I am playinga high burst build / hight regen/ high mobility build in BG. Engine guardian/ Overwhelming / Auroran (fb) / SnB Potantates (bb). The psijoc order shield is a must back bar.
Toppling charge from target to target and burst them down. Use charge to get out of sticky situations too.
thanks guys!
I like the look of Vigor - would it work on the back bar only? It seems that it needs to be on all the time to harvest its benefits.....right?
gariondavey wrote: »
You mean the passive when you block?
Waffennacht wrote: »Ive been doing well with
Mechanical Acquity
Pale Order
Back bar Spectre's Eye
RAT back bar
1.8 cit mod in BGs. Toppling into Jabs. Degen wont proc Acquity, so it'll proc when u land toppling which stuns straight into a Acquity proc making all jabs crits.
3 infused spell damage.
Broke a mil a few times already
That is a truly intriguing build which I will definitely want to try.... @Waffennacht not surprised that you think outside of box considering some of your posts! Thank you for sharing this build.
Guys on a less creative and cheaper level (got most of the pieces already), what do you think of Vigor, front bar spinner or war maiden, Malacath and back bar endurance?
I feel I want at least 3/4 heavy pieces
Terrible from all points of view. Vigor and malacath are not for magplar. Front bar you would be better off with NMA or Spinners. Endurance is also very terrible for templar and not neaded since u have best burst heal in game in your toolkit.
I think Arcitc Blast or Twilight Matriarch are still better burst heals than breath of life, also with repentance on backbar its pretty easy to get good value out of endurance, especially if you are not running a resto staff.
For no cp battlegrounds malacath is still very much a thing, even for templar, altho if you are not running procsets i would probably not run it.
Eternal Vigor is a solid all around set, and unless your goal is to be an absolute glass cannon, id take it over NMA every day.
Especially with how high damage is right now, you really dont need to build a ton of offense to take most people down.
And aganist those very tanky targets like necros and wardens, having an extra 1k or spd isnt going to make a huge difference.
I'm getting to really like the sound of Vigor (tried it on my stamDK) and I'd like to use it on my magplar but.....................my dilemma is that I don't know what to sacrifice to have the 5 piece of Vigor on all the time.
Malacath? I like the extra damage...
Monster set? I like the damage I get from Groth or Skoria (I don't use Zahn cause it's too lame even for me!)
You can pair it with a 3 piece like Willpower and do weapons with Trainee.
But if you are intent on wearing a full uptime set like Eternal Vigor, then you'll have to choose between a monster set or malacath. You cannot do both. Only way to do both is to choose a 5 piece backbar set and a 5 piece front bar set. Then you'll open up 2 jewelry slots which would likely be Malacath and Trainee. For example:
Backbar: Lich, Curse-Eater, Overwhelming, etc. Frontbar: Auroran's, Spinner's, NMA, etc.
Then: Monster set and 2 jewelry of something.
One setup I've enjoyed is to run 5p Eternal, backbar Curse-Eater, front bar Vate staff, Grothdar. Curse-Eater is often overlooked in my opinion. Being able to purge effects from yourself and your teammates just by using Honor of the Dead is pretty powerful. It can also let you run Ritual of Retribution for more dmg, too. Though I keep Extended because I heal for pug dungeons a lot and like the extra heals.
By the way, the word "Vigor" is the term used for the stamina heal that everyone stamina player runs. Every time you write just Vigor, I have to check myself because no magicka player is going to run a stamina heal. Might be less confusion if you refer to Eternal Vigor set as EV. Soz...
hahah thanks buddy...definitely referring to Eternal Vigor. Anything will be better than my good old rattlecage...getting kills with Rattle + bright throat makes you feel you can only improve your gear
MurderMostFoul wrote: »Finally played my melee magplar in BGs this patch and I'm very happy to find that the build I was running last patch seems even better now.
Stuhns Front
Spectre's Eye Back
Engine Guardian
1 Trainee
Pale Order
Almost all craftable, good burst damage/healing, and solid mobility/crit with RAT.
Holy Jbeam! When did they change specter eye to this monstrosity? I'm usually pretty up to date with changes, but completely missed this one.
MurderMostFoul wrote: »
Idk, but as I was tweaking my magplar last patch, I specifically started looking for a strong, back bar, good duration, defensive set that had a simple trigger condition. Then I read Specter's Eye and immediately started crafting it in gold.
I'm sure @Waffennacht has a similar story.
Daedric Trickery might be a nifty set to back bar, too. Not sure what it means in terms of dmg. Would ticks from Vamp Bane proc it. But having 2 major buffs up at all times is pretty strong.
I was also thinking about Daedric Trickery as I'm still not keen on sacrificing either a mythic or MS to have Eternal Vigor always on. I like the sound of 2 major buffs up all the time and it ticks the box of a good back bar set. Would it be triggered by DoTs?
I must admit I've never heard of Specter's Eye at all and major evasion would be a god send in BGs
Hey we just had a bg just now xD.
I'm actually liking specters eye a lot so far.
Really helps aganist those hard hitting dbs shalks etc.
I'm thinking now maybe I'll run ev with full infused spell dmg glyphs and perhaps a defensive monster set on top.
Only thing that bothers me is the max hp bonus being 4pc, I don't like having more hp on one bar then the other...
I'm just desperate to stop using Rattlecage: I feel like everyone is using the web and i'm stilling sending you a fax
I'll have to stop being stingy and just spend the money to try stuff at least at purple level
If you look for something cheap lich/sthuns or NMA and whatever monster set is your best bet.
Do not use heavy armor even if you want to be tanky because you will lose all the essencial passive from light armor and ability to do any damage. Use x3 protective trait on your rings..
If you look for something cheap lich/sthuns or NMA and whatever monster set is your best bet.
Do not use heavy armor even if you want to be tanky because you will lose all the essencial passive from light armor and ability to do any damage. Use x3 protective trait on your rings..
Thats kinda hurtful, hope you werent referring to me
I may not be the best pvper in this game, but, im definetly not a nub xD.
The problem with magplar this patch isn't damage, they've plenty of it if you want to. The problem is that their offensive toolkit is too backloaded and it's main spammable doesn't allow for block- and dodgecasting, which is alot more important in a meta where burst is insanely high.
The moment you go offensive you blow up because the incoming damage is so high (if we ignore duels where magplar can still work somewhat). So most of the time you end up stuck on your backbar trying to recover. Magplar is still good (but not top tier, I'd say it's somewhere in the middle) for group play but currently I'd say it doesn't really matter what you decide to run gearwise because the magplar toolkit isn't suitable for the current meta at all.
This is exactly why I started running crescent sweep again, even if it's clunky with its cast time, I can at least have a quick burst window with upfront damage.
My vision for melee magplar this patch is high/semi high spd build with as many defensive sets as possible. For bgs I'll still sprinkle some vate destro on top, it's simply too good even now not to run it.
With extra spell damage this patch, living dark is looking a little bit better, but I'm still hoping to see it changed to at least also proc on dot dmg taken, or have its cost reduced.