It is a PvE instance of a small part of the Imperial Sewers - don't be confused by the name of the place
You are not put into a PvP area at all.
BooHoo? So what? You could say the same of prologue quests forcing you to do PvE. Just don't do the quests, I rarely do any of the quests in the game these days, the writing is so bad an repetitive that I am just not engaged in the story.
The prologue quest forces you to go into the Imperial Sewers, a PVP zone. Managed to complete that without being challenged by any other players because everyone was focused on completing the quest.
And if you’ve completed the prologue, you’ll know the chapter plot is linked to the emperors, so I fully expect the chapter quest at some point to force you to go to the Imperial City, which is also PvP.
If some can tell me that I’m wrong about this I’ll be very relieved, otherwise having pre-ordered the chapter, I’ll be looking for a refund.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »It is mindboggling to me how scared some people are to die in a video game.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »I'll bet when the PvPers saw the title of your thread, they did a quick happy dance before they realized you were mistaken.
It's mind-boggling to me that some people think that people who play a MMORPG purely for PvE don't do PvP because they're scared. A lot of PvEers simply don't like PvP, rather like some PvPers don't like PvE.
Goregrinder wrote: »
[Quoted post was removed]
robertthebard wrote: »
SeaGtGruff wrote: »I'll bet when the PvPers saw the title of your thread, they did a quick happy dance before they realized you were mistaken.
I was on coms once with guildies in IC and one who was handling herself fine literally burst into tears after the second or third fight. It wasn't fear, we weren't losing and weren't going to lose. I think it was the intensity of it. She was getting something opposite of the little rush PVPers enjoy.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »It is mindboggling to me how scared some people are to die in a video game.
I was on coms once with guildies in IC and one who was handling herself fine literally burst into tears after the second or third fight. It wasn't fear, we weren't losing and weren't going to lose. I think it was the intensity of it. She was getting something opposite of the little rush PVPers enjoy.
Every time they try to "entice" people who don't PVP into IC I remember that and get a little pissed off. It is a game. Nothing in it is worth feeling that bad for one second.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Because it’s an Elder Scrolls PvE game with optional PvP on the side. [snip]
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Because it’s an Elder Scrolls PvE game with optional PvP on the side. [snip]
SeaGtGruff wrote: »I'll bet when the PvPers saw the title of your thread, they did a quick happy dance before they realized you were mistaken.