Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »It is mindboggling to me how scared some people are to die in a video game.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »It is mindboggling to me how scared some people are to die in a video game.
I was on coms once with guildies in IC and one who was handling herself fine literally burst into tears after the second or third fight. It wasn't fear, we weren't losing and weren't going to lose. I think it was the intensity of it. She was getting something opposite of the little rush PVPers enjoy.
Every time they try to "entice" people who don't PVP into IC I remember that and get a little pissed off. It is a game. Nothing in it is worth feeling that bad for one second.
This here is why I rarely pvp, my brain simply can't handle everything that's going on along with the unpredictability of it. When I am up to it I find it fun, but most days it's just way too much for me to deal with. Long live workarounds for Midyear and IC event!
Like above mentioned it's first and foremost am MMO.. many die hard Elder Scrolls fans dislike ESO cause it's so light on the Elder Scrolls aspect. Why even play an MMO if you don't want to play with people against other people who can challenge you much more than any prescripted AI fight
How about we have a year long PVP adventure? How about a little PVP love?
PvPlayers can do PvE content easily. PvE players will suffer through a year of PvP content.
It doesn't work that way.
robertthebard wrote: »
Man, if only people actually got out there and played some MMOs, right? I mean, it's not like MMOs that tried hard to focus on PvP have failed a lot, right? Oh, wait:
swtor, 3 focused PvP servers, closed due to lack of population.
Aion, marketed as PvPvE, and it was all of that, had to open a fast track server, where there is no PvP, because their population just dropped off a cliff.
DDO, where there is no OW PvP at all, just tavern brawls, and it's been that way for almost 12 years now. Ironically, I had someone try to tell me that PvP was the only thing keeping the lights on in DDO...
Getting the idea? Why is there no OW PvP here, do you suppose? What about GW and GW 2? Notice how many years this pattern covers? It's almost 20 years. Is it because people in general hate PvP? I don't think so, since PuBG and others like it seem to be popular. CoD is doing annual releases, and has been for around 20 years. So what makes this format popular? Sometimes people just want to play the game, and not have to have their head on a swivel.
I'm not sure what made anyone think that a TES game would have a strong PvP focus? Did I miss all the PvP in Oblivion and Skyrim? There are games prior to these, but I didn't play them, so maybe there was lots of PvP in those? /s I know full well there was no PvP in them. Knowing this, why would I think PvP would be a focus here? I certainly have no reason to think it would be Aion-esque in it's application of PvP. Especially since, seeing stuff from release, PvP was limited to specific zones. So while you're puzzled about people not expecting PvP to be a focus, I'm puzzled as to why you thought it was.
PvPlayers can do PvE content easily. PvE players will suffer through a year of PvP content.
It doesn't work that way.
Goregrinder wrote: »
ESO is an MMORPG with a TES skin. When ESO launched on PC (I was there), it was marketed with PVP in cyrodiil as it's main focus, so many of us PVPers who came from SWG and DAoC joined the hype train...because that's how ESO was sold to us. A handful of DAoC devs worked on ESO when he launched. Trials weren't even in the game yet at launch.
So I'm not sure why you're confused by people who want PVP in ESO?
robertthebard wrote: »Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »
Like above mentioned it's first and foremost am MMO.. many die hard Elder Scrolls fans dislike ESO cause it's so light on the Elder Scrolls aspect. Why even play an MMO if you don't want to play with people against other people who can challenge you much more than any prescripted AI fight
Man, if only people actually got out there and played some MMOs, right? I mean, it's not like MMOs that tried hard to focus on PvP have failed a lot, right? Oh, wait:
swtor, 3 focused PvP servers, closed due to lack of population.
Aion, marketed as PvPvE, and it was all of that, had to open a fast track server, where there is no PvP, because their population just dropped off a cliff.
DDO, where there is no OW PvP at all, just tavern brawls, and it's been that way for almost 12 years now. Ironically, I had someone try to tell me that PvP was the only thing keeping the lights on in DDO...
Getting the idea? Why is there no OW PvP here, do you suppose? What about GW and GW 2? Notice how many years this pattern covers? It's almost 20 years. Is it because people in general hate PvP? I don't think so, since PuBG and others like it seem to be popular. CoD is doing annual releases, and has been for around 20 years. So what makes this format popular? Sometimes people just want to play the game, and not have to have their head on a swivel.
I'm not sure what made anyone think that a TES game would have a strong PvP focus? Did I miss all the PvP in Oblivion and Skyrim? There are games prior to these, but I didn't play them, so maybe there was lots of PvP in those? /s I know full well there was no PvP in them. Knowing this, why would I think PvP would be a focus here? I certainly have no reason to think it would be Aion-esque in it's application of PvP. Especially since, seeing stuff from release, PvP was limited to specific zones. So while you're puzzled about people not expecting PvP to be a focus, I'm puzzled as to why you thought it was.
How about we have a year long PVP adventure? How about a little PVP love?
You wouldn't think so the way some of them moan.
Goregrinder wrote: »
Well all PVPers have no choice but to learn how to PVE, otherwise we wouldn't be able to farm all of the sets we use for our builds (malacath, crimson, Vateshran, maelstrom, etc). It's the opposite story when it comes to PVErs, probably only half of them know how to PVP.
Any pvper trying to use those in Cyro at the moment is a noob
Goregrinder wrote: »
Just in IC and BG's, the other PVP zones.
Not the real thing really. When people talk about PVP they aren't talking about BG or IC.
Goregrinder wrote: »
ESO is an MMORPG with a TES skin. When ESO launched on PC (I was there), it was marketed with PVP in cyrodiil as it's main focus, so many of us PVPers who came from SWG and DAoC joined the hype train...because that's how ESO was sold to us. A handful of DAoC devs worked on ESO when he launched. Trials weren't even in the game yet at launch.
So I'm not sure why you're confused by people who want PVP in ESO?
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »
Well they moved away from that pvp centric goal for eso a long time ago and most likely will never return
This. At this point, ESO is a pve mmo with a touch of pvp, and I am doubtful we will get any more pvp DLC because the PvE side of the player base is to self-focused to allow that.
If you enjoy pvp just keep focusing on trying to encourage the use the existing content for pvp (such as a toggled opt-in pvp switch for openworld or pvp in player homes).
Even old content would have a new polish from the pvp side.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »
Well they moved away from that pvp centric goal for eso a long time ago and most likely will never return