I've always wanted roaming creatures of all types. It makes the world feel very "programmed" the way they are now.
Honestly they're kinda of a pain. Annoying to find when you want them. And annoying to avoid when you don't. I like being able to just do the activity I want to do. Player freedom is great in this gamephantasmalD wrote: »Imperial City has roming bosses. It kinda works there but not something I'd like to see everywhere.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »Newbs would get destroyed while they explored the overland. Dragons are pretty much safe from harm because they don't attack while flying around from one point to another, and when they do land it has a pretty low aggro radius in comparison to their size.
events like in GW2 would be awesome, settlements getting attacked, things moving around, feels more lively.
Thechuckage wrote: »Oh wont someone think of the childrenNewbies running around....
Everything dangerous is either locked into an instance, or very VERY clearly marked as dangerous. I think people can manage to avoid em.
Even with dragons, its not a free roaming thing. Not to mention the icon moves with the dragon
Seraphayel wrote: »
Ok, then newbies die - what's the problem? Has dying in an MMORPG become such a problem? It's still a game and death in ESO means basically nothing.
How likely are those newbies to stick around if their questing efforts keep getting interrupted?
Slow mounts and armour repair costs probably figure into this too.
Seraphayel wrote: »
Ok, then newbies die - what's the problem? Has dying in an MMORPG become such a problem? It's still a game and death in ESO means basically nothing.
I though that best kind of games have to be little bit challenging but through last years I have learnt that players just demand the fastest and the easiest way to grind and getting "top" gear in 24h since they created account.
ESO is already very newbies friendly and I don't see that roaming bosses would be so big problem to them.
How likely are those newbies to stick around if their questing efforts keep getting interrupted?
Slow mounts and armour repair costs probably figure into this too.
Seraphayel wrote: »
How often do you think they get killed by roaming world bosses? Once or twice maybe. The next time you automatically play more careful to avoid situations like theses. World of Warcraft‘s first expansion had an infamous boss who roamed a zone, the Fel Reaver. You noticed him by his sound and it send shivers down your spine. Everybody died to this mob at least once and then you just played a bit more carefully.
ESO’s overland content (that is meant to be soloed) is absolutely baby-level. I think in an MMORPG a little bit of danger in the world is always good. And I really think ESO should stop catering to the newbies - there’s more than enough stuff for newbies, they don’t have to be the main focus each and every time a new Chapter gets released. If you can’t deal with rare deaths here and there, a roleplaying game might not be for you.
So you think people want to speed through... but being prevented from doing so by roaming bosses would be fine.
Those two things sound mutually exclusive to me.
Seraphayel wrote: ». And I really think ESO should stop catering to the newbies
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Every game I played that stopped caring about adding new stuff for casual and new players in their expansions because "they had enough" saw their populations plummet shortly after. New expansions attract new and returning players alike, games should work on retaining them.
ESO does a fairly good job of having content for everyone. The storylines and overland are for everyone. And then trials have a good balance of having brutal difficulty challenges for hardcore players and the normal ones are tuned well for average players. They have even mixed in some more challenging content for more veteran players in the world events and bosses, though I personally think it's a waste since those players tend to abandon that content fairly quickly.
This game really empowers us to play our way, with content for all different types of players. And I think that's a strength of the game that should never be abandoned.
Seraphayel wrote: »
Ok, then newbies die - what's the problem? Has dying in an MMORPG become such a problem? It's still a game and death in ESO means basically nothing.
That would add some spice to zones.
Before one tamriel, when there were leveled zones and mobs it was dangerous to run around, slaying mammoths and eating sabrecats for breakfast wasn't a thing for a new player back then.
I remember going to riften directly without doing much of the starter zone quests and not leveling enough. After I got murdered by sabrecats at the entrance to the zone, I somehow managed to run past them in ghost form. Then got killed by bunch of skeletons over and over again.
As I wasn't meant to be in that zone at that level, that's what happens.
Now you can press randomize on character screen and just go on a giant killing spree in riften with the iron greatsword you're given at the start.
Gotta add some danger to the world.
Remember when Giants in TESV were actually hard & dangerous?
That would add some spice to zones.
Before one tamriel, when there were leveled zones and mobs it was dangerous to run around, slaying mammoths and eating sabrecats for breakfast wasn't a thing for a new player back then.
I remember going to riften directly without doing much of the starter zone quests and not leveling enough. After I got murdered by sabrecats at the entrance to the zone, I somehow managed to run past them in ghost form. Then got killed by bunch of skeletons over and over again.
As I wasn't meant to be in that zone at that level, that's what happens.
Now you can press randomize on character screen and just go on a giant killing spree in riften with the iron greatsword you're given at the start.
Gotta add some danger to the world.
Basically Overland should only cater to the [snip] and be as easy as a starter zone.
Because the risk of failure isn’t fun...apparently
We can say it’s accessible to everyone, but at what cost?