content that we have to look forward to in this year's Chapter!
I'll update the post with more pictures as soon as I can (PTS will go online tomorrow PTS is up now woohoo), and as usual I'll try to compile all the housing info here in one thread for a convenient overview. Hope you find it useful and will have something to look forward to and be excited about!

NEW HOUSESPilgrim’s Rest: Inn Room - via quest or for ingame gold
"Every year, hundreds of Zenithar's worshipers journey to Leyawiin, desperate for a glimpse of St. Kaladas's architectural marvel: The Great Chapel of Zenithar. This suite offers a welcome respite from the road's perils."
Water's Edge: Large house - for ingame gold (after completing the Blackwood Grand Adventurer achi) or Crowns
"Those seeking a taste of river life without all the flooding can find everything they need in this cozy bridge home. With both the Outlaws Refuge and Leyawiin Castle just a brief walk away, it's the perfect spot for nobles and lowlifes alike."

https://youtu.be/6IfODK5kP4IPantherfang Chapel: Manor - for Crowns
"The embattled clergy of the Quenching Grail established Pantherfang Chapel in the First Era as a bastion of faith. Part cathedral, part citadel, this edifice still stands as an immortal reminder of Aedric strength. Allows use of the Pledge of Mara."
Sounds like this will be a special feature of this house, that you can marry inside the house without needing a Shrine of Mara in the open world. I foresee a lot of wedding chapel builds here.

Some more info about this house:
"Pantherfang Chapel is a Notable Home with everything you‘d want in a castle of your own. It has two main buildings, a chapel and a fort. You can reach it by boat and arrive at your very own dock."


See the following comment below for the full list, they didn't all fit into the main post here:
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7231096/#Comment_7231096A whole bunch of craftable Furniture - in the new Leyawiin and Deadlands styles
The Leyawiin plans are from the zone itself as usual, and the plans for the 10 Deadlands furniture can drop from Daedric Portals, which are Blackwood's version of dolmens/dragons/harrowstorms.

New Home Goods Furniture & Achievement Furniture from their vendors
Including windowboxes with flowers!

New Painting drops from Treasure Chests in the Blackwood zoneReplica Zenithar Adytum Gate
Can be acquired by collecting and combining Inscribed Shards from the Zenithar Abbey Public Dungeon.
4 new Antiquity Furnishings
- Kothringi Tidal Canoe
- Z'en Idol

- Blackwood Tapestry

- Antique Map of Blackwood
Furniture from the Rockgrove trial
- Undaunted trophy & Undaunted bust: Xalvakka
Chapel of Zenithar Furniture Bundle
Wooow so pretty!

Music Boxes - 'The Mire Frog's Hymn' & 'The White Stallion's Ride'
ESO+ Statuettes: Kynareth & Syrabane
Hopefully we'll get proper sized statues of these too!

Painting: Leyawiin Awaits
Deadlands Cage, Bladed; Deadlands Chandelier, Bladed; Deadlands Sconce, Horned
(I would guess these will come from the Iron Atronach Crown Crates)

Houseguests: Erilthel, Narboth, Stibbons

OTHER FURNITURE AND QoL UPDATESHouseguest versions of the 2 new Companions - Mirri and Bastian

After completing the 2nd Companion-quest (which unlocks after reaching a certain level of rapport with the Companion), we will unlock a Houseguest collectible of the Companion, which will work the same way as other Houseguests.
Firstly, it seems odd to me that Companions aren't immediately place-able in our homes like Assistants, Pets, Mounts and Houseguests are, but instead apparently have 2 versions - a Houseguest and a Companion version. From the way they put this, this
may also mean that we can't place our own customised Companions in our homes, but only the default Houseguest versions

It's nice of course that we will get a Houseguest version of the Companion without having to buy a Houseguest at extra charge, but I fail to see why it's even necessary to jump through extra hoops and have 2 versions, rather than just placing the Companions...
Updated Precision Edit function"You can now precision edit furniture items and path nodes from the Housing Editor's Retrieve menu, without first having to pick them up. This also allows you to make precise tweaks to objects that are embedded in other objects, or which are otherwise difficult to select normally." Nice change, being able to adjust embedded items without having to place them again!
Endeavors will allow earning Crown Crate furniture through gameplay
With the upcoming Endeavor system, we'll be able to earn 'Seals of Endeavor' for completing certain ingame activities. These Seals will be exchangeable for items currently available in Crown Crates. So during the Ayleid Crown Crate season for example, we would be able to exchange these ingame-earned seals for the Ayleid furniture from the current Crates.
This will give players another option to buy Crown Crate contents without having to gamble, exchange gold for Crowns or buying Crowns. We don't know the prices of items yet, but overall this seems to be a really nice change!

There's more detail about Endeavors themselves elsewhere, just wanted to highlight how the Seals will impact us Housing fans since ZOS keep putting furniture into Crown Crates.
What are your thoughts? Are you excited for anything in particular?

Got some build ideas for the new houses already?
I'm disappointed by the Companion-Houseguest divide, but really looking forward to trying out all the new Furniture!