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the GOOD, the bad, & the *ugly* about U29 v6.3.5 so far (with questions) ...

Greetings all , just had a few initial thoughts about today's big Update ...and also had a couple questions/comments from the 'Patch Notes' that sorta confused me...

First, the GOOD:
--- love the new 'login' screen IMAGE and music! Really sets the tone nicely, imo
--- only been messing with the new CP system for like an hour but so far i really really like it. And yes i realize i'm in the minority since , being a "casual" type player (from early BETA loyal subscriber but still technically "casual" ) tbh i still hadn't gotten to cp810 yet lol i know i know. Still though, this new system seems better and much more MMO'ish .
--- love the new MAIL organization (minor 'QoL' but still nice imo)
--- love the new 'Char sheet' and 'Advanced Stats' tab , especially since it's *minimizable* (anyone who also plays SWTOR will get that reference B) )
--- i personally like the new 'Armor types designations' , but i'm confused as to exactly why so many players are "upset" by this change? Is it just cuz of the change in 'passives' for armor now?
--- very glad to see the 'Furnishing & Houseguest Preview Improvements' (again, minor change but still)
--- year long new STORYLINE in general feels like it has great potential, but i guess we'll see

Now for the BAD:
--- the new bug with friend-list & guild ui's not showing 'last online' (or location) properly , but i suspect that'll be hotfixed ASAP (hopefully) .. Or maybe it'll just normallize a bit as players start to log back into the game today?
--- sort of annoyed by the whole "your mail will permanantly EXPIRE in 30 days" change tbh , cuz as weird as it sounds lol i still have in-game mail from wayyyy back in 2014 :'( ( and yes i realize i can screenshot it, but ugh it's just not the same) .. But i guess maybe this is just a necessary 'database issue' for ESO overall?
--- wouldda been nice if Zenimax had figured a way to save our prior 'skills' and skill-points distributions per character (without having to use an 'add-on' ) , just as a reference/reminder type thing ( the points & skills could still be RESET, np , but with so many ALTs it would've been nice to have a reference imo)
--- some players in-game are whining about their "critical rating %'s" dropping "far too much" from today's update , but i don't see it yet ... Anyone know what exactly they're referring to?

Annnnnddd, the ugly:
--- i realize i'll probably get flamed for this but... i despise the new "fast travel OUTSIDE your home" addition, since i just philosophically/generally oppose having too many forms of teleport too often. It makes the game feel less vast & epic , imho . And i played original 'Morrowind', so i can def. appreciate the lore of 'Stryder' quick travel & all that ...but... i dunno. Just feels like everyone is always in such a RUSH RUSH RUSH all the time. Then those same people complain days later: "i'm bored there's nothing to do!!!"
--- Yet another new mount/deer with antlers?!?! Why so many lol ? ehhh , sorry to QQ but yeah i don't get it

.... I think that's all i have for now. Anyone else care to list your initial goods, bads, & uglies?

Edited by NeeScrolls on March 8, 2021 10:20PM
  • Madhojo
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced
  • Coppes
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    --- love the new 'Char sheet' and 'Advanced Stats' tab , especially since it's *minimizable* (anyone who also plays SWTOR will get that reference B) )

    Okay, okay, okay. We got a funny one here...
  • StormWylf
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    --- only been messing with the new CP system for like an hour but so far i really really like it. And yes i realize i'm in the minority since , being a "casual" type player (from early BETA loyal subscriber but still technically "casual" ) tbh i still hadn't gotten to cp810 yet lol i know i know. Still though, this new system seems better and much more MMO'ish ...

    I respectfully disagree...I mean really disagree, but happy for you that you like it.

    As for, "--- sort of annoyed by the whole "your mail will permanently EXPIRE in 30 days" change tbh , cuz as weird as it sounds lol i still have in-game mail from wayyyy back in 2014 :'( ( and yes i realize i can screenshot it, but ugh it's just not the same)" I Absolutely agree with you!
  • NeeScrolls
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Sorry for being newbie'ish here lol but what exactly do you mean by "boned" ?

    Secondly, doesn't all the new CP skill-point allotments make up for any "reduced speed" & such ?

  • TwinLamps
    The good:

    - I guess as OP wrote, new char screen is not bad.
    - Not being forced to use rapids for fast ride speed is good
    - Being able to travel outside houses is neat, ngl. It saves time.

    The bad:

    - Green tree. It needed more passives or more slots. Could be solved if we unlocked slots for each 1k CP we had. Like sub 1k CP = 3 slots, 1k-2k = 4 slots, 2k-3k = 5 slots and over 3k = 6 slots. This could be exclusive system for green tree and Im positive ppl would be OK with that as solution.
    - Nerf to ultigain from FG. Number being cut 3x is bad enough but being forced to slot FG skill to gain any benefit from this passive make entire skill tree useless for ton of builds. I fail to see why this was nerfed to the ground. FFS its a thing you even sell in CS for irl cash? Absolutely bad decision. Solution would be to either make this passive not requiring askill slotted or to buff ultigain for killing daedra and undead to 6 ultimate while keeping it 3 for all other mob types.
    - I really, really detest the names of CP trees. Idk why wasnt the names of these more TES friendly, like thief, Mage and Warrior. Im positive no one would see issue if names were like that.

    The ugly:

    - Instead of acknowledging that green tree has issues, ninja nerfing the addon for slotting stars was killed by introducing a 30 second cooldown on slotting stars in new CP2.0, and this was not written anywhere. People had to find out on their own about this yet another poor decision of devs. if you are not transparent ppl wont trust you.
    - This is a me issue but I really dislike the fact that old players didnt get CP boost based on XP they gained over the years of playing. I am aware lot of people dont mind this, but quite a hefty number of players have issue with this decision.
    - Not related to patch itself, but decision to kill like 90% of sets for PvP in Cyrodiil while disabling AP bonus introduced for tests really make a wtf moment for most players. Why would people continue to purchase DLCs if gear they get there is unusable in content they desire to use it in? What could be done is introducing a singe campaign with these sets disabled, but with double AP so players could test it further for devs for next 5-6 months or so. That way people would have a choice, data would be provided to those that need it and more of zos' customers would be satisfied.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • Thorley23_ESO
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced

    Well the penalties to detection for heavy armor DO make sense, on the other hand the tag line for ESO was always that you could play it your way, so if you wanted to play a thief who used heavy armor and carried a giant honking two handed sword, you could do it.

    Sure, my main character is a polymath who was good at everything (like a lot of people), I think being forced to specialize and choose at this point is wrong when the promise of the game was that if I wanted a character like this I could have one, and I put hundreds of hours into it already.... telling me to grind for thousands more hours to get what I already had is just stupid.

    Right now I am looking at other MMOs, maybe I'll put more time into Guild Wars 2, I know they have a new expansion coming out soon as well.

  • Hallothiel
    Oh I am so looking forward to this dropping on console.

    Armour/weapons & attack/defensive CPs aside (they always change & always have to be ‘overcome’) the changes to the non- fighting related stuff concern me.

    From what I can see & have read, the CP Green tree is a mess, and will not allow me to do the same things I was doing previously on my main with as much ease.

    Whilst I do a lot of trials, there are also those evenings where I would grab my treasure maps & surveys, and go pootle around Tamriel, doing them, farming mats a bit, maybe doing a bit of stealing etc if the mood took me. All done easily without having to pause and swap stars every few paces as for some reason the devs considered star-swapping a ‘better’ way...

    Or am I wrong?

    (And is there truly no dps loss? At all?)
    Edited by Hallothiel on March 9, 2021 10:54AM
  • zaria
    Travel to outside your house skip one load zone who is very nice. If you travel to an house like an guild hall without close wayshrines you will have to pay 1000 gold to travel to an wayshrine or you can travel to an house. Own snugpod for this reason and now its more useful.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Lintashi
    I am pretty fine with update. Glad they fixed inventory reset, hate that wrothgar relic achievements are stil bugged. As for cp, I have 1300+ cp currently. As healer, I have low damage, but it feels, that my damage increased since update( same skills, same sets). Healing mostly stays the same. I used standard healer cp allocation, there are plenty of guides already. Really like ability to increase treasure and gold income, but amount of cp needed for it is extremely high. Some choices are not logical - I like to get better at fishing, so I need to either get double furnishing perk, or potion perk. Overall, I feel like I am newbie again - I do not have enough points to get all the stuff I want or need, and since so many stars need to be sloted to work, it makes choosing complicated. I feel, that update will make my gameplay more strict, less enjoyable on some characters, but more enjoyable on others. I cannot afford to skip rnd and battlegrounds for weeks as I used to, also will do easy pledges too, maybe do more dailies than before. But stealth and movement cp points+wild hunt ring make resource gathering truly delightful.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Personally, what I dislike:
    - Racial rebalance (ZOS basically buffed strongest races and nerfed weakest ones). Pointless & senseless.
    - Many green CP should be "passives" that should not require slotting. It is just annoying. There is even already the add-on to by-pass that lol.
    - Advanced UI does not track where are "things" comming from. So, for example, it says I have 16% healing done bonus. Now I know that I have 10% from CP and 6% from Argonian racial bonus, but it feels like it should track every bonus like this. So when I hover mouse over it, it should say where are bonuses coming from, so it would be easier to plan & optimize builds.

    What I like:
    - New CP 2.0, in general, seems to be more transparent. I think it is easier to navigate & understand and as a result, I have better control over my progression. Sure, because of "shape" of the mundus graphics it may seem confusing, but I think it is better than previous CP 1.0.
    - House porting options. We can finally port directly outside of the house, straight into Zone.

    - I like bug fixes. :smile:
    - I dislike new bugs :neutral:
    - Obviously, there are numerous things that needs tweaking. Heavy Armour detection penalty for example imho is too big. 50%. It should be 25 - 30% at best.
    - Same with new CP. Some passive are too weak, some too strong and some seem to be kinda game breaking. I mean it is only a matter of time till every ball group will run this new "Vicious Death" Oblivion dmg passive (can't remember the name). Why it is even a CP tree to begin with ?
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on March 9, 2021 11:56AM
  • NeeScrolls
    Personally, what I dislike:

    - Advanced UI does not track where are "things" comming from. So, for example, it says I have 16% healing done bonus. Now I know that I have 10% from CP and 6% from Argonian racial bonus, but it feels like it should track every bonus like this. So when I hover mouse over it, it should say where are bonuses coming from, so it would be easier to plan & optimize builds.

    Why it is even a CP tree to begin with ?

    As opposed to what? Do you mean like instead of CP tree, there should be CLASS trees? Because hmm, now that could interesting yeah....hmm...

    And regarding your point about the 'Advanced UI' needing to be more specific , i agree yep. It also sometimes looks like certain stat %'s aren't tabulating correctly, but that might just be a BUG . ( i seem to recall something in the 'known issues' list about it maybe )

    Edited by NeeScrolls on March 9, 2021 7:21PM
  • Starlight_Whisper
    Power surge

    14 percent chance to apply 3k heal with a cool down of 3 sec while healing springs is 2k per second with no cool down

    Edited by Starlight_Whisper on March 9, 2021 7:30PM
  • barney2525
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced


    I notice you didn't list the benefits of Heavy - just the disadvantages.

    And yeah, I get that this is a computer game, but... really? 5 or more piece of plate armor should be able to hide in shadows and sneak around as easily and undetectable as someone in light armor?

    Having trouble sympathizing with that one.


    Edited by barney2525 on March 9, 2021 8:40PM
  • Tannus15
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced

    Or you can just not use heavy armour while doing stealthy things? I mean, that's pretty easy to do.
  • Seraphayel
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced

    Honestly, from a roleplaying perspective it absolutely makes sense that a heavy armor thief / assassins is less sneaky than a light armor or leather thief / assassin.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • SeaGtGruff
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Well lets say you enjoy wearing heavy armor and also playing a thief lord/assassin king. Well thanks to the new update youre completely boned by the detection increase added to heavy armor which is insanely frustrating and once again an example of PVP balancing over PVE playing (in a majority PVE game)

    Then you have medium armor which has no negative passives for reasons. Heavy armor giving less overall armor. Heavy armor taking more magic damage, heavy armor taking more stamina to use and reducing speed.

    Yeah that seems super fairly balanced

    Or you can just not use heavy armour while doing stealthy things? I mean, that's pretty easy to do.

    Yep, I just pop up my inventory screen, point to each piece of heavy gear I'm wearing, and hit E to unequip it. Then I run amok while nearly nekkid, and reequip my heavy armor when I'm done. It's an inconvenience, but a minor one. What I should do is put together a proper thieve's outfit that's appropriately dark and reduces my detection radius, and carry it around as a change of clothes-- but I always enjoy a legitimate opportunity to run amok while nearly nekkid!
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • etchedpixels
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Honestly, from a roleplaying perspective it absolutely makes sense that a heavy armor thief / assassins is less sneaky than a light armor or leather thief / assassin.

    Definitely - and to an extent it's already wired into the game. None of the sets that shrink your sneak radius are heavy or ever were.

    Heavy armour sneak is different. In heavy armour you should be able to grin menacingly at the guard and he'll pretend he didn't see you 8)
    Too many toons not enough time
  • NeeScrolls
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Honestly, from a roleplaying perspective it absolutely makes sense that a heavy armor thief / assassins is less sneaky than a light armor or leather thief / assassin.

    Definitely - and to an extent it's already wired into the game. None of the sets that shrink your sneak radius are heavy or ever were.

    Yeah i was able to re-gain my optimal 'sneak radius' very easily just by allocating a few CP points in the apparently hated green constellation section.

    p.s. Has anyone tested out the 2 new DUNGEONS yet?

    Edited by NeeScrolls on March 10, 2021 11:08AM
  • Lysette
    I like the armor changes because it's a step further into the direction of an RPG - it is still weird that medium armor gets the stealth bonus and not light, but well. Those of my characters using a mix of heavy/medium aren't a lot slower and feel quite tanky, so there is nothing to complain from my perspective (but I'm using the steed). Those using light/medium have about 50-60% less resistances than my heavy/medium guys and that is how it should be, so I'm fine with that. Light armor still has it's advantages, but it's a little more squishy than it was before - and it should be that way, seen from a role play perspective.

    I really appreciate to have more overall stats available, which add more variety to my hybrid builds. I'm not looking for optimal builds, but for builds, which are fun to play and I wouldn't have fun with a too powerful build - and my feeling for what is powerful starts already at values, where others'd say it's quite weak - I have no problem with being weak, if it's more fun. That is why I'm playing hybrid builds and play solo - no one will bother me for being weak, too slow, not maxed out and the like.

    When I read some of the forum posts from people complaining about this update, they are so far above the values my characters have, but what they seem to not have is fun or being stress free or being able to relax - they rush and grind and are so focused on numbers - and forget about what a game should provide in the first place - entertainment and relaxation.

    This update made my game even more enjoyable and I have fun playing characters, which I was up to delete before the patch. After I reforged them they feel so much better than before and I'm happy not having deleted them. So this update is great.

    Edit: Ah, I forgot to mention the change to the dual wield passives - what a delight that is, finally dual wielding daggers makes sense. Well, actually it doesn't from a logical perspective, but very well from a having fun perspective.
    Edited by Lysette on March 10, 2021 11:53AM
  • NeeScrolls
    Lysette wrote: »
    I like the armor changes because it's a step further into the direction of an RPG -

    I really appreciate to have more overall stats available, which add more variety to my hybrid builds.

    When I read some of the forum posts from people complaining about this update, they are so far above the values my characters have, but what they seem to not have is fun or being stress free or being able to relax - they rush and grind and are so focused on numbers - and forget about what a game should provide in the first place - entertainment and relaxation.


    I realize this thread has possibly run it's course by now (days after the Update hysteria) but i just had to quote QFE that ^^ post, since, imho, therein lies not only 1 of the biggest problems with ESO community but also gamers/humans in general. (aka the insatiable vocal-minority) Like seriously, what's the big rush?!

    Why rush to a red-light? Just to be able to QQ about "oh-meh-gawd i'm so BORED #($*&#(*)%* !!!!"

    Obviously, i get it when it comes to certain achievements (server 1st or whatever) but otherwise i just don't get it. Anyways, this U29 has been super fun imo. Flawed, yes. But still fun.

    And thanks for all the interesting replies so far everyone. And hopefully Zenimax can fix the BUGS soon, so then all the disgruntled can find something else to complain about. B)

    Edited by NeeScrolls on March 11, 2021 8:19PM
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