Note: I've heard rumors this is in the works, but until it's confirmed, I am writing this with the expectation there is no such development of ESO 2.0.
Every two years, I rage quit this game, give everything away, and swear I'll never come back.
Einstein's definition of insanity applies to me, because here I am again, after friends begged me to come back because CP 2.0 makes the game "so much better".
I cannot agree with the assessment. If anything, I find the system worse than the original, and it bothers me this seems to be the future of the game rather than a complete overhaul of ESO.
Many of you are aware of the original game upon release, but some are not. Rather than a CP system, there was a limited Veteran system maxed at rank 16.
When CP replaced Veteran, the same remarks made about CP 2.0 were made back then, and they're all incorrect. This is not an improvement.
It's a delay, featuring more grind, slower advancement, and the same tired, broken mechanics which has plagued the game for 7 years now.
I cannot hate on this game, because at its core, there's a strong foundation to take the ES franchise to levels none of have experienced.
The problem is, we can't get there if everyone just sits [snip]
The saying "Don't fix what's not broken" is applicable, [snip]
I don't dislike the store, I dislike that it's punishing players, either inentionally limiting stock or designing a store so badly, it can't offer us more than what it has displayed.
It boggles my mind how blocking revenue is good for business, but there's the ZOS store to prove it.
I promised my friends I'll stick around for a bit, but I don't see myself staying beyond my month subscription, a ridiculous necessity because so many items have been added to the game but the bank space has not been adjusted accordingly [snip].
This game never seems to move forward, stalled in time 7 years ago, while other MMOs (F2P to boot!) gain popularity, and most importantly, revenue. Fortnite isn't 7 years old, but its revenue certainly cannot be ignored. Genshin Impact, a new entry to the genre, has already surpassed $1B within its first year.
I'm disappointed many are praising another attempt to stall a more stable and better game.
CP 2.0 isn't a better system, and it's time many of you recognize the truth.
So, rather than praise this new system, how about focusing your attention and requesting ZOS replace its horribly broken, unbalanced, and don't get me started on its PvP servers game with a new version more suited for 2021 instead of 1921.
Ask. Give ZOS your reasons why you believe an ESO 2.0 is needed, and maybe they'll stop introducing stalling mechanics and get busy with it.
But at the very least, please do not praise CP 2.0. It's not a better system, just another coat of paint on a broken, seven year old leveling system.
Thanks for reading, and I hope I didn't seem to come off as unappreciative.
[edited for baiting/bashing]
Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 14, 2021 2:54PM