Let start by saying I've played this game almost continuously since Imperial city DLC.
The CP changes have been a huge swing, since the initial implementation of the CP system.
Whats good? I rather enjoy the new system. It's clean, neat and gives people freedom to play as they want, without sacrificing a huge amount to fall in line with the meta builds. Plus there is still room for a little creativity.
So what's bad? Honestly the CP grind is daunting. 4-5 minutes of work for 1 CP is pretty extreme, that's a lot of hours to reach cap.
Now whats UGLY? Your PVE. I can't sugar-coat it. It sucks. What I dont understand is how the dev team has consistently overlooked so many issues consistently before releasing a patch. Not being able to see adds? Or boss mechanics? What the actual heck? Do you want us to guess when meteors are able to drop in vka? Do I need to apply advanced mathematical formulas to work out exactly how far away the invisible crushing darkness is in vCR? Do you want teams to burn Lokkestiz so fast they don't need to blindly find their way into an ice cage? Do you want tanks to throw inner fire in as many directions as possible hoping that they hit the add attacking the dps that is invisible to most people?
The point is, you've ignored a large portion of your player base. I would bet that less then 50% have a new series xbox. So why are you catering the game to only work correctly on that system?
Its almost as if you guys didn't read all that went down over Cyberpunk.. Didn't those guys get hit with a class action and have to repay all the money people paid on the old gen consoles? I can't imagine you guys would want to refund that much.. patch has been live for a week now, 50% of you player base on xbox experiencing issues, most of them having ESO plus.. refunding all that money for the DLCs, chapters and content that can't be played or completed until its fixed won't be cheap...
Giving people an accurate time frame would be appreciated. At the moment we're all being treated like mushrooms, being sat in the dark and fed manure.
@dev team.
- The creator of the concept for the Aetherial Well, yet to be acknowledged by ZOS- Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe s...