FantasticFreddie wrote: »
Just ignore. You don't have to reply at all.
OR, [snip] if they ask for something you don't need, trade it to them.
Like I said, pretty sure 90% of these problems are self-created
How else are they going to be dealt with?
Are raids in this game public or private? I am new here and may not be at a level where raids show up in the GF which is why I ask.
If they are public they should follow rules for how many players are required to vote to kick them. Someone could wait until that magic point no one could kick them to begin being a jerk and a problem for the group.
If raids are private groups such as someone in a guild or even in general chat forming the group then it should remain a choice of the leader at all times as it is a private group. I have not seen any company act in such a controlling manner with their private groups.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »
Just ignore. You don't have to reply at all.
OR, [snip] if they ask for something you don't need, trade it to them.
Like I said, pretty sure 90% of these problems are self-created
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
No raids in the group finder. You have to make your own groups either with friends, guilds or randoms in zone chat.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I don't get it.
Loot spying is an API function used by addons. Consoles don't have addons. Therefore, an addon cannot be causing any loot-related strife on console.
Moreover, in vanilla ESO (i.e. on Consoles) there's no way to legitimately see what loot someone else got unless they told you or you know it's a quest reward and they were doing the quest.
No one can legitimately identify your non-quest reward loot without an addon. It can't happen on consoles. That's the primary reason the issues with loot spying only seem to happen on PC.
What you describe, of someone deciding that you have an item and demanding you link it, doesn't legitimately happen on consoles. They just don't have the same access to the API. Any player who did that would be blindly trolling or is hacking.
And neither of those have anything to do with the PC addon. If such hacking is actually happening (and I doubt it, since yours appears to be a hypothetical example rather than reflective of actual console players' experiences), then ZOS might consider restricting the API further. But that would require actually proving your hypothetical example, which you haven't done.
[Quoted post was removed]
Not a great solution, but going offline will prevent them from whispering you.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Gear is intended to be traded within groups. If you look at the item in question it also has their name listed, so that you know who else is eligible to receive this item and for how long. Why shouldn’t they also see this? Obviously you have no obligation to trade, this game doesn’t have any systems in place for “need”, “greed” etc. It’s all up to the players.
I think what you were trying to say is "show as offline". Sure, going actually offline helps too, but that's not helpful advise. If you set your online status to "show as offline" you can't be whispered. Just don't forget to put it back eventually so your friends and guildies can actually reach you.
redspecter23 wrote: »
That is a horrible idea for what should be very obvious reasons. It would enable trolling with no counter. It would have quite the opposite effect of what you might want. If I were forming a group and this restriction were in place, I'd simply run with fewer people (and soon allow them to bring their companions) than risk a random troll that will ruin the whole run when their timer is up.
ALWAYS consider edge cases when suggesting ideas. That suggestion is immediately broken and far worse than the alternative.
To be honest with you, even allowing a kick has an edge case that is already broken. When you get to the final boss, kicking should not be an option. If you have gone this far, stick with it.
I must concede no such thing. Console population is smaller so there are fewer instances of this happening in absolute numbers, resulting in fewer cases brought to the forums even if the relative number of cases in proportion to the playerbase on that platform is the same on both platforms. So PC issues will overshadow console issues by default.
That would be one explanation for the lack of console threads on the topic, the other being that people on console can't blame addons and start venting about them on here, so they recognize the problem for what it is - toxic people being toxic - instead of mistakenly blaming addons. If an addon is an issue, then the forum is the right place to talk about it. If someone specific was harassing you, then the forums aren't really the place to talk.
I don't know how it is on console, so I only have your word for it not happening there, just as you only have my word that the issue isn't as bad on PC as you might think it is.
So here I think we must agree to disagree.
Most of the time the beggar won't take NO for an answer.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »
Yeah I am not going to sit there and list a light speaker greatsword.
Sure I've adapted. I block immediately any user I know uses the addon by asking me about a piece I haven't announced in the chat..
newtinmpls wrote: »
I have been known (like last week) to say at the beginning of a Banished Cells run, that I am looking for Sanctuary Stamina weapons for my sticker book.
Communication.. I encourage folks to try it.
Also, why is it such a problem to say no to others if you need the items you got?
Just put them to ignore or ignore them without writing back.Most of the time the beggar won't take NO for an answer.
They will write you a message as well if they need the itemThird, it is selfish to privately whisper, maybe someone else in the group wants the item
Yeah, and just because you could does not mean you should or must! Reasonable acting and thinking should be demanded. This is nothing the game is going to teach you but life, especially parents/brothers/sisters and your surrounding should (have done).Darkspecialist wrote: »
i say this same thing when i drive on the hi-way or interstate..if people dont think its a big deal for me to over from the left lane then i dont think its a big deal for you to go around me.
feel free speed all you want, but im not moving to reward you even more.