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New player question: What should I NOT do?

Soul Shriven
Hi guys,

I have a question for people who have been playing this game for a while about proper player etiquette.

So I'm a completely new player; I joined about two months ago and I'm playing very, very casually (i.e. running around the landscape until I get lost while picking up quests left and right). I have also never played MMORPG before.

Now I read some entries here a couple of days ago that made me uncertain, such as:

- Players shouldn't do veteran dungeons unless they do XY amount of damage
- Players shouldn't join in world bosses as people fighting them want to fight them alone

To be honest, I've always joined in on world boss fights when I come across them (because I would never be able to beat them alone) and I have been doing the daily dungeons (not the veteran ones) for the loot and experience, but have actually no idea how much damage I'm dealing.

So my question here is: Where else should I NOT go / interfere? What is the proper player etiquette? Obviously I'll stay away from the veteran dungeons and PvP, but what for example if I do a quest that someone else is simultaneously doing? Is the polite thing to stand back and wait?

Or in short: Where do you not want to see a new / casual player?

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.


  • VaranisArano
    You can join in on World Bosses freely. The only place where someone might gripe is Imperial City and that's because IC has a unique Tel Var currency that's split between everyone who kills the boss.

    Generally speaking, if you make a good faith attempt to perform your role in a dungeon, most groups will be happy. If you don't know the mechanics and it's causing problems, it's often better to ask and try your best. For every player that gets annoyed, there are many groups who will try extra hard to work with someone who wants to learn and improve. If you worry about your DPS, you might look for a social guilds that has access to a training dummy you can use to practice. Social guilds are often good ways to run content with friendly players.

    Honestly, I say go for it! If you aren't sure, waiting for events can be a good time to jump in with a lot of other new players. Midyear Mayhem sees a lot of new players try out PVP. The Undaunted event is great for trying out dungeons. If you want to do trials, lots of PUG raids are running whenever the new Chapter comes out and during the Witches Festival.

    There's a lot of fun to be had as a new/casual player. I wouldn't worry too much about "etiquette" holding you back from doing content.

  • the1andonlyskwex
    I pretty much agree with @VaranisArano.

    That said, I also wouldn't really recommend queueing for vet dungeons until you've gotten to a point where you find most normal dungeons to be easy. This will help ensure you're not total dead weight when you eventually do queue vet (and definitely make sure you have a food buff in vet dungeons, even if it's just crusty bread for some survivability).
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    Please make sure to empty the chests/safe boxes/troves if you find one therefore it resets for the next person :) (in other words don’t leave them half empty lol)
    Edited by Ringing_Nirnroot on April 13, 2021 4:45PM
  • BejaProphet
  • Magdalina
    Please make sure to empty the chests/safe boxes/troves if you find one therefore it resets for the next person :) (in other words don’t leave them half empty lol)

    Omg thissssss so much :D Leaving a chest/safebox/whatever (including something like a plant node that has more than one ingredient in it such as worms+flower, for example) will prevent them from respawning so instead of temporarily disappearing then coming back full, they'll just sit there forever until some other player, cursing, empties them of that Maple Restoration Staff or a worm or whatever.

    Also if you engage in a boss fight and get agro, try not to run away too far. Kiting to avoid damage is a perfectly valid strat, but if you run away too far from where the boss spawns, they will reset, going back to full health and running back to their spawn point - and rightfully causing people who have already nearly killed them to be upset lol. I have had people do that to WBs I was doing a couple of times XD

    That's honestly about it for open world etiquette. While some people might prefer soloing WBs, other people welcome help and it's open world after all, you're always free to join.

    Far as dungeons go - as explicitly group content, that's generally more tricky, but normal dungeons are normal dungeons, not much is needed there so you should be fine. There is a heated argument of whether or not it's alright to queue as a support role while actually being a dps but it doesn't sound like you're doing that anyway.
    Vet (available after level 50) and especially vet dlc (which you will only get in your random rotation after 300 cp) can be trickier and may or may not have certain requirements to meet. May want to check your dps when you get that far and go from there.

    Finding a good casual guild might be of help, it's always better to experience content for the first time with friendly individuals than complete randoms.

    Welcome to Tamriel and enjoy your stay :)
  • Fennwitty
    Do ask for help, here and in game. People are really nice (as a rule) and want you to succeed and have fun.

    A couple things for new players:

    Don't stand far away from the rest of the group when you're doing dungeons. Nearly all heals and buffs are close range. Rule of thumb, if you're not in front of the healer you can't depend on getting any heals.

    Join player guilds.

    Heavy attacks are for resource restore, not damage.

    Having as many attacks active at once as you can boosts your damage output: If you have a few skills that are area-of-effect (AoE), that last for a while, skills that do damage over time (DoT) -- if you have those strung out as you go so they're all active continually, that's maximizing damage.
    PC NA
  • Destai
    Pretty simple list for etiquette:
    1. Be good to your fellow players. Even if you think you can't help, always try. Try public dungeons, delves, etc.
    2. Be social, join guilds, do voice chat - communication helps with learning and having fun IMO.
    3. Don't steal chests and other nodes. I can't tell you how many times, I'm being chased by some mobs, kill them right by the chest I'm trying to get, and then some jerk comes in and steals it.
    4. Don't buy crown crates.
    5. Research good builds and rotations. This game doesn't explain its systems the best at times. Sure you can have your suggested builds, but the "why" is kinda missed there.
    6. Don't queue as a role you're not actually specced for.
    7. Don't kick players before the last boss, especially if they're lower level.
  • GreenHere
    Please don't park combat pets (Warden's bear or Sorcerer's Twilight, for instance) on top of interactable objects, such as writ turn in / pick up areas. They can prevent players from going about their business freely, and they also can just be visually obnoxious when multiple people have them all congregating in an area at once.

    The most courteous thing to do is to just dismiss particularly obtrusive pets when in towns and whatnot. Little critters on the ground aren't really an issue, but when everyone and their grandma has big and/or flying pets flapping and wiggling and jiggling and oscillating in the center and the edges of your screen at all times in towns... it can just be a bit much.

    Also -- if you could refrain from riding your horse on top of NPC merchants' tables and counters and stuff, that'd be neat! A lot of people do this, and I'm getting a little tired of having a mount's butt staring me in the face when I leave my menus, lol.

    Also also, thanks for even being the kind of person who cares enough to be courteous! You're awesome! <3
    Edited by GreenHere on April 13, 2021 8:21PM
  • colossalvoids
    I believe all the points I can think of were already covered, but I'll chime in to tell that "emptying chest" one is a bit misleading, chests, throves etc. will most definitely respawn no matter you took the items or not, it's just sitting here for some time before it despawns so people would be running for it in expectations of a locked chest to be taken. So it's a courtesy and not some progress blocking thing.
  • Runefang
    Don’t be quiet when you don’t understand something in group content. Always ask. People always help (almost).
  • missmara134
    Soul Shriven
    First of all, thank you all so much for your extensive answers, this is so helpful!

    I will keep an eye out for guilds and also events and make sure to ask questions when I have them. It's nice to know that there's so many people out there who want to help. :blush:

    Especially good to know about the chests/troves/plant thingies, as I admit to leaving the nasty crawlers in the flowers in the beginning so they wouldn't take up my inventory space... :no_mouth: (Shame on me and on my cow.)

    So again thanks everyone for the tips and the warm welcome :heart:

    And also @GreenHere what a fantastic mental image with the horse butt, that made me laugh.
  • redspecter23
    Do not afk with your bear/flappy pet in towns, especially on top of quest givers and quest turn in markers. You might block interactions and make those quests unable to be completed until you choose to move.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Plenty of great suggestions here!

    I echo the sentiment on joining in for a World Boss (WB). I routinely solo alliance zone WBs and love that I'm able to do so. That said, I'm always pleased to have others join in. If I'm really going for a true solo fight, the boss will respawn or I can try later. Similarly, I've always jumped in when I see a WB fight in progress. I've gotten plenty of thank you's after the fight but never a complaint.

    One thing that doesn't necessarily seem intuitive that irritates some players is if they are running around in an area with lots of foes and trying to gather them all up to burn them all down at once. Those players are either practicing their ability to pull foes and do a massive burn down or aggressively farming experience (probably on an xp scroll). They generally do not want any help and some will even get cranky about it. If it is convenient to leave them alone, I generally do so. If I'm doing a quest in the area, I'll do what I need to do regardless.

    I don't duel, but if I did, I would try to avoid in crowded areas - especially where there a lots of NPCs, merchants, crafting tables etc.

    Avoid casting spells near outfitting stations when someone is using them. They are probably trying to work on their outfit/costume appearance and most spell effects make that harder.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • MasterWarrior
    This is game is very casual. My number 1 tip is take your time, have fun, and don't stress out.
  • JKorr
    Don't grind to "endgame" Rushing through content makes no sense. There are a lot of games hat are combat, with intervals of fighting, mixed with mindless slaughter. This isn't one of them. The lore is interesting, the stories are generally good, and round out the world nicely.
  • Athan1
    Don't be too concerned about what others will think. As long as you aren't actually pestering or doing something unfair/nasty to other players, don't worry too much, it only ruins your gaming experience. Just go out there and enjoy the game! :)
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Haenk
    What should I not do?

    Simple: Don't listen to suggestions from other people; play as you want to to play.

    (However don't be annoying or rude. People can't stand that behaviour, but otherwise pretty much don't care .)
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